Is Israel Losing the Media War in Gaza?

Is Israel Losing the Media War in Gaza?

The arrival of Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. Joe the Plumber, at the Israeli border town of Sderot on Sunday caused a minor sensation among the members of the foreign press who were camped out there. Wurzelbacher, who got his first 15 minutes of fame as a prop for John McCain during last year's U.S. election campaign, has swapped his plunger for a reporter's notebook on a mission to cover the Gaza war for the conservative website Pajamas TV. Unable to see much of the fighting himself, Wurzelbacher - who during the election campaign warned that a vote for Barack Obama was a vote for the destruction of Israel - picked a fight of his own. Turning on his new colleagues in the foreign press corps, he groused, "You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be patriotic, protect your family and children, not report like you have been doing for the past two weeks since this war has started." His complaint, it seemed, was that he was seeing too many reports of civilian casualties inside Gaza.

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Singer/Songwriter Jesse Goplen

This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes singer and songwriter Jesse Goplen. Jesse’s debut CD Cowboy is organically home grown and is a raw, impassioned and above all brutally honest all-acoustic set that marks the emergence of an important socially conscious musical voice of our time.

Although Cowboy is Jesse’s first official full-fledged release, he received great notoriety for September Eleven Blues, his 2007 EP of 9/11 “truth songs” which featured the powerful title track and another called Controlled Demolition. Both tracks received air and podcast play and were popular within the 9/11 truth movement as well as on stations like KRCB; they also received prominent mention on sites like

This episode features many of Jesse's greatest hits from the new CD as well as his 9-11 anthems September 11 Blues and Controlled Demolition.

Direct download: visibility911_jesse_goplen.mp3

First eleventh of the month action in Copenhagen

January 11, 2009 saw the campaign for International Days of Truth Action spread to Copenhagen, Denmark. Mik writes, "14 truthers of Copenhagen group who met on, in action with banners and handouts on town hall square. Nice contacts with people, even on a sunday." Join us in action in your community on February 11, the second anniversary of the campaign and the first 11th action under Obama. We're not stopping until justice!

Incoming reports from the Actions of January 11 HERE

911 aktion i København d.11 Jan 2009

(picture below the fold)

London Times: UN headquarters in Gaza hit by Israeli 'white phosphorus' shells

UN headquarters in Gaza hit by Israeli 'white phosphorus' shells


The main UN compound in Gaza was in flames today after being struck by Israeli artillery fire, and a spokesman said that the building had been hit by shells containing the incendiary agent white phosphorus.

The attack on the headquarters of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) came as Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary-General, arrived in Israel on a peace mission and plunged Israel's relations with the world body to a new low.

Programmers Needed: WeAreChange Project: Code Red

Are you a computer programmer? We Are Change needs you!

Obama: Al-Qaeda Remains "Number One Threat" To U.S.

Isn't change refreshing? Aaaaah... You can just feel the difference. Not. The fact of the matter is, the "number one threat" to the United States is the corporate two party system that does not serve the people. - Jon



President-elect Barack Obama said Wednesday that Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden remain the "number one threat" to US security, after a new voice recording emerged from the terror group's leader.

"Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are our number one threat when it comes to American security," Obama told reporters, after the recording warned the president-elect of new fronts in bin Laden's self-styled holy war against Western interests.

"We're going to do everything in our power to make sure that they cannot create safe havens that can attack Americans. That's the bottom line," Obama added.

The 22-minute audio recording, which the US-based Site Intelligence Group said it believes is authentic, was the first commentary from the Al-Qaeda leader in eight months.

WeAreChangeLA challenges diehard Israel supporters about Hamas

WeAreChangeLA's Bruno (that's me) asks diehard Israel supporters questions that challenge them to look at their own hard line beliefs. At one point, an unnamed man begins terrorizing the crowd, asking them to clear the area because an unattended backpack has been found in the bushes.

Part 1

Please watch the Part 2 video to the end and see the payoff after a passionate discussion about Palestine, the Mossad, conspiracies, and finally the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.

Part 2 (below the fold)

Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti publish "The Missing Jolt..." in Journal of 9/11 Studies

The 116th peer-reviewed paper was published today in the Journal of 9/11 Studies:
“The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis,”
by Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti. Take a look!

This fine paper underwent several months of rather arduous peer-review preceding its publication in the Journal of 9/11 Studies. The paper supports work by James Gourley published in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics and recent analysis by David Chandler. A few quotes from the paper should wet your interest:

“In its Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, the National Institute of Standards and Technology summarizes its three year study and outlines its explanation of the total collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2.[1] Readers of the report will find that the roughly $20 million expended on this effort have resulted in an explanation of the total collapse of these buildings that is so vague it barely qualifies as a hypothesis. But it does have one crucial feature of a hypothesis: it is, in principle, falsifiable. In fact, it is easy to demonstrate that it is false.
In this paper we will, concentrating on the North Tower, offer a refutation that is:

• easy to understand but reasonably precise
• capable of being stated briefly
• verifiable by any reader with average computer skills and a grasp of simple mathematics.

[snip] Zdenek Bazant and Yong Zhou, with whose September 13, 2001 back-of-the-envelope theory (with subsequent revisions and additions) NIST largely agrees, have never hesitated to say that the upper block fell. [8] Bazant has likewise been frank about the need for severe impact as the upper and lower structures met: he believes the impact may have been powerful enough to have been recorded by seismometers. [9] In his view, collapse initiation of the lower structure required “one powerful jolt.”[10] Of course, if there was a powerful jolt to the lower structure there must also have been a powerful jolt to the upper falling structure, in accord with Newton’s Third Law.”

Rescue Me character believes 9/11 is an inside job - and so does the actor playing him.


Boy, did I open a can of worms today at the press conference for "Rescue Me," the great Denis Leary comedy. It's back (soon) for a fifth season, and in watching the second episode I noticed the show drifting back to the 9/11 memories theme it explored at length in the first season. So I grabbed a microphone and pursued that questioning with the producers, and I asked a couple of the actors to chime in as well.

One person I asked was Daniel Sunjata, who plays Franco on "Rescue Me." I asked him because there is this fascinating, where-did-THIS-come-from scene in the second episode. A French journalist is interviewing firemen who were at Ground Zero on 9/11 for a new 10th-anniversary commemorative coffee table book. First, watch what Sunjata's character says. I would call this high-end conspiracy theory-mongering, the type that many people might say, "Hm. Well, I don't agree, but you raise some very interesting points there."