Intelligence Failures

The government would never lie to further their own secret agenda would they???

Initially, the U.S. Navy's own historians now say that the sinking of the USS Maine -- the justification for America's entry into the Spanish-American War -- was probably caused by an internal explosion of coal, rather than an attack by the Spanish.

It is also now well-accepted that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident which led to the Vietnam war was a fiction.

System Planning Corporation

Jon Gold's hard at work. Follow the link to see his attempts at uncovering the truth:

According to Mark Robinowitz, someone who has been a dick to dz (and if I post anything else from Mark Robinowitz, you can be sure that I will continue to remind people of that until he removes from his list of "Disinfo Sites"), said:

"One of the companies that manufactures remote control flight systems for planes is the military contractor System Planning Corporation. One of its officials was Dov Zakheim, a project participant in the Project for a New American Century “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” report that concluded a “new Pearl Harbor” was needed to implement the neo-conservative agenda for global domination.

Terrorists in High Places

Good article, thanks to Jon Gold for finding this:

Likewise, Osama Bin Laden was on the C.I.A. payroll. And like Saddam Hussein, he was another Boogey Man created to sell the American people on the invasion of Afghanistan. Based upon the evidence, it is unlikely that Bin Laden or any other Muslim had anything to do with the events of September 11. That, too, was in all probability another cruel hoax perpetrated on the American people by those who stood to make billions of dollars by plundering Afghanistan and Iraq. It also explains why so little effort has been spent finding Bin Laden, the supposed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.

Late Night Round Up

Sizeable Minorities Still Believe Saddam Hussein Had Strong Links to Al Qaeda, Helped Plan 9/11 and Had Weapons of Mass Destruction
This article proves that at least 24% of the public will believe anything they want, and that cognitive association really does work.

  • Forty-one percent (41%) of U.S. adults believe that Saddam Hussein had "strong links to Al Qaeda."
  • Twenty-two percent (22%) of adults believe that Saddam Hussein "helped plan and support the hijackers who attacked the United States on September 11."
  • Twenty-six percent (26%) of adults believe that Iraq "had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded."
  • Twenty-four percent (24%) of all adults believe that "several of the hijackers who attacked the United States on September 11 were Iraqis."

Fox News Cavuto Show Hosts 9/11 Skeptic to Bash

In reference to last nights post, here is the video clip of a guy named Christopher Young who was apparently brought on for the sole purpose of bashing his opinions without offering any real substance.

While I am not familiar with Young or his opinions on all things 9/11, I do respect him having the balls to run for office and openly stating that there is a massive coverup of the events of 9/11.

150+ 9/11 Smoking Guns Found in the Mainstream Media

150+ 9/11 Smoking Guns Found in the Mainstream Media

This is quite a great list of links all from the MSM regarding 9/11. Definitely worth checking out. Announces Chicago Event and More

2006 Fundraising Kickoff

Let’s get busy! 2006 is nearly here, and is organizing several very important efforts for this new year. In just the past few weeks, even the corporate news has finally begun to show the ugly underbelly of the Bush Administration--more people than ever are finally recognizing the truly devious and deceptive nature of this regime, and the disastrous intentions behind their actions. It is critical that these newly awakened Americans come to understand that 9/11 was the linchpin on which the rest of this outrage turns.

9/11 Conspiracies Mentioned on Fox?

I got an interesting email today from JaneDoe regarding an interview with Christopher Young on the Neil Cavuto show on the 27th. Apparently Cavuto was out for the holidays and was being filled in for by someone else. She caught the brief interview on tape, and transcribed this brief transcript:

Interviewer: "I believe, I've checked out your material, here, and I believe you believe you think that 9/11 was a conspiracy by the US military, and it was used as a pretext... it was done by the US military, it was used as a pretext to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Are you that conspiracy theorist?"

An Introduction to False Flag Terror

Sometimes you have to convince the skeptics that the government has considered such tactics in the past:

It has now been persuasively argued -- as shown, for example, in this History Channel video -- that Nazis set fire to their own government building and blamed that fire on others... The fire was the event which justified Hitler's seizure of power and suspension of liberties.

And in the early 1950s, agents of an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers). Israel's Defense Minister was brought down by the scandal, along with the entire Israeli government. See also this confirmation.

Dr. David Ray Griffin in NYC on Oct. 16th 2005 - <strike>Video Download</strike>

(119MB WMV)
(1hr. 43min.)
Like removed by request.

I was finally able to find a copy of Dr. Griffin's appearance at St. Mark's Church in NYC on 10/16/2005 entitled 'A Christian Theologian Speaks Out on 9/11'. For those unfamiliar you can find a bit on what was covered here.

remainder of article removed...

I was asked to take down this raw footage of Griffin's speech in NYC this October. Apparently the raw footage is going to be used for a larger work which will include video insets, pictures, etc. to show more detail than can be conveyed just by words. This DVD should be available in another month or so from Once I have more details I will link them here.