Grab Bag and Open Thread

Quick rundown of random stuff for tonight:

  • FOX, WICZ-40, Binghamton, NY is doing ANOTHER special on Loose Change Second Edition tonight at 10pm. Find more details on Dylan's blog at
  • Loose Change Second Edition will be airing at the St. Mark's Church in NYC this Sunday at 8pm. If your not familiar with the church's location then checkout as that is where their events are held.
  • Jimmy Walter was on 98 Rock in Tampa on 12/2. Seems like most of the callers agree with Jim about 9/11.. are the tides turning?

911 Truth on Public Radio

Thanks to Carol for this:

Were you just listening to Mike Malloy tonight? Someone called in and asked about 9/11.
Mike Malloy agreed that 9/11 is an inside job engineered by the Bush Crime Family. An act of treason committed by the Bush Crime Family. The whole idea is Operation Northwoods which President Kennedy rejected and look what happened to him. After those ' rat bastards ' stole the election, then they figured ' lets commit murder & mayhem.'
As far as the truth coming out------you should live so long.

(About two thirds through)

Reader Comments On Disbelief Tehran Building Didn't Collapse

This statement...

We all know that buildings hit by planes collapse in on their own footprint within 90 minutes

...cracks me up. These would be funny times if the stakes weren't so high:
As you will be aware, a C-130 hit a building in Tehran. Everyone on board (94 passengers and crew) are dead.

Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93: The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales

Quite a long article, I haven't had the chance to read yet. Check it out, and post your comments.

By Dr. David Ray Griffin

At the end of 2004, I published The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions1. Shortly before that book appeared, I delivered a lecture in which I set out to summarize its major points. (That lecture is now available in both print and DVD form.)2 Unfortunately, The 9/11 Commission Report itself3 contains so many omissions and distortions that I was able to summarize only the first half of my book in that lecture. The present lecture summarizes the second half of the book, which deals with the Commission's explanation as to why the US military was unable to intercept any of the hijacked airplanes.

South Dakota Demolition Failure Shows Building's Resiliency

S. Dakota's tallest building resists demolition - 12/04/2005

A big boom anticipated by thousands of spectators in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Saturday turned out to be a real bust.

Fox 40 Wants to Hear From You Regarding 9/11 'Conspiracies'

FOXFIRE Question

Last week we showed you a 2 part report on a group of student filmmakers who say they are trying to find out the truth behind what they call a 9/11 cover-up. after watching the reports which can be viewed on our website at, Was the World Trade center collapse part of a controlled demolition? Was the pentagon hit by a missile? Was flight 93 shot down? All questions asked in the documentary, Loose Change. What do you think? Were the events of 9/11 part of a government conspiracy?

Censor Rumors Quelled

Great article, according to this, Professor Jones' article was well received by his peers and he is submitting it for a second review. BYU does admit however, that they "distanced themselves" from Professor Jones' research.

Reports that BYU administration put a gag order on Physics Professor Steven E. Jones are exaggerated, Jones said in a phone interview Friday.

Jones seemed surprised to hear that he’d been censored. He too was unaware of an e-mail that was circulating claiming that “BYU Brass Discredit Physics Professor for Saying WTC Brought Down by Controlled Demolition.” The e-mail quoted a “non-traditional” news Web site.

Now That You KNOW, What Can YOU Do?

A great campaign to get people involved. Knowing is no longer enough, here are some ideas on how to spread the word:

After four years of extensive research, the 9/11 Truth Movement has compiled a tremendous amount of evidence that not only exposes the 9/11 Commission Report as a cover-up, but also strongly suggests that elements within the US Government were complicit in the 9/11 attacks. We are not at a time in history where we can afford to be complacent. We cannot sit back, and let "someone else take care of it." We must act, and we must act now.

Action Alert: Congress is on the brink of exposing 9/11--call your reps NOW!

Follow the link for letter writing ideas, the complete list of senators that have signed the letter, and Donald Rumsfelds mailing address. Thanks to Dennis for the heads up:

245 Senators and Reps have signed Curt Weldon's letter demanding that Able Danger whistleblowers testify before Congress. Able Danger, you may remember, was the military intelligence project that identified as terrorists, and tracked, Mohammad Atta & Co. in 2000, but was quickly gagged. Able Danger officers were told to forget they'd ever heard of Atta; and when whistleblower Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer went public this year, he was harassed and had his clearance revoked.

Grab Bag and Open Thread

Fat cats milked Ground Zero

Hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid intended to help small downtown businesses that were reeling from the 9/11 attacks often went instead to huge international corporations, companies with little attachment to the stricken area and businesses that were never in jeopardy.

The beneficiaries included a stock brokerage firm that had closed more than a month before the terrorists hit, a giant real estate firm that repeatedly said it wasn't hurt by the attacks, scores of wealthy self-employed floor traders and a Gramercy Park messenger service with a tiny satellite office downtown, a Daily News investigation of 9/11 disaster recovery aid shows.