911 truth movement à la fête d'Huma Paris 12/13/14 September 2008

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

update the 21/09/2008 => My translation is now below and is not perfect but is better than a systran automatic translation. If only we had more time !

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I am very sorry that I have not the time to translate this email into English sent to me by yves.ducourneau@club-internet.fr , resuming the presence of the 911 truth movement à la fête d'Huma last weekend.

When will the workers have the time to check the bad politiciens of each courntry ? When will they have the time to read and learn their history, economy , ... ? When will they have time to correctly participate in the 911 debate ?
When we all pass to the FOUR DAY WORKING WEEK ? .

911 Truth Activities - New York Convergence 9-11-2008 COMPLETE

14 continuous play videos (if i did this right) of highlights of several days of street actions at Ground Zero and in lower Manhattan Sept 2008
next best thing to being there...
next time... BE THERE!

The Lies and Crimes of 911: A Canadian View of the War on Terror's Origins - By Professor Anthony J. Hall

Statement on "Facts Not Fairies" Web Site by Anthony J. Hall

17 September, 2008

I want to put in the strongest possible language the fact that I completely disassociate myself from the web site Facts Not Fairies. Today it is carrying on its main page the video and article "The Lies and Crimes of 911" that I presented at the 911 Edmonton Truth Convention on September 6.

The unnamed authors of the Facts Not Fairies site did not seek my permission to disseminate this intellectual property nor would I have granted it to them if I had been properly informed of the site's contents.

Two Films American Networks DARE Not Show

These two spectacular films seem to have been forgotten by this movement, and I wanted to refresh people's memories.

9/11: Press For Truth

In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories Of The 9/11 Families

Reviews For 9/11: Press For Truth
Buzzflash Reviews 9/11: Press For Truth

WeAreChangeBoston End the 9/11 Media Blackout Banner on News

WeAreChangeBoston.org End the 9/11 Media Blackout Banner on News (9-16-08)

Jason Bermas gave me the banner. Thank you! Check out his new movies Fabled Enemies and Loose Change Final Cut. LC911.com
I also have some great footage from this event:
An ACLU Constitution Day conversation with:
Eric Alterman, The Nation
Ellen Hume, MIT Center for Future Civic Media
Callie Crossley, Program Manager for the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, Harvard University
Emcee: Barry Nolan, veteran TV journalistge tonight (9-16-08) from a ACLU event at the Boston Public Library

9/11 First Responder Benefit on the West Coast 9.18.2008

9/11 First Responder Benefit in Santa Cruz this Thursday!

In solidarity with the 9/11 First Responder benefit in New York City, we are having a 9/11 First Responder benefit in Santa Cruz, CA, on September 18th with a film screening of Truth Rising.

The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising
A Benefit For 9/11 First Responders

This film:

* Follows the growing momentum of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
* Exposes the mistreatment of our 9/11 heroes.
* Shows the growing number of people questioning the official version of events that day.
* Features interviews with Willie Nelson, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Ventura, George Carlin, Martin Sheen.
* Features confrontations with many political figures including Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 7pm
Veterans Memorial Building, 846 Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA
$5 requested donation - No one turned away

More info: www.vetshall.org/events.htm
Contact: santacruz911truth@yahoo.com

Proceeds from this event to benefit the Fealgood Foundation

Richard Gage to Lecture in Denver Colorado

Richard Gage to Lecture in Denver Colorado
Sponsored by Colorado 9-11 Visibility

In the years since 9/11/2001, millions of Americans have come to question the official narrative of the events of that day. The evidence simply doesn’t square with what we were told, and nowhere is this more plainly visible than in the manner that the World Trade Center towers “collapsed”. I hope you will join me when I come to Denver to give a live multimedia presentation on the topic of the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises. Bring your tough questions (there will be Q&A) and your friends—but please come and evaluate the evidence for yourself.
9-11 Blueprint for Truth - The Architecture of Destruction
Re-examining the World Trade Center Collapses

Infowars: Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

(It would be very helpful if someone in NYC could provide an obituary about the passing of Mr. Jennings. If you can find one and scan it, send it in here, or to aaron@infowars.com - This would confirm the verbal information obtained by Infowars. -rep.)

UPDATED SEPT 17 4:05 PM CST: NYC Housing Authority spokesman Howard Marder has now officially confirmed that Barry Jennings indeed passed away approximately a month ago after several days in the hospital, matching confirmations from several other employees at the Housing Authority. Marder commented that Jennings was a great man, well liked by everyone at the Housing Authority, and that he would be missed. No other details were available.

Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

Emergency coordinator and 9/11 witness Barry Jennings has passed away with controversy about WTC7 still hot– as the BBC hit piece and NIST report have been released to counter Jennings’ exclusive testimony of explosions inside Building 7

Aaron Dykes - Infowars.com - September 16, 2008