YT's blog

Skating for Truth

found on myspace

"The body of your blog entry is too short. You need at least 10 words."

Disbelief: False Flag Terror in Russia

A 2004 film by Andrei Nekrasov looks at the September 9, 1999 apartment bombing in Russia.

"Deploying all the suspense and drama of a sophisticated murder mystery, Nekrasov has created one of the most compelling and captivating films of the year” - 2004 Sundance Film Festival Catalogue

Synopsis from the official film site:

When Tatyana Morozova, a pre-school teacher happily married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, learned that her mother had been killed and her sister Alyona had barely survived a middle-of-the-night blast that destroyed her old apartment building back in Moscow, she believed what she was told by the Russian government--that the attack was the work of Chechen terrorists.

But in the immediate aftermath of the attack she was more concerned about getting her shell-shocked sister over to America than about looking into the mystery of the serial apartment house bombings, that shook up Russia in September 1999.

Within a year, Alyona moved to the US and enrolled in a college, a stranger in a strange land trying to cope with nightmarish visions of her whole world collapsing around her on that fateful night.

In the meantime, the blasts triggered the war in Chechnya, propelled the hawkish ex-KGB spy Vladimir Putin to power and turned Chechens throughout Russia into despised and feared second-class citizens.

Immersed in their new lives in America, Tanya and Alyona initially discounted the rumor filtering out of Russia that it was not the Chechens, but the Russian secret service FSB that staged the bombings to help Putin win the elections.

NYC Dec 3 Free Screening of Terrorstorm with special guest speaker

Big props to Luke and CHANGE for organizing this!

Come see TERRORSTORM and never before heard 9/11 victims family member speaking on false flag terrorism

Come see a groundbreaking expose that details the history of government sponsored terrorism, TERRORSTORM. Immediately following the film we will hear from someone who lost a loved one on 9/11. This person has chosen to remain silent until now and is risking a lot by coming forward for the pursuit of truth. This will be a powerful and defining moment for the 9/11 movement. After the event there will be a short strategy session because education is worthless unless we use it.


Sunday December 3rd , 6:30 pm


St. Marks Church, NYC

10th Street 2nd Ave

take the 6 train to Astor Place or R train to 8th Street.

FREE for the public

Presenter: Luke Rudkowski

Sponsored by CHANGE

"TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter what their stance/affiliation/political bent. "

Video: WTC Survivor Janette MacKinlay on 9/11 Truth

Janette MacKinley lived across the street from the WTC complex and witnessed the destruction of the south tower. She spoke at the Lifting The Fog conference at UC Berkeley about 9/11 truth and the power of grassroots activism.

Q & A with Jim Hoffman and Steven Jones

Video of the question and answer session following Jim Hoffman's presentation at UC Berkeley on November 11, 2006.

Professor Steven Jones joins Hoffman in addressing questions from the audience.

Part One

Part Two

Steven Jones Q & A

Video from the Q & A session that followed Professor Steven Jones' presentation at UC Berkeley on November 11, 2006.

FOX threatens Alex Jones with barely subliminal "Standoff"

I received this article in a bulletin on myspace and thought it would be of interest to some here:


"Man of Steele"
by Citizen Emily

Lethargy struck late last Tuesday nite and after playing with the coat hanger jig on my tv I finally got FOX in without snow. I tuned in for a program I have never heard of before called "Standoff."

"Standoff" is a one hour prime-time crime drama. Ron Livingston plays a suave FBi hostage negotiator who saves the day once a week. Typically this Hollywood Dept. of Homeland Security scripted bull isht is not what I'm interested in. But before finding the remote in search of PBS (Public Bull Isht) something said on "Standoff" caught my attention.

Soon enough "Standoff" was introducing a character that was so mocking independent journalist and radio talk show host Alex Jones that I had to sit down and convince myself I wasn't dreaming. This character dissing Alex Jones, "Avery Steele," an energetic, suspicious, conspiracy theorist, was a radio talk-show host with a panache for revealing government cover-ups. As this episode of "Standoff" developed a hostage taker had called into "Avery Steele's" controversial talk-show for advice. By the end of the program, the FBi hostage negotiators set up a sting for the talk show host and the hostage taker who had 'phoned into his show for Constitutional advice. Ron Livingston rides again, I guess.

The Democrats have no excuses now

The Democrats have no excuses now -

Demand 9/11 Truth!

VIDEO: Land of the Free by LJ Heiss

Awesome anti-nW0 music video


Don't wait until it's too late.


On Thursday, October 5th, get a posse and infiltrate your local WCW march/demo with 9/11 Truth.

Here's a list of cities/actions in the US:

In San Francisco, the group (a front for the RCP - I have no qualms about highjacking their agenda) has a 24 hour permit for Justin Herman Plaza. That's a lot of bullhorning time...

9/11 TRUTH NOW! 

9/11/2006 NYC Video

Someone just sent this to me. Looks like there's a lot of NYC vids on youtube.

Anthony Lappe of GNN formally requests inclusion on Left-gatekeeprs list

So to speak! He's probably not widely-read enough to rate mention... but the editor of Guerrilla News Network is so weak that he has to hide behind the words of Cockburn, someone he hopes has enough left cred to skate this bullshit past his well-informed audience at GNN. This is someone who has basically built his career on 911 and has had every facet of research available to him on his own site over the past 5 years. As someone who contributed to GNN for four years up until recently and gave Lappe the benefit of the doubt for far too long, I'm disgusted with his continued sleazy gatekeeper ways. His last contribution on 911 was hyping up the writer of Flight 93/Vanity Fair article, using the occasion to once again bash "conspiracy theorists" while getting his facts wrong. Way too many other examples to bother with. It's still a good site to post blogs on because they go right to the front page and they don't censor for the most part.

Anphony's hit-piece oreo:




Today will my third day this week going out with all the materials and bullhorn and telling truth in public. I'm amped up and so into this and the response so far has been awesome, including 100% support from police officers, amazingly enough. I'm gonna go into work and make a ton of flyers. It was going to be just me and one friend again but now other people are saying they're going to be there too.