Government Meddling RAMPANT

At first this story didn't interest me much, until Sandra submitted it and made the case that this story, if true, means the 911 Commission report is NULL and VOID. Nothing in it can be trusted and has any merit, supporters of the official story HAVE NOTHING to support their claims.

Additionally, as Sandra points out: We need to use this to lobby our Senators and House members for a NEW 9/11 COMMISSION INVESTIGATION.

Pakistan weekly spills 9/11 beans

The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 inquiry commission report, The Friday Times has claimed.

Hicks Shuts Down Spitzer Fund-Raiser

Remember: The Hicks For Senate Campaign, Green Party people, and 9/11 Truth people and other groups are holding a big protest outside Spitzer's office on 3/22, Wed., 12-2 PM. It's lunchtime at Ground Zero/Wall Street.

The Cover-Up is OVER!

Here's how to shut down a ritzy Democratic Party fund-raiser: just ask some simple questions about 9/11.

66% of the electorate in 2004 asked Attorney General Spitzer for an independent investigation into 9/11. Spitzer refused. So, yesterday, I interrupted his speech and asked him why. The really surprising turn of events is that none the upper West Side liberals who came up to talk to me afterwards censured me for the disruption, instead they gave me pointers on how to do it better next time. Many stayed on to talk about 9/11, and the untold story there.

Beginning of the Week Open Thread

I have been out of pocket all weekend, but will catch up on the emails, etc. tomorrow night. In the future please send in news to the news feedback link on the left, and not directly to myself or somebigguy, just in case either of us our out of town, etc.

Open thread, have at it!

Don't Allow the Crackpots to Take Over 9/11

I'm trying to understand the purpose of this article. He is clearly blown away by what he saw at the website, and then ends the article by saying the Truth will never come up as long as "crackpots" are the only ones preaching it. At that point he seems to close the book on the whole topic, doesn't make any recommendations that readers follow up or take the topic seriously, or that he will follow up on his own...

Sometimes a story literally calls out from a subway entrance, telling you to tell the world of its existence. This was the case during a recent beautiful mid-March Saturday afternoon as I ambled back to get my bus home. The man who called out to me was carrying a portable DVD player and speaking with an academic sort who wore a top hat and concerned look on his face. This was a city known for free thinking and street corner political posturing. Usually I passed by such displays of self-aggrandizement without a second thought, but this time I was being called and I took it as a challenge.

Howard Stern Film Festival Call For Entries

Here's a good opportunity for some exposure for all the 9/11 film makers out there. The movie has to be 5 minutes long or less, which should be no problem for most of you...

Additionally, it must be related to the Howard Stern show. Luckily, Howard's 9/11 radio broadcast is available here:

A few ideas I've been thinking about; Maybe intermix the news that the towers were collapsing from Stern's broadcast with the firefighter's audio stating they were seeing pre-detonation charges prior to the collapses or lack of fire. Maybe mix the initial reports of bombs going off that day with the official story of fires causing the collapses that was rolled out on a red carpet almost immediately after the events...

Time for the true story about 9/11

Thanks to Jon for finding this:

by Matthew Hine, M.D., M.P.H.

The radical Bush Doctrine in foreign policy is founded on the official story of 9/11. The administration used our fear of terrorism to sway public opinion and justify its actions. We are slowly awakening to how the Bush administration manipulated our support for its preemptive invasion of Iraq, but most are still asleep.

Bush's Bad Science

If you've been paying attention, you know that the Bush administration has been playing fast and loose with science. But I'm not sure people fully grasp the implications.

Examples of bad science include:

• Global warming. The 2000 scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("IPCC") said that man-made pollution was causing global warming... Unsatisfied, Bush orchestrated the ouster of the IPCC Chair, Robert Watson and replacing this eminent atmospheric scientists with an Indian economist, Rejandra Pachauri. See

A Reception in Support of New York State

A good Truth spreading opportunity!! Attend if you can:

Below is the information regarding the reception on Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 1:00pm, in support of New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and his candidacy for New York Governor.

I think we should attend and ask him why he did not investigate the true causes and effects of September the 11th 2001. And why did he ignore the repeated call by the 9/11 families for such investigation? And why New Yorkers should trust him now, after such miserable failure as the New York Attorney General to investigate the MURDERS of
three thousands (3,000) innocent New Yorkers?

David Shayler, MI5 Whistleblower, Discusses 9/11 - Video

David Shayler, MI5 Whistleblower, Discusses 9/11 in two part series courtesy of

Part 1
Part 2

Thanks Matt for the heads up!

Massive Late Night Grab Bag

Sorry for such a massive grab bag, but we got flooded with submissions today! This should be plenty to keep you busy tomorrow. Be sure to send in comments, and thanks to everyone who contributed to this wide variety of new 9/11 related items!

Comparison of Thermite Reaction to Video Footage of Material Dropping from WTC 2 Just Prior to Collapse - Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Image and video comparisons of thermite reactions to this video of the second collapse.