9-11-08 Interview with Dylan Avery (Loose Change)

Wendy S. Painting, M.A.

Every year activists gather at Ground Zero in New York City on September 11th to pay respects to the dead and to show the world that the victims of the attacks and the citizens of this country deserve a real accounting concerning the events of 9/11/01, something that is yet to be had. This year hundreds gathered from all over the country and the world to show solidarity and support for this growing movement.

We Are Change Seattle with Janeane Garofalo

We Are Change Seattle was able to catch up and chat with Janeane Garofalo. We were curious where she was at since her Conan O'Brien piece where she mentions 9/11 being an inside job. Also, her thoughts on the current bubble of Obama & McCain.

My comments on NIST's WTC 7 report

I emailed the following comments to NIST today, well before the deadline for submitting comments. I utilized Kevin Ryan's recent critique of NIST's draft report. Gregg Roberts gave useful feedback on the text and "Americanized" the language.

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Dear Sirs,

Here are my comments on the long-awaited draft for public comment of NIST's report on WTC 7, issued by NIST on August 21st, 2008.

1. Collapse Models

Jesse Ventura helps waken the people of Phoenix to the truth

Jesse Ventura after action Report, Video of Jesse's Talk on 9-11-2008, coming soon @ WeAreChangeArizona.com

AE911Truth Challenges NIST's WTC 7 Floor 12 Fire Analysis

AE911Truth will soon publish its response to NIST's final report on WTC7. In the meantime, this graphic illustrates that NIST's analysis is NOT consistent with photographic and video evidence. A higher resolution PDF may be found here: http://ae911truth.org/downloads/WTC_fire_sim_comparison_080912c.pdf. Please forward this blog and document link to anyone you think can help spread the truth.
(graphic below the fold)

HistoryCommons.org - 2001 Anthrax Timeline Updated

hyperlinks: http://911reports.wordpress.com/2008/09/15/historycommonsorg-2001-anthrax-timeline-updated/

Article by Erik Larson

The 2001 Anthrax Attacks Timeline at HistoryCommons.org (aka CooperativeResearch.org) has been moved from The Complete 9/11 Timeline to the main Timelines page, and updated with the recent developments regarding the FBI’s Anthrax investigations. New entries include the clearing of Steven Hatfill, the death of Bruce Ivins and the FBI’s case against him, and the objections and questions being raised by experts, mainstream media and critics, and members of Congress. The 2001 Anthrax Attacks Timeline now has nearly 200 unique entries, and like all the Timelines at HistoryCommons.org, it will continue to grow as new and old information comes out.

Truth Action in Cincinnati on 9/11/08

On September 11, 2008 in Cincinnati, over twenty members of Cincinnati 9/11 Truth and WeAreChange Ohio gathered to distribute information about 9/11 to the public. Locations in this video include Fountain Square, the Cincinnati Masonic Temple, and a Homeland Security event at the Drake Center.

Cincy911.org - WeAreChangeOhio.com

22,000 Words.

Figured I'd post some of my personal pictures from the weekend. I didn't get a chance to take too many ... I spent too much time running around and making sure everything was running smoothly.

Russia state TV Channel One Discussion on 9/11 following "ZERO" broadcast (Russian)

YouTube links for Friday evening's historic telecast on Russia state TV Channel One have been posted, and the discussion following the telecast of "ZERO: Investigation into 9/11" begins halfway through Part 11 - anybody working on an English translation of this?

The full broadcast (including the film) can be found in 15 parts here:


Here are the discussion segments in need of English translation:

Part 11 (discussion begins in mid-clip)


Part 12