THE NATION Magazine Survey - Tell them to cover 9/11

Friday, December 19, 2008
SURVEY: Tell THE NATION magazine to Start Covering 9/11

From: Katrina vanden Heuvel
Editor & Publisher, The Nation

Dear Friend,

What issues are the mainstream media ignoring?

What are The Nation's reporting goals for 2009?

More at Gators911Truth Blog:

Betsy Metz Presents Able Danger - W/Speaker Sander Hicks - 12/18/2008

Betsy is continuing to show movies at the Anthony Wayne Movie Theater. Tonight's show was "Able Danger" which is loosely based on author, and 9/11 Truth activist, Sander Hicks.

Idea in Eighth place at

I was just notified by that my idea was in eighth place in its category. This is the same site that has censored ideas mentioning 9-11, yet this idea has survived for weeks. If it hits the top three in the category, it gets forwarded to Obama, and perhaps more importantly, the more votes it gets the more visibility it earns on the site.

Why not look it over and see whether it's worth a collective effort to bump it into third place. Here's how it reads:

End Censorship of War on Terror
Ever since the "War on Terror" began, there's been massive censorship about the facts surrounding it both within the corporate media, the progressive media, and internet news sites and blogs. The Obama administration should announce a policy of increased transparency surrounding the War on Terror, and the media should take that as a cue to stop censoring their content.

And here's the text of the email I received:

We wanted to let you know that there are only 2 weeks left in the first round of the "Ideas for Change in America" competition, and your idea is in 8th place in the Civic Engagement category.

“9/11 Truth” in the MLK Parade – Jan 19, 2009

“9/11 Truth” in the MLK Parade – Jan 19, 2009

Secure a place in your cities parade.

“North Texans for 9/11 Truth” are making plans for this January’s MLK parade in Dallas . We encourage other 9/11 Truth Groups to start making plans now by submitting applications to march in their local parade. This type of 911TRUTH action can have an extremely positive IMPACT !!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be celebrated on Monday January 19, 2009. During the course of that holiday weekend, many municipalities will have parades and public events. This is a fantastic opportunity for 9/11 Truth Groups to generate an extremely positive impact.

The Spirit of CHANGE

By: Luke Rudkowski, had an amazing street action this past Saturday December 13th, 2008 at Ground Zero, New York City. We were joined by 9/11 victim family members, 9/11 1st responders and Former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura.

Manny Badillo, Bob Maclivine, FDNY John Schroder, Major Mike McCormick, Jesse Ventura and the team were out in full force to help spread awareness about 9/11 truth. Meeting with these heroes makes you understand how real and important our fight is.

White House: 9/11 Wasn't Foreseeable & Santa Claus is Real

The White House is on a blitz to try to persuade Americans that 9/11 wasn't foreseeable.

Yesterday, White House press spokesman Tony Fratto said "No one could have anticipated" terrorists flying planes into buildings before 9/11 :

In an interview broadcast today, Secretary of State Rice said Bush didn't ignore any 9/11 "warning", because there was no "'when, where, how".

Is that believable?

Yes, definitely . . . as long as you disregard the following facts:

WeAreChangeboston Questions Barry Nolan, Eric Alterman, Callie Crossley, and Ellen Hume at ACLU event

WeAreChangeboston Questions Barry Nolan, Eric Alterman, Callie Crossley, and Ellen Hume at ACLU event
Constitution Day conversation
about the media and civil liberties, at the Boston Public Library on Sept.
16. When Checks and Balances Fail:
The Media and Civil Liberties in the 2008 Election
Tuesday, September 16
6 - 8 p.m.
Boston Public Library
700 Boylston St., Copley Square, Rabb Lecture Hall

This event is an ACLU of Massachusetts conversation with:

- Eric Alterman, The Nation

- Ellen Hume, MIT Center for Future Civic Media

- Callie Crossley, Program Manager for the Nieman Foundation for Journalism,
Harvard University

- Emcee: Barry Nolan, veteran TV journalist

more details about the event here:

News from the Mary Ferrell Foundation

I hope all has been well for each and every one of you, and before we all head off for our respective holiday breaks, I want to share some big news with you.

When the MFF opened up shop in 2005, we had under a hundred thousand pages in our document archive. This past month we passed the 1.2 million page mark.

Last Friday, our project to digitize major collections of FBI Records provided by the Assassination Records and Research Center (AARC) came to a close. These records comprise more than 450,000 pages of our archive. For the complete story and collections, please check out the feature article.

I hope you will join us in 2009, as we have some exciting developments coming up, that I will be sharing as the date gets closer.

And on a personal note, thank you for the warm welcome I received with my first post. I hope to continue posting as time permits, and to share what we at the Foundation have to offer, as we continue to explore and illuminate the stories connecting those events that shape our current society.

Career Army Officer Sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, Saying No Evacuation Order Given On 9/11


Stephen C. Webster
Published: Wednesday December 17, 2008

A career Army officer who survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, claims that no evacuation was ordered inside the Pentagon, despite flight controllers calling in warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20 minutes before the building was struck.

According to a timeline of the attacks, the Federal Aviation Administration notified NORAD that American Airlines Flight 77 had been hijacked at 9:24 a.m. The Pentagon was not struck until 9:43 a.m.

On behalf of retired Army officer April Gallop, California attorney William Veale has filed a civil suit against former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney and former US Air Force General Richard Myers, who was acting chairman of the joint chiefs on 9/11. It alleges they engaged in conspiracy to facilitate the terrorist attacks by not warning those inside the Pentagon, contributing to injuries she and her two-month-old son incurred.

WeAreChangeLA questions LAPD Chief William Bratton about mercenaries and Jerome Hauer

On December 11, 2008, WeAreChangeLAs Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Bruno Bruhwiler were on hand to cover an event with William Bratton, the Chief of the LAPD. Bratton was at a Townhall LA event in West Los Angeles to drum up support for using funds promised to hire more LAPD officers.

[Andrews International, mercenaries]