
Mike Berger and Matthew Rothschild Debate - MP3 Download has updated their site with downloads of yesterday's debate between Mike Berger and Matthew Rothschild. I caught the last half of the show and it is definately worth the listen.

You can find the MP3s here:
Breaking News: Mike Berger/Matthew Rothschild Debate -

Thanks MediaPuppet for the heads up!

The Great 9/11-Truth Debate: A Call to Progressives and Anti-war Activists

This debate is expanding to include and welcome anyone from Progressive or Anti-War circles, to partake in a civil debate over the truth of 9/11, and the importance of it as an issue. Topics of discussion can vary between the following bullet points and other related issues, (anything that deviates to widely from these guidelines will be moderated);

  • The truth about 9/11 (being that we still don't know the truth about it).
  • The importance of the truth about 9/11, and how it relates to the shared goals of those in the Anti-War Movement and others.
  • Why for some in the Anti-War movement 9/11-Truth is viewed as unimportant (those who hold such views are encouraged to politely voice them).
  • The Anthrax attacks which came one week after 9/11 on 18/11. The issues surrounding those attacks and the importance of the truth about them in conjunction with 9/11.
  • And the arguments for and against a new, truly independent inquiry in the September 11th attacks of 2001.

 For those just joining now this how it started;

Popular Mechanics vs. Loose Change Debate

****From***** Loud Whispers

I just finished watching the debate between the magazine Popular Mechanics who produced the book ''Debunking The Myths of 9/11'' I believe, and I tried log back into the site to get more information for this post but it must be flooded with hits because it's down right now. During the debate though, I noticed how young the film makeres of Loose_Change are, but also how passionate they are. Even though I don't believe it went very well for the youngsters, they don't have much to debate. Everything is on film.

The editor of the magazine of Popular Mechanics and the books editor are visibly better schooled at debate but there's some key points I'd like to mention about their side of the debate......
The editor of Popular Mechanics has twice stated about pictures he has seen of wreckage inside the Pentagon and the photos of the other 6-8 security camera's perched atop that captured the ''plane'' approaching the building. The editor of Popular Mechanics stated this on todays debate and earlier last month on a broadcast on an Arizona radio station. On the broadcast from Arizona, the host asked why the government would allow the editor of a magazine to view those photos but not the rest of the world. He didn't have an answer whatsoever---- except that he wasn't allowed to publish them. But he stood by his comment that HE was allowed to see them.

A Critical Plea To Dylan Avery, And A Call To Action

I had a very bad feeling last night about the upcoming debate on Amy Goodman's show, and 9/11 Truth in general. Although I couldn't quite pinpoint it at the time, now it seems as plain as day. Simply put, The Movement is currently coming under a most vicious, strategic attack by the official storytellers and the powers that be. Let me repeat myself: ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake about it: WE ARE UNDER ATTACK.

This all began over the past couple of weeks, as the disinfo regarding no planes at the WTC started to appear en masse on this site. I've been a regular visitor and contributor to 911 Blogger for a number of months now and I've never seen so much organized commentary on these fringe, unscientific topics prior to this recent period of time. In addition, The Movement has been receiving much press coverage over the past month or so- the vast majority of it highly unflattering and unhelpful.

Virtually every single instance of mainstream media coverage that has covered so-called "conspiracy theories" regarding 9/11, follows this modus operandi:

  • first and foremost, ignore and prevent any mention, whatsoever, of WTC Building 7
  • never debate or give credence, or acceptance, to any of the skeptical points raised, no matter what

Popular Mechanics invited to the National 9/11 Debate

Popular Mechanics invited to the National 9/11 Debate -

This letter / invitation was “hard copy” mailed to Popular Mechanics Editor-In-Chief James B. Meigs, and editors of the Popular Mechanics book, Debunking 9/11 Myths, Brad Reagan and David Dunbar. Meigs was recently on Fox News, O’Reilly Factor touting the Popular Mechanics book as the final answer on 9/11. Let’s see if they really stand behind their work! Call them, write them, e-mail them, and let them know its time to debate because their book is debatable!
Dear James Meigs, David Dunbar, and Brad Reagan,

The National 9/11 Debate will be held on March 10, 2007 in Charleston, SC at the Charleston Convention Center / Embassy Suites. There will be two, seven-member debate teams. You are probably familiar with a few of the names on the debate team that rejects the government’s official version of 9/11.
have noted that Popular Mechanics is now touting itself as the final answer that debunks 9/11 Myths. The question now is will the people behind and responsible for the book titled Debunking 9/11 Myths, people such as yourself, stand firmly behind your work and participate in the National 9/11 Debate?

Popular Mechanics "9/11 Myths" Debunker Cancels Radio Debate

Two hours before he was to debate a member of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" on a Seattle radio talk show, a research editor for "Popular Mechanics" magazine pulls out.

Seattle - The magazine Popular Mechanics, which recently released a book slamming the 9/11 Truth movement, cancelled a radio debate Tuesday between one of the book's contributors and a 9/11 truth activist just two hours before airtime. The debate, planned two weeks in advance, was scheduled to air on the Dori Munson talk radio program on KIRO AM 710, August the 22nd, at 1:00 PM.

Richard Curtis, PhD, an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at several Seattle area colleges and an active member of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth," was scheduled to debate Davin Coburn, a research editor at Popular Mechanics and one of the contributors to the book Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To The Facts, on Munson's radio show. Munson, furious about the last minute cancellation, said that the books PR firm was responsible for the decision and that none of the contributors to the new book would be allowed on the air with anyone from "Scholars for 9/11 Truth."

Despite Munson’s views that those who doubt the official account of the 9/11 attacks are "wingnuts" and "nut-jobs," he had interviewed Curtis on his program three times before. Curtis’ organization, "Scholars for 9/11 Truth," is a burgeoning movement of hundreds of respected academicians who are convinced that the official story about 9/11 is highly suspect, that the 9/11 Commission was a contemptible whitewash and that the government has used the attacks as an excuse to attack and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq.

Dr. Frank Greening Agrees To Debate 9/11 Skeptics

Dr. Frank R. Greening to argue in support of government account of the events of September 11, 2001 at the National 9/11 Debate

Dr. Frank R. Greening to argue in support of government account of the events of September 11, 2001 at the National 9/11 Debate

The National 9/11 Debate is pleased to announce that Frank R. Greening Ph.D. has agreed to participate in the National 9/11 Debate on March 10, 2007 in Charleston, South Carolina. Frank R. Greening will be part of a seven-member debate team that will support the U.S. government’s official account of 9/11 events.

Frank R. Greening was born in London, England in 1947. He has a Ph.D. in physical chemistry and has carried out research in physics, chemistry, and materials science for 30 years in academic and industrial positions. He has published approximately 80 research reports and journal articles, including numerous articles supporting the government’s collapse sequence theories of World Trade Center Buildings 1 & 2.

While the 9/11 Commissioners and NIST scientists remain invited to participate in the National 9/11 Debate, the Muckraker Report has expanded the potential government debate team members to any qualified persons that are willing to publicly defend the government’s account of 9/11 against the opposing debate team already assembled. Dr. Greening is the first such expert that has agreed to debate members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth as well as other experts that oppose the government’s account of 9/11 to include Philip J. Berg, James H. Fetzer, David Ray Griffin, Steven E. Jones, George Nelson, Morgan Reynolds, and Judy D. Wood.