Hear LIVE Alternative Coverage of the Israeli War On Gaza on No Lies Radio every weekday at 5pm Pacific - 8pm Eastern

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LIVE Daily Alternative Coverage of the Israeli War On Gaza on Flashpoints

Hear from human rights activists, reporters and bloggers on the ground in Gaza.

Why Fund 911truth.org?

Dear 9/11 Truth Advocates,

As 2009 arrives, 911Truth.org wishes you all the best, and extends our gratitude to each of you for your persistent courage and dedication to the truth!

For nearly five years, 911Truth.org has served as your portal to reliable information about 9/11, its precedents and consequences, as an umbrella for hundreds of local truth activism groups, as a catalyst for national campaigns and new 9/11 truth special interest groups, and so much more. We are at a very critical juncture right now, as monthly donation pledges total about $500. We need to raise $15,000 for this first quarter of 2009 if we are to continue to provide these valuable services.

Please take a moment right now to help.

As we enter a new year, with a new administration coming into office, we are excited to continue this important work with some new opportunities--though admittedly, significant challenges remaining--in front of us!

The Elephant in the Room: Extras

Filmmaker Dean Puckett has just made available a high quality version of his short film 'The Baby Elephant'; a 30 minute film made up of deleted scenes from the feature length documentary 'The Elephant In The Room' shot over the anniversary of 9/11 in New York 2007. It follows below in 4 parts.

He has also released a couple more clips that he couldn't quite fit on the finished dvd. The first features We Are Change Paris activist M talking about The Project for a New American Century at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London. The second features Patrick McGuiness playing his song "9/11 Was An Inside Job, The War on Terrorism is a Sham, Beware the Global Fascist Super State" with Dave Roughmouth's poems spoken outside the House of Parliament on the 6 year anniversary of 9/11. Both clips follow below the 4-part Baby Elephant

Visit nosmokewithoutfire.co.uk to watch the multi-award winning documentary The Elephant in the Room for free. You can also subscribe to Dean Pucketts youtube channel here.

The Baby Elephant

New Bush family expose: "Family of Secrets"

The Secrecy News reports a new Bush family expose from journalist Russ Baker:

What does it say about the American political system that someone like George W. Bush was able to ascend to the highest office in the land, despite his meager and ambiguous record?

In pursuit of an answer to that question, investigative journalist Russ Baker has constructed a full-fledged counterhistory of the last half-century as it pertains to the Bush family. He writes in his new book "Family of Secrets" that he discovered a "dimension of power" that conditions and distorts the American political process. It lies at the intersection of corporate oil interests, finance and intelligence, and the Bushes have been at the heart of it.

With a brief apology to the reader, Baker revisits the JFK assassination (and George H.W. Bush's peculiar response to it) and he embraces a radical reinterpretation of Watergate in which President Nixon is the target and victim of the conspiracy rather than its instigator.

NTSB: All Available NTSB 9/11 Records Released

The following is a Freedom of Information Act Reply for NTSB records that indicate what percentage of the wreckage of American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93 was recovered from each respective crash scene and for the serial number for the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) recovered from United Airlines flight 93. Previous NTSB factual reports have described what percentage of a destroyed aircraft has been recovered from a crash scene. Within its answer, the NTSB indicates that all NTSB records pertaining to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have been released.



WHAT: A long column of figures dressed all in black with white death masks and bearing the names of those killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. The march will be followed by a dramatic nonviolent action intended to awaken Congress to the need to end the wars.

WHEN: March from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009. Additional dramatic action 2:15 p.m.

WHERE: The march will approach the U.S. Capitol on Pennsylvania Ave. SE and turn north on 1st Street to pass between the Capitol and the Supreme Court, turn west on Constitution Ave. to pass the Senate office buildings, turn south to pass the west front of the Capitol, and turn east on Independence Ave. to pass the House office buildings. Members of the media wanting to cover the additional nonviolent action should meet representatives of the March of the Dead in front of the Supreme Court at 2 p.m.

The Invasion of Gaza: "Operation Cast Lead", Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda By Michel Chossudovsky

The Invasion of Gaza: "Operation Cast Lead", Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

By Michel Chossudovsky

URL of this article: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=11606

Global Research, January 4, 2009

The aerial bombings and the ongoing ground invasion of Gaza by Israeli ground forces must be analysed in a historical context. Operation "Cast Lead" is a carefully planned undertaking, which is part of a broader military-intelligence agenda first formulated by the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2001:

"Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas."(Barak Ravid, Operation "Cast Lead": Israeli Air Force strike followed months of planning, Haaretz, December 27, 2008)

It was Israel which broke the truce on the day of the US presidential elections, November 4:

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11

(James Bamford has done another great deed for the public by revealing the extent of the NSA's wiretapping on U.S. soil, and how the NSA sub-contracts the vast majority of its work to Israeli high-tech firms bristling with "former" Israeli military intelligence agents, and in the case of Verint, a company with serious corruption issues. It was Bamford who popularized the existence of Operation Northwoods in his 2001 book, Body of Secrets. In The Shadow Factory, he sheds light in the secret rooms of Verizon and AT&T, and shows the NSA to be a very poor custodian of the nation's security.)

Bamford Brings the Goods

On October 14, 2008, James Bamford talked about some of the shocking research in his new book on Democracy Now!, with Amy Goodman;

(Continued below the fold...)

"We'll Soon Know if Obama Will Expose 9/11 Truth"


As internet activists, it's always good to do regular news.google.com searches on "9/11," "9/11 conspiracy" and "9/11 truth" to see if there are any recent articles worth mentioning. Today, I happen to find the following piece, very favorable, written by an obviously well-read Shelton Lankford. While the article is positive, the first 10 or so comments are rather hateful, negative comments telling Mr. Lankford to take his meds. I was the first positive comment. I realize that many of us feel lazy when it comes to registering an account with a paper in order to comment, but it really does only take a minute. Please take the time to not only comment but also e-mail the author and thank him.
We'll Soon Know if Obama Will Expose 9/11 Truth

The calendar has ticked over and in 16 days, we won't have President Bush to kick around any more.

Professors Anthony Hall, Michael Keefer, Graeme MacQueen and John McMurtry - "9/11 and the Global Community"

The video conference featuring Canadian academics Anthony Hall, Michael Keefer, Graeme MacQueen and John McMurtry has been edited and the audio enhanced significantly. The result is very good, and is here in two parts;

Part 1

(Part 2 below the fold)