"9/11 and the Global Community" - Webcast Nov.19, 2008 (Canada)

On, (Wednesday, Nov.19, 2008), Professors Anthony Hall, Graeme MacQueen, John McMurtry, and Michael Keefer discussed 9/11 and how this relates to the global community.

The webcast was broadcast on the http://globalizationstudies.ca/ website.

(This version of the discussion courtesy: http://www.911truthcanada.org/

Part 1

Part 2

Cynthia McKinney Prevented From Leaving U.S.

Cynthia McKinney Prevented From Leaving U.S.

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Former Congresswoman and presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney has been prevented from leaving the country after she planned to give a speech in Damascus Syria at a Conference being held to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

David Ray Griffin’s “The New Pearl Harbor Revisited” rated “Pick of the Week” by Publishers Weekly

David Ray Griffin’s “The New Pearl Harbor Revisited” rated “Pick of the Week” by Publishers Weekly

The nearly 40% of American people who doubt the official account regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks will be gratified to learn that their misgivings have become recommended reading by a pillar of the book trade, Publishers Weekly.

The leading starred review on PW’s “Web Pick of the Week” ( http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6617001.html?industryid=47159 ) is Dr. David Ray Griffin’s newly released “The New Pearl Harbor Revisited”, Interlink/Olive Branch press, 2008.

In its November 24, 2008 online issue, PW writes:

Griffin “addresses many points in exhaustive detail, from the physical impossibility of the official explanation of the towers’ collapse to the Commission's failure to scrutinize the administration to the NIST’s contradiction of its own scientists to the scads of eyewitness and scientific testimony in direct opposition to official claims.

NBC "obtains" video of Ziad Jarrah

What does everyone here make of this recent video release? Just wondering.

Gates and the Urge to Surge By Ray McGovern November 23, 2008


Gates and the Urge to Surge

By Ray McGovern
November 23, 2008

It may become a biennial ritual. Every two years, if the commander-in-chief (or the commander-in-chief-elect) says he wants to throw more troops into an unwinnable war for no clear reason other than his political advantage, panderer-in-chief Robert Gates will shout “Outstanding!”

Never mind what the commanders in the field are saying — much less the troops who will die.

After meeting in Canada on Friday with counterparts from countries with troops in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Gates emphasized to reporters there is a shared interest in “surging as many forces as we can” into Afghanistan before the elections there in late September 2009.

At the concluding news conference, Gates again drove home the point, “It’s important that we have a surge of forces.”

Basking in the alleged success of the Iraq “surge,” Gates knows a winning word when he hears one – whether the facts are with him or not.

Richard Gage Event In Berlin Great Success


(Photos at link -- video to come.)

"In his third german lecture and the last leg of a European tour that led him also to London, Madrid, Vienna, Genf, Paris, Aachen, Brüssel und Hamburg, Richard Gage, AIA presented solid evidence of controlled demolition at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. He included physics professor Steven Jones' evidence of thermite used as an incendiary, and enough analysis on the ejection of steel beams and debris to convince even industry professionals that this was no pancake collapse. Gage explored the flawed conclusions of the 911 Commission report and the conclusions of NIST, in this new presentation on evidence supporting controlled demolition for World Trade 1, 2 and 7."


Bill Ayers? He's the Least of Our Worries...

by Michael Jackman

Now that Barack Obama is going to be our next President, he is busy at work with his transition team deciding on whom to place in his cabinet.

For the head of the CIA, it's being speculated he is seriously considering his close adviser Anthony Lake.

Rep. Nadler (D-NY) Introduces H.R. 1531

by Justin A. Martell

Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) took one of the first steps in holding the Bush Administration accountable when he introduced House Resolution 1531 on Thursday.

The official title of HR 1531, which was introduced to the House Judiciary Committee, is "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the President of the United States should not issue pardons to senior members of his administration during the final 90 days of his term of office."

Because we must decide: Mort Sahl's warning echoes for 9/11 activists

In his 1968 interview with Perry Adams, Mort Sahl explains the urgency of bringing to justice the conspirators behind the public execution of JFK. After reviewing the evidence, Sahl had made the decision to assist New Orleans DA Jim Garrison in his investigation. As a consequence of his vocal support for Garrison, Sahl--whose face made the cover of (CIA's) Time Magazine in 1960--was blacklisted and his successful mainstream career as an entertainer came to an end overnight.

Sahl's words and his sacrifice will not be lost on the generation of activists working to expose the truth of 9/11 and other shattering acts of state terrorism.


"ARGO: Why is the truth behind the assassination of President Kennedy the last chance of America for its survival?