9/11 Truth Art Contest Judging Update From Carol Brouillet

I just got this email from Carol Brouillet about the status of the 9/11 Truth Art Contest put together by Carol and sf911truth.org. I hope she won't mind me sharing it.

If you aren't familiar with Carol she was one of the organizers and creators of the deception dollar and runs her blog Questioning the War on Terror. She was also a major organizer of the 1st International Citizens Inquiry into 9/11 which can be viewed here.

Open Thread

Grab Bag and a rant on the way shortly, until then, what's up?

Press Release for Congressional Briefing on July 22nd

Uncovering the Untold Story of 9/11

Event Contact: Kyle F. Hence, 401-935-7715 -- kylehence@earthlink.net

Congressional Co-sponsor Staff Contact: John Judge 202-225-1605

Uncovering the Untold Story of 9/11:
Deconstructing the Official Narrative on the Anniversary of the 9/11 Report

-- Presentations & Book Readings, Panel Discussion with Q&A --

WHEN: Thursday, July 21, 2005 / 2-5PM

Former Vietnam Combat and commercial Pilot Says 'No Way' Could a Novice Fly the 'Big Birds' He Knew So Well

Former Vietnam Combat and Commercial Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government Job; An Experienced Boeing 757/767 Pilot, He Says 'No Way' Could a Novice Fly the 'Big Birds' He Knew So Well

The government may have fooled millions of Americans with its cockamamie official story, but the former fighter pilot who flew over 100 combat missions in Vietnam and who sat for 35 years in the cockpit for Pan Am and United, wasn't one of them.
Talking about his obvious disgust for the Bush administration, he bundles 9/11 into the neo con'’s "neat little contrived war package,"” saying it was the lynch pin needed to usher in a state of constant fear, a climate of war and a perfect setting for the unconstitutional Patriot Act and eventual martial law.

Take Action - Ask CSPAN to Cover Upcoming Emergency Truth Convergence

I thought it might be worthwhile to contact CSPAN to see if they might cover the 9/11 Congressional Briefing as mentioned yesterday as well as the related Emergency Truth Convergence. CSPAN has covered 9/11 a couple of times recently including David Ray Griffin last April and Lee Hamilton in May.

Think about these questions, and then start asking questions

Think about these questions, and then start asking questions
This is a good listing of 31 questions to ponder related to 9/11 and everything that has happened since that day. Definately worth the read.

1) Where was the Secret Service at the school where Bush was visiting on the morning of September 11, 2001?
4) Why haven’t videotapes from a gas station and a hotel near the Pentagon – which could very well show what was hurtling towards the building – been released for public review?

9/11 Congressional Briefing - July 22nd - The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later

Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ)

Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report

July 22nd Congressional Briefing:
The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later:

Open Thread

Nothing new today, so here is an open thread, have at it.

p.s., anyone going to the Truth Emergency in DC next weekend?

The DC Emergency Truth Convergence - Full Speaker List

UQ Wire: The DC Emergency Truth Convergence

DC LAUNCH: JULY 22~24, 2005: An unprecedented event series joining the power of veteran/victim groups, key truth movements and the indie media to halt the deadly coup now underway and launch a thousand Paul Reveres.

Everything we need to succeed - we now have:
- The facts and evidence of betrayal from truth movement researchers
- The support of respected leaders across the political spectrum

First Response to Recent NIST Report

NIST and the WTC: "Science" at the Service of an Empire
This is the first article I have seen in response to the recently released NIST report. It was just sent to me from a 9/11 site in Finland. I have quoted a small section of it below, but it is definitely worth the read.

"Thorough, open, independent." This is how the National Institute of Standards and Technology characterizes [1] its 10 000-page, 750-Mb WTC draft study [2]. The tactics is clear: to drown the weak points of the official 9/11 story in an enormous amount of redundant information. However, those who know what they are looking for can soon find their way to the critical omissions in the reports.

Late Night Grab Bag - Random 9/11 Mentions This Week

It seems the wind of doubt surrounding 9/11 is starting to swell more and more. As such it is pretty common to come across all sorts of articles mentioning 9/11, those articles end up in something like this, a late night grab bag.

Cui Bono Revisited

Cui Bono is not the rock musician who fashions himself mankind’s ambassador to the governments of the world. It is, rather, the question asked when an official was murdered in ancient Rome: "who benefited"? It is the question gullible minds have long forgotten to ask themselves following politically-motivated atrocities.

David Ray Griffin on Inside Scoop - Audio Download

Inside Scoop - David Ray Griffin Interview (MP3 Audio - 12mb)

The interview was very short, and as such very little could be covered. What amazed me was the callers who called in who sounded like everyday Americans who were aware of all of the holes in the official story of 9/11. Unfortunately the pentagon took up a large part of the time. Unfortunate only in that the pentagon crash is such a small part of the story of 9/11.

All in all the interview was great, and yours truly managed to get on as the next to last caller to ramble for about 40 seconds :) I also got in a plug for flight77.info as well.

David Ray Griffin Interview Reminder

Just wanted to remind everyone that David Ray Griffin will be on a radio interview here in about 15 minutes.

Here are the details again:
David Ray Griffin Radio Interview on July 13th

It runs from 7-8pm EST.

Yesterday's mention

The difference between Sibel Edmonds' case and the Downing Street Memos

The difference between Sibel Edmonds' case and the Downing Street Memos

Ms. Edmonds once had the pleasure of mainstream media attention in 2002, when she claimed that the FBI translation program was penetrated by a Turkish organization that deliberately mistranslated documents related to 9–11, but her story was lost down our collective memory mole once the drums for the Iraq war started to beat.

Then Edmonds reappeared in early 2004 with a vengeance, claiming that her lawsuit against the FBI for wrongful termination was being suppressed to protect high-level U.S. officials from criminal prosecution around the 9–11 attacks. However, this time, the major media outlets paid her much less attention than they had in 2002, with most mainline reporting on her case revolving around the Bush administration's extraordinary attempts to keep her testimony in the Motley-Rice lawsuit of the 9–11 families suppressed. Neither The New York Times nor the Washington Post nor any other major news outlet asked the obvious question, "What is the government trying to hide?"

TVNewsLies.org Calls for Alternative Media to Research PNAC


The 800 + pages of the Patriot Act were written prior to 9/11. So were the plans to invade both Afghanistan and Iraq. But PNAC needed 9/11 to take place. They wanted 9/11 to take place. They wrote about 9/11 (their new Pearl Harbor) taking place. What makes you think they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 taking place?

As a matter of fact, the book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, by Zbigniew Brzezinski, published in 1998, basically blueprints everything that is going on today as it relates to the military primacy of the US and it's domination of the world. This is not new stuff. The Bush/PNAC administration is not responding to 9/11. They are in fact carrying out a pre-planned agenda made possible by 9/11.