
Seattle Hempfest TruthAction!!!

Two videos of Hempfest truthactions in Seattle.
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Seattle 8/11 TruthAction Video

WARNING: The music on the first half of this video is intense. Listen to the lyrics. Stand up, and Speak out! 9/11 TRUTH NOW!

A Proposal for Taking Truth to Them Tuesdays with 9-11 Justice Squads

This is a response to Lucus, David Slesinger and others call to hone our strategy and points of pressure, so that we can win.

I have a powerful feeling that the ideas which have been presented here represent the potential trimtab for the 9-11 Justice movement. Buckminster's Fuller's use of the concept of the trimtab needed to help turn the rudder on a masive ship, such as Earth, is related to the ideas of accupressure/puncture. Find the spots with the most bang for the buck.

Truthaction workerbees - READ THIS! - Video recording leads to felony charge

The Rights guaranteed in the First Amendment are INDIVIDUAL Rights. Of this there is no question, unless it is by tyrants. That means that each and every one of us INDIVIDUALLY enjoys the UNALIENABLE Right to Freedom of the Press. Create your own blog, web site, newsletter, whatever. Post your work as news. Put your face and name to it. MAKE YOUR OWN FANCY PRESS CARD. Stand on you Rights, like Matt Lapecek did in New Hampshire last week and sue them for violating your UNALIENABLE Rights if they do so. You only have those Rights you are willing to defend. Hold them accountable. Take their houses, take their cars, take their kid's college funds. Hit them in the only place that they have feelings left, their wallets.

A video recording leads to felony charge for an 18 year old. They charge him with a felony that they believe will seem allowable under the law and then will push him to plead to a lesser charge. Somebody in Pennsylvania please get this kid a copy of the Constitution becasue in his schooling it was obviously never covered.