DEBATE: WTC Controlled Demolition? Richard Gage, AIA, of versus Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine

(Scroll down for direct links to MP3 D/Ls)

Richard GageBuilding 7Michael
Click Here To Listen --

Saturday, Sept 20th at 11am Pacific - 2pm Eastern - 18:00 GMT
Will be archived HERE after the broadcast.

Exciting on-air debate with Richard Gage, AIA, of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine on Oakland's KKGN 960am radio this last Thursday, September 18th. Don't miss this one!!!

September 22, 2008 - 9/11 Truth Radio Show with Nicholas Levis and Professor Anthony J. Hall

Monday, September 22, 2008- Listen 10:00 pm- 12:00 am (Central Time) to the weekly Questioning War- Organizing Resistance radio show on the and to our guest in the first hour- Nicholas Levis and to our guest in the second hour- Anthony J. Hall.

April Gallop was told what she saw at the Pentagon

September 18, 2008

Alex Jones talks to former Pentagon employee April Gallop about her experience at ground zero on Sepetember 11, 2001

mp3 audio file

37:15 6.40MB

Finally: One Brave Newspaper Refuses to Distribute 'Islam Terror' DVD By Greg Mitchell, Huffington Post

Finally: One Brave Newspaper Refuses to Distribute 'Islam Terror' DVD

By Greg Mitchell, Huffington Post

I wrote here Saturday about the "Islam terror" scaremongering DVD Obsession that the Clarion Fund has paid dozens of newspapers across the country -- almost solely in "swing" election states -- to distribute, many of them quite large in cities such as Miami, Philadelphia, Denver and Pittsburgh. (HuffPost was one of the first to be on this.) My posting was updated yesterday when many more papers sent it around. An estimated 28 million copies have been distributed so far, also through the mails and other magazines. An article at the group's site,, all but endorsed John McCain this past week, then was pulled down.

But at least one newspapers turned away the money and refused to distribute it, calling it "divisive."

It's the Greensboro News & Record in North Carolina, which was one of the first mainstream dailies to really plunge into blogs and other Web-related community things. The longtime editor, John Robinson, explained his reasoning in a column yesterday.

We The People Festival - 9/27/2008

Ticketmaster has advanced tix - 20 bucks

Unity Through Diversity
The organization of the WE THE PEOPLE festival was conceived due to a great need for a stimulant in social awareness and an encompassing platform within the urban community to inspire the involvement and active participation of the conscious urban youth populous throughout the country.

David Ray Griffin on WFHB in Bloomington

Following up on our 9/01/08 event in Bloomington, here is the audio from David Ray Griffin's speech, recorded by our great community radio station - WFHB.
(top of page)

If you can afford it, please send WFHB a donation! It's fund drive time, and they need the support.

WFHB has covered all of our events in Bloomington, and has been very fair and supportive to the cause of 9/11 Truth. Here's another link, to a presentation I gave two and a half years ago.
(bottom of page)

Dylan Avery on Deadline Live w/ Jack Blood - 9/17/08

Dylan Avery joins Jack Blood to discuss the mysterious death of Barry Jennings as well as the 2008 Now Or Never benefit for First Responders in NYC

Hour 1:

Hour 2:


David Ray Griffin: The 9/11 Interview with Michael Hess: Evidence that NIST Lied about When He and Barry Jennings Were Rescued

(Hess confirmation extracted by user arie. -rep.)

Via -

The 9/11 Interview with Michael Hess: Evidence that NIST Lied about When He and Barry Jennings Were Rescued

by David Ray Griffin

Shortly after the first strike on the World Trade Center, which occurred at 8:46 AM on 9/11, Michael Hess, New York City’s corporation counsel, and Barry Jennings, the deputy director of the Emergency Services Department of the New York City Housing Authority, headed to the Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operating Center, which was on the 23rd floor of WTC 7, where they assumed that Mayor Rudy Giuliani would be. But when Hess and Jennings arrived, the place was empty. Jennings then telephoned someone to ask what they should do and was told that they should leave immediately. Finding that the elevators would not work, they started down the stairs. When they reached the sixth floor, however, there was a powerful explosion beneath them, which, Jennings told the makers of Loose Change Final Cut, [1] caused the landing on which they were standing to give way. Making their way back up to the eighth floor, they were able to break a window and call for help. Hess later reported: “[W]e were trapped on the eighth floor with smoke, thick smoke, all around us, for about an hour and a half [before] the New York Fire Department . . . came and got us out.” [2]

CBS News archivist claims "impossible to find" Rather/Giuliani "black box" footage

The following query was mailed by an associate to

"I write to request all available information concerning the segment of archival CBS News footage that is currently available on YouTube here:

Specifically, I seek answers to these questions:

1) What is the date and time of the original airing?

2) Is there any subsequent update, follow-up or correction in the archives regarding the contents of this bulletin?

3) Mr. Rather's language indicates he has seen and intends to air a "video" of Rudolph Giuliani "holding up" a "flight recorder box" recovered from Gound Zero. Does CBS News possess video of Rudolph Giuliani matching Rather's description? If not, did CBS News possess such video when Rather announced this bulletin? If CBS News no longer possesses such video, what became of it and who currently has custody of it?

4) If CBS still has custody of the video of Rudolph Giuliani described in #3, what steps might be taken to acquire a copy of this footage?

Thank you for your cooperation and kind attention.


The following response was received:

9/11 MOVIES - Wayne, PA - FREE Screenings - Every Third Thursday of each month (TONIGHT!)

Okay, here we go again!

The summer hiatus from the 9/11 movies showing in Wayne is over. Back in business! The third Thursday of each month - FREE screenings.

On September 11, 2008, with only two days' notice, 40 people showed up in Wayne to see "Zero: An Investigation into 9/11" - not too bad.

It was shown recently in Germany, and just last Friday, 9/12 (Thursday, 9/11 U.S. time) to 30 million viewers in Russia.

Please pass this around to anyone you think might be interested in seeing these movies that lives in the Philadelphia area . . .

Also, if interested, please consider signing up to our Meetup group (listed below) to receive future emails re scheduled movie showings.

Any voluntary donations will be collected for 100% donation to John Feal and his FealGood Foundation.

Thank you -

Betsy "9/11 Movies, Wayne, PA"

9/11 MOVIES - Wayne, PA

FREE Screenings - Every Third Thursday of each month.

Thurs. 9/18/08:
5pm - ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11