Pivotal 9/11 Petition Storms Canadian Parliament

Written by Wayne Coste
Feb 17th, 2012

Formal Appeal for Real WTC Investigation to be Accompanied by AE911Truth Tour of Canada

An unprecedented and potentially powerful Canadian initiative is entering a new phase that brings Canada one step closer to re-investigating the events at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

For the first time, the Canadian Parliament will respond, in at least some measure, to the calls for justice and accountability regarding the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7

First Steps Completed

On November 11, 2011, the petition for a parliamentary review of the destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11 was submitted to the Government of Canada by members of the Canadian 9/11 truth movement. The petition will soon be formally read in Parliament.

It was signed by 1,405 Canadians, and under long standing protocols, a formal response is required within 45 days.

The petition includes specific points of evidence that must be evaluated and addressed in its response. It specifically asks several pointed questions about a range of evidence that has been assembled and validated by the 1,600 strong Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Why is Senator Maria Cantwell Shielding NIST from Investigation?

Written by Jeff Rische
February 15th, 2012

AE911Truth Activists Turn Up The Heat

Editor’s Note: For over a year, Jeff Rische has reached out to the staff of Washington Senator Maria Cantwell and other federal and state representatives with the evidence of the controlled demolition of the WTC skyscrapers as presented by AE911Truth. We strongly encourage you to join in this vital effort by contacting Senator Cantwell’s office and letting her know that you want real answers about the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers. The contact information for Senator Cantwell and her staff is listed at the bottom of this article.

Despite acknowledging AE911Truth as experts and sitting in jurisdiction over NIST, Senator Cantwell has avoided taking any action on the explosive evidence

Let me begin by saying that I like Senator Cantwell. As politicians go, I think she’s better than most, which is why the last year has been so perplexing for me.

The evidence compiled by AE911Truth demonstrates beyond a doubt that the official NIST explanation for the destruction of World Trade Center towers 1, 2, and 7 is simply not true. The evidence shows that the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were not destroyed by fire as NIST claims, but by explosive controlled demolition. You don’t need an advanced engineering degree to verify this; a working grasp of 7th grade physics is sufficient to effectively disprove NIST’s conclusions. No conspiracy theories, just scientific fact confirmed by Newton’s laws of physics.

So why has Senator Cantwell taken no action since she was presented with this very same evidence over a year ago?

Ron Paul - We've Been Neo-Conned!

Ron Paul - July 10, 2003 - http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article33126.html

. . .

"The Defense Policy Board, chaired by Richard Perle played no small role in coordinating the various projects and think tanks, all determined to take us into war against Iraq. It wasn't too long before the dream of empire was brought closer to reality by the election of 2000 with Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld playing key roles in this accomplishment. The plan to promote an “American greatness” imperialistic foreign policy was now a distinct possibility. Iraq offered a great opportunity to prove their long-held theories. This opportunity was a consequence of the 9-11 disaster."

. . .

continued at http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article33126.html

(Edit: date corrected, thanks Joe)

New York: Police union demands info on 9/11 toxic debris

ABC NEWS -- New York City's police union is demanding more information about the effects of toxic debris from the 9/11 attacks.

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association called on the city to release all data about officers who suffered cancer after responding at the World Trade Center at a news conference on Sunday.

The union also showed the uniform worn that day by Officer Alonzo Harris.

It was tested and found to have dangerous carcinogens on it.

The P.B.A. says the city has dragged its feet on providing information about first responders.

"It's unconscionable that they would not release this data. This is an issue of men and women who serve this city without question and they're looking for one thing, they're looking for the treatment that they deserve," P.B.A. President Patrick Lynch said.

The union wants cancer included on the list of illnesses covered by the Zadroga Act, to help first responders.


Why Are We Fighting On the Same Side with Al Qaeda?

Posted on by WashingtonsBlog

The U.S. Is On the Same Side as Al Qaeda In Syria

Reuters notes that the leader of Al Qaeda – Ayman al-Zawahri – is backing the Syrian rebels, and asking his followers to fight the Syrian government.

Some of the main Al Qaeda fighters who overthrew Gadaffi – and now appear to be in control of Libya – are already helping the Syrian rebels.

This is curious, given that the U.S. is considering military options for ousting the Syrian government, American allies Britain and Qatar allegedly already have foreign troops inside Syria, and the U.S. has been planning regime change in Syria for over 50 years.

Mainstream reports also state that the U.S. and its allies are backing Iranian terrorists.

I thought Al Qaeda was America’s mortal enemy. Why are we backing terrorists?

9/11 woman's remains become 1,633rd identification: Karol Ann Keasler lived in Brooklyn Heights but traveled the world


9/11 woman's remains become 1,633rd identification
Karol Ann Keasler lived in Brooklyn Heights but traveled the world


Friday, February 10, 2012, 10:35 PM

THE REMAINS of a globe-trotting Brooklyn Heights woman whose journeys took her to Tuscany, Asia and Africa have finally been identified.

