9/11 Story Pulled

An interesting twist to this story at the bottom of this article:


SURE we've got a "Free Press" in America. HA!

We were amazed that a FOX affiliate had actually done a story on 9/11 that WASN'T a "tinfoil hat" hit piece. ...So amazed in fact that we linked to their website so other people could see for themselves. -Oh, but our amazement was short lived.

Within days, the story was killed, the transcript removed from their website, the video links taken down, and all references in the archives were gone. POOF, just like that, it never existed.

Loose Change Second Edition Full Review

Two nights ago I was lucky enough to receive a pre-production copy of Dylan Avery's 'Loose Change - 2nd Edition'. It's hard to believe it has only been 9 months since the release of the first edition, longer ago than even Griffin's speech on CSPAN. Time moves faster and faster in the 9/11 truth movement, and it seems only fitting that a new version of Loose Change be released. After grabbing the DVD from my mailbox I went straight to the DVD player, ready to see what Dylan had come up with.

New Video Followup to Tucker Carlson's Interview with Steven Jones

MSNBC Hosts Professor Steven E. Jones, Refuses to Show WTC7 Collapse Footage

Several times during the interview, Professor Jones asked Carlson to run the footage of WTC7's collapse, which he had supplied to MSNBC prior to the interview. Instead, MSNBC chose to show a picture of the building as it stood prior to the collapse, photos of rescue workers at the WTC site, including emotional footage of removal of a body, and photo of Tower 1 after the collapse.

Silent Auctions as 9/11 Truth Activist Opportunities

Here's a great idea, thanks to Truth01. Anyone else with some great ideas, post them here. Another method that might work well is office parties where everyone is gathered around to open gifts from their "secret Santa". Imagine the surprise, and the discussion that will be generated, when someone opens up their present and sees a 9/11 related DVD! They might even pop it into a computer and watch it then and there.

At many holiday events there are silent auctions where items donated are displayed on tables during the event and examined by the people attending.

Image an event with 20 or 100 people attending where there are 9/11 truth materials on display for all to see and discuss!

Loose Change 2 on Local Fox Affiliate - Part 2

Part 2: Student Documentary on 9-11

The creators say it’s only more evidence of who is really responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Film producer Korey Rowe says his experience serving the military for 12 months in Iraq and 6 months in Afghanistan, leads him to believe first hand that we are not fighting a war on terror. “If you ask any Iraqi, why we are there they will say Oil, and political power for President Bush and his administration to do anything they choose under the pretense of terror” Rowe states.

Too Hot

The great thing about GW's posts is they always come with plenty of links to the corroborating evidence. Spread it around!!


The fact that the World Trade Centers were brought down with high-explosives can be proven by the extreme temperatures which remained at ground zero for months.

Specifically, it rained heavily on September 14, 2001

Yet, as of September 18, 2001, ABC reported that "the temperature at
the core of 'the pile,' is near 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, according to fire officials, who add that the fires are too deep for firefighters to get to"

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Sept. 11


The parallels between WTC and JFK are interesting. The two events were so startling, so surreal and so profound in their lasting impacts on our society that they serve as cultural and historical icons. Every one of us who was alive and paying attention remembers exactly where we were when we heard the news. Most of us quickly formed emotional and deeply held perceptions and beliefs around them. Small wonder, then, that it's so difficult for people to debate them calmly and rationally.

Gulf of Tonkin Lie No Longer a 'Conspiracy Theory'

2nd attack in Gulf of Tonkin never occurred, analysis says

Among the documents is an article written by one of the agency's historians for its classified publication, Cryptologic Quarterly, declaring that his review of the complete intelligence shows beyond doubt ''no attack happened that night.''

Claims that North Vietnamese boats attacked two warships that Aug. 4 -- just two days after an initial assault on one of those ships -- rallied Congress behind Johnson's buildup of the war. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution passed three days later empowered him to take ''all necessary steps'' in the region and opened the way for large-scale commitment of U.S. forces.

Loose Change 2 on Local Fox Affiliate

Congratulations to Dylan Avery and everyone else involved in the creation of Loose Change 2. This is an incredible accomplishment.

Apparently they will be taking a closer look at the video on tonights broadcast so there should be more to come. Stay tuned!

NOTE: Look out for a full revi

Open Thread

Have at it people.. Here is a topic to get you started..

Kerry blames election loss on Sept. 11 attacks

Asked by a reporter outside the White House today what cost him the election, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) gave a terse reply, RAW STORY can reveal.

"9/11," Kerry said.