Nanothermites and WTC dust

This past year I've done some photomicroscopy of samples of WTC dust. A number of examples of the photos can be found in the latest video. The related scientific analyses of the particles found in the WTC dust, in particular the red-gray chips first discovered by Professor Steven Jones, are ongoing.

But I've also spent some time making nanothermites, and igniting them. Here is a slideshow of 26 photomicrographs, half of which are nanothermite residues and half of which are ferromagnetic particles extracted from WTC dust samples. These photos share many things in common, including the presence of metallic microspheres, vesicular formations and red-orange chips. Sometimes it's hard to remember which photo belongs to which category. If the nanothermite residues were mixed with concrete dust and glass fragments, it would likely be much more difficult to notice any differences.


Columnist Robert Novak among the first to use the phrase "inside job" in connection with the events of September 11, 2001

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, December 27, 2008--Married as we seem to be to the digital age, it is a great comfort to be able to occasionally resort to "hard copy," tangible pieces of inked paper upon which much of the literary wealth of the world is recorded.

Recently, while searching my "hard copy" archives, I came across some issues of the New York Times and New York Post published within days of the events of September 11, 2001.

It is interesting to observe that what are often referred to by defenders of the government's 9-11 storyline as "conspiracy theories" were first articulated by mainstream commentators and experts.

What follows are a few snippets of 9-11 related material gleaned from these early accounts.

Interestingly, columnist Robert Novak was among the first to use the phrase "inside job" in connection with the events of 9-11.

New York Post, Sept. 13, page 59
"Beyond Pearl Harbor"
by Robert D. Novak

Novak's first sentence:

Kitchener 911 Truth Street Action On December 11th 2008 Downtown K-Town Music by Ted Hawkins - The Constitution

Walking in downtown Kitchener passing out DVDs and information about the events on September 11th 2001 on December 11th 2008.

Please visit

Gatekeeper Cockburn (CounterPunch) is at it again

Crimes of the State Blog

"Conspiracism is raising its Medusa’s head again, her lethal visage wreathed with hissing absurdities, immobilizing judgement, melting intellect to pumice." --Alexander Cockburn (ignoring all evidence that is contrary to his irrational biases)

Blather at new heights of cognitive dissonance over at CounterPunch this weekend. Cockburn uses the term "conspiracism", as if that were a real thing, to mock any and all comers, even in a piece about the minutiae of some Wall Street fraud (Bernie Madoff).

But how can he get away with this childish mocking about the JFK assassination, without having to address even one piece of evidence at all?

Here is the entirety of what Cockburn says about "conspiracism" and the JFK assassination in that piece:

FBI responds to petition to consider forensic evidence from AE911Truth

In November, 2008, Gators911Truth sent a letter to FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, III asking the DOJ to consider the forensic evidence of controlled demolition as presented by Architect, Richard Gage - founder of The evidence is presented in Gage's 2008 DVD lecture titled: "911: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH. The Architecture of Destruction".

The letter was sent under the provisions of TITLE18 USC § 2382, Misprision of Treason and/or 18 USC § 4 , Misprision of Felony. We received a response today from the Asst. Dir. of Counterterrorism, Michael J. Heimbach.

The November letter to Mueller is here:

New Discoveries Prove Lies and Deception by Britian and America and the sinking of the Lusitania

Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship
By Sam Greenhill
Mail Online

Her sinking with the loss of almost 1,200 lives caused such outrage that it propelled the U.S. into the First World War.

But now divers have revealed a dark secret about the cargo carried by the Lusitania on its final journey in May 1915.

Munitions they found in the hold suggest that the Germans had been right all along in claiming the ship was carrying war materials and was a legitimate military target.

The Cunard vessel, steaming from New York to Liverpool, was sunk eight miles off the Irish coast by a U-boat.

Maintaining that the Lusitania was solely a passenger vessel, the British quickly accused the 'Pirate Hun' of
slaughtering civilians.

The Truth About It

This is the music video portion to an upcoming video documentary about the creation of a nearly 2 ton steel sign that was an art installation at Burning Man 2007. The Piece was designed to draw attention to the evidence of the steel-melting incendiary, thermite, found at ground zero, World Trade Centers, by Professor Steven Jones. The film will raise questions about the "official" story and delve into the realms of "belief" regarding difficult to assimilate truths.

Native American artist, Jeremy Goodfeather, sang and composed the title song.

More at:

Cincinnati 9/11 Truth / WeAreCHANGE Ohio public access TV show Episode 4

Taped Dec. 22, 2008. My first appearance on the show. I am the one at the far left with the Investigate 9/11 sweater. We eased the audience in with the financial crisis, which led to discussion of the Fed, which then segued into false flag terrorism, and finally 9/11. We figured it would be more effective than hitting the audience hard with 9/11 stuff from the get-go.

(continued below the fold)

Entrapment? Five convicted in Ft. Dix plot Nick Juliano Raw Story December 22, 2008

Entrapment? Five convicted in Ft. Dix plot
Nick Juliano
Published: Monday December 22, 2008

Five men whom attorneys said paid FBI informants prodded into exploring their deepest fantasies about waging jihad on America were convicted in federal court Monday of conspiring to kill US soldiers but acquitted on attempted murder charges.

The men allegedly planned to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey, although defense lawyers argued that they never intended to carry out the plot and were drawn into making incriminating statements by the informants, one of whom was an illegal immigrant on probation for bank fraud and another who was paid $150,000 to secretly record the men.

The verdict was met with intense skepticism in the Muslim community.

"Many people in the Muslim community will see this as a case of entrapment," Jim Sues, executive director of the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told the Associated Press.

Sues attended five days of testimony during the trial.

"From what I saw, there was a significant role played by the government informant."