A FEAR LESS TRILOGY – Summary of Events

A FEAR LESS TRILOGY – Summary of Events

By John Bursill – Truth Action Sydney

“Exposing the Delusion of 9/11 Down under!”

Well, just as the rest of the world does, Australia continues to step up to new heights in our 9/11 Truth campaign, forcing the reality of the September 11 Attacks into the light! Sydney Truth Action decided to put on three events for the anniversary this year, back to back on the 11th, 12th and 13th of September. We are determined to reach a bigger audience with the “truth to peace” message, aiming it directly at the Peace Groups that have resisted us for so long.

Here is a brief summary of these three events….

Event 1 - Public Meeting – DELUSION 911 – September 11th, 2008

Able Danger wraps up NY Run - (and some review blurbs)



Tue Sep 16 9pm
Wed Sep 17 9pm
Thr Sep 18 9pm

Critics say;

NY Times

"Paul Krik's stylish, darkly comic conspiracy thriller takes its title
from a classified military program alleged to have identified four 9/11
hijackers prior to the terrorist attacks, and borrows its gleaming B&W
look from THE MALTESE FALCON. The film is gorgeously photographed,
briskly paced and strikingly handsome despite an indie-sized budget."
Ken Fox

To All Students Out There...

I had an idea. I know some of you are already doing this, but If in the future you are asked to write a paper, see if 9/11 Truth relates to the topic you are supposed to write about. If you get an A+, imagine how cool that would be to post online? That’s almost like a peer-reviewed paper. :)

I’m sure there are SEVERAL of us “old-timers” out there that would be more than happy to help you out.

Bob Geldof Launches THE PEACE CHANNEL


The Peace Channel might be TRUTH Friendly. There is one way to find out.
Upload a video.

Bob Geldof Launches THE PEACE CHANNEL

The Peace Channel (www.peacechannel.tv) was launched on September 12th 2008 in Stavanger, Norway.

The global online TV website contains videos about peace and conflict issues, as well as a picture gallery, debate forums, and an interactive zone.

The videos are in three categories: impartial videos produced by the Peace Channel editorial team; videos from organisations; and videos sent in by people from around the world.

The channel’s Mission Statement is:

The Peace Channel shall be a global arena for anyone who wants to share and access knowledge and information about ongoing conflicts and the work for peace. It will provide insight into both the reasons for conflicts and their possible solutions.

The channel launch date was announced by Bob Geldof in December 2007 at the Eighth World Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates in Rome. The summit was attended by Mikhail Gorbachev and the Dalai Lama.

The channel has been developed by Point of Peace and Ten Alps:

Coincidences of Building 7 and 9/11

It's a good thing Salomon Brothers took such a huge lease on WTC seven because Silverstein was in a bit of a bind before the building was even completed. Originally a billion dollar deal was about to be completed where the entire building would be leased to Drexel Burnham Lambert. But it didn't work out when things went bad as the junk bond market tanked.

"The investment bank Drexel Burnham Lambert (best known for its star dealer, the notorious "junk bond king" Michael Milken) was to become a tenant in 1986 but backed out."

"Drexel Burnham Lambert, the investment house, agreed only two months ago to take an equity interest in the project and also lease the entire building for 30 years."

And then Salomon Brothers comes to the rescue. Not leasing the entire building but well over half.

"Salomon said it would sign a 20-year lease on slightly over one million square feet, or just over half the space in the tower. A Billion in Rental Fees...

Sen. Leahy to hold hearing on FBI & anthrax, Sept. 17, 9:30am

Please check http://www.911blogger.com/node/17419#comment-196200 for original posting by USAPatriot with active links.

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” for Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 216 of the Senate Hart Office Building.
The Honorable Robert S. Mueller, III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
Washington, DC

Salon Magazine's Glenn Greenwald interviewed FBI critic Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) on August 20.

"GG: Speaking of that, on August 7th, just a couple weeks ago, you wrote a letter to Attorney General Mukasey, and FBI Director Mueller, in which you stated:
This has been a long investigation, full of missteps and mistakes. There's been too much secrecy up to this point, and it deserves a full and thorough vetting. There are clearly a lot of unanswered questions, and it's time to start a dialog so we get answers.

Scientists, Scholars, Architects & Engineers respond to NIST

via Electronic Mail: wtc@nist.gov
WTC Technical Information Repository
Attention: Mr. Stephen Cauffman
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Stop 8610
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8610

September 15, 2008

Re: Public Comments on WTC 7 Draft Reports

Dear Mr. Cauffman,

I am writing on behalf of a group of scientists, scholars, engineers and building professionals who are dedicated to scientific research regarding the destruction of all three high-rise buildings (WTC 1, 2 and 7) on September 11, 2001. We have examined the draft reports recently released by NIST purporting to explain the demise of WTC Building 7 (collectively referred to herein as the “Report”). We have found many areas that need to be revised and re-examined by NIST personnel before they release a final report on this matter. We have provided our names and affiliations at the end of this document, in accordance with the guidelines for submittal of comments promulgated by NIST at (http://wtc.nist.gov/media/comments2008.html).

At the outset, we would like to call attention to the fact that we requested a reasonable extension of time for the public to submit comments. Given the rate at which we were finding incorrect or contradictory statements in the Report, we would likely have found many more areas NIST needs to re-examine before issuing a final report. As we pointed out in our original correspondence with you requesting the extension, the original three week deadline was completely unreasonable. First, it took NIST more than three years to compile this 1000+ page Report. Why, then, were members of the public only given three weeks in which to comment? Moreover, NIST lists ten authors and dozens of contracted and employed staff, which over the three year investigation would yield somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 man-hours of labor. How did NIST expect members of the public to match or even come close to NIST's labor expenditure in three weeks? This first reason alone was enough to warrant a significant extension in the deadline for public comment.

Russian TV Holds Debate on Controversial 9/11 Film

Russian TV Holds Debate on Controversial 9/11 Film

Posted on: Monday, 15 September 2008, 15:00 CDT

To mark the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist acts, on 12 September Russian Channel One TV showed a controversial documentary, "Zero", which questions the official version of events. The screening of the film, made by prominent Italian journalist and MEP Giulietto Chiesa, was followed by a studio discussion, in which two groups of experts - those who agree with Chiesa's version and those who disagree - expressed their views.

"The film, justifiably or not - we'll be discussing this tonight - questions the official version of events, but the film - and I've watched it with great attention almost twice over - never directly accuses the US government or Congress, or some dark forces in America, or the [American] Foreign [Policy] Council, of masterminding and organizing the terrorist acts. So, I am asking you: who did it?" moderator Aleksandr Gordon said at the beginning of the debate.

KRS-One Discusses 9/11 Truth and Hip-Hop

I sit down and have a chat with hip-hop legend KRS-One on 9/12/2008 during SMT Studios' Now or Never 2008 benefit concert for dying September 11th first responders. KRS discusses the plight of the rescue workers, what happened on 9/11, and his attitude towards Hip-Hop and social consciousness.

The interview ends somewhat abruptly, as my tape ran out. When I turned around, there were about 4 or 5 other cameras behind me filming, so I'm sure you can find the rest of this somewhere online if you look.

NYC: COINTELPRO, Then and Now: From the Black Panther Party to the 2008 RNC - 9.17.2008

(Unfortunately, this panel will not be videotaped by the NLG, or allowed to be taped by third parties. But if you are in the area, it would be a very informative panel to attend. -rep.)


COINTELPRO, Then and Now: From the Black Panther Party to the 2008 RNC

Wed. September 17 - 6:00 pm - 10:15 pm

Overview: The panel will provide an overview of the various programs and forms of government repression, both past and present, and address procedures in place to empower activists to continue their work. Presented by the National Lawyer's Guild


Brooklyn Law School
250 Joralemon Street
Subotnick Center - 10th Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11201