Karol Ann Keasler, 42, a bride-to-be who volunteered in a soup kitchen and read novels to the elderly, was finally identified by the city’s chief medical examiner on Friday.

“It’s been almost 11 years,” her younger sister Susan told the Daily News from her home near Las Vegas. “And after all this time, I had come to believe that things like this only happen on ‘CSI.’ ”

Keasler worked as an event planner for investment bank Keefe, Bruyette & Woods on the 89th floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center. She was identified in part through a breakthrough technology, developed years after 9/11, that can extract a full DNA profile from a small bone fragment.

“I didn’t even realize they were still trying to identify her until the Nevada police came to my mother’s door and told us what they had found in New York,” her sister said.

All they had in the big white ME’s tent off FDR Drive was a bone in Karol Keasler’s foot that had been discovered in the months after 9/11. That turned out to be enough to make a positive ID.

New Evidence Reveals Half of Pilots Were Only Assigned to 9/11 Flights at the Last Minute

Thomas McGuinness, the Co-Pilot of Flight 11
Thomas McGuinness, the co-pilot of American Airlines Flight 11 before it became the first plane to be hijacked in the 9/11 attacks, only assigned himself to be on the flight the afternoon before September 11, 2001, and pushed from it the original co-pilot, who had put his name down for the flight less than half an hour earlier. This new information means that, curiously, half of the pilots and co-pilots originally at the controls of the four aircraft involved in the attacks are now known to have been assigned to the doomed flights at the last minute, very shortly before September 11. Additionally, more than half of the flight attendants and many of the passengers are known to have, similarly, not originally been booked onto those flights.

The details of McGuinness's late assignment to Flight 11 were revealed recently by Steve Scheibner, who was originally going to be the plane's co-pilot. In a short film released on the Internet just before the 10th anniversary of 9/11, Scheibner described how McGuinness came to replace him on Flight 11 and thereby saved his life.

At the time of the 9/11 attacks, Scheibner was a fundamentalist Baptist pastor and a commander in the Naval Reserves, but he also worked part-time as an on-call pilot for American Airlines. [1] He had been available to fly on September 11. "So at about three o'clock in the afternoon of September 10," Scheibner recalled, "I sat down at the computer and I logged in like I normally do, to check to see if there was any unassigned flying for the next day. And sure enough there was one trip that was available on September 11. It was American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston's Logan Airport to Los Angeles." Scheibner looked at the flight and could see that "there was no pilot assigned to it yet."

New York State legislation would force the NYPD to release names of all cops who worked at Ground Zero

NY State legislation would force the NYPD to release names of all cops who worked at Ground Zero to cancer researchers
Mount Sinai Medical Center scientists have asked for the information

By Kenneth Lovett / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ALBANY — The NYPD would be required to provide the list of cops who worked at Ground Zero to cancer researchers under legislation being drafted in the Legislature.

The measure was requested by the police officers union, which says the studies could help secure needed federal health money for ailing cops.

Scientists at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan have asked for the full roster of officers who served at Ground Zero, but the NYPD’s surgeon refused, citing privacy concerns.

Assemblyman Micah Kellner (D-Manhattan) and state Sen. Diane Savino (D-S.I.) ripped the decision and promised to introduce a bill as soon as next week compelling the NYPD to comply with the request.

“These were the heroes of 9/11, and they deserve the best health care possible,” Kellner said. “If there is a higher rate of cancer, we need to find that out through the best study possible, and that means releasing this list.”

WTC7 and NIST - Shear Ignorance

I made this video along with some other researchers from our 911 Truth chatroom. It addresses the issue of shear studs in WTC7 and NIST's denials and admissions of their existence. Comments/criticisms are welcome. I will include links and references in the description as soon as I can.


Silverstein’s 9/11 Lawsuit Against Airline Continues


FEBRUARY 3, 2012
Silverstein’s 9/11 Lawsuit Against Airline Continues
By Jacqueline Palank

One World Trade Center, 90 floors up so far and scheduled for completion in 2013.
Under a new agreement, the bankruptcy of American Airlines’ parent company won’t completely halt pending litigation from the World Trade Center’s developer over claims the carrier failed to prevent the hijacking of Flight 11 during the Sept. 11th terrorist attack.

In a long-running legal battle, World Trade Center developer Larry Silverstein has accused AMR Corp. and its American Airlines subsidiary of failure to put into place safeguards — such as securing the cockpit — to prevent terrorists from seizing control of its airplane. Flight 11 crashed into the site’s North Tower with 81 passengers and 11 crew members on board.

AMR’s Chapter 11 filing last November automatically put a stop to all pending litigation against the company, including the World Trade Center suit. But under the deal AMR filed in bankruptcy court Thursday, plaintiffs may continue pursuing injury and damage claims “solely to the extent of available and collectible [insurance] coverage.”

Court papers show the agreement, which isn’t subject to court approval, precludes plaintiffs from trying to recover for “intentional conduct or punitive damages.”

Silverstein’s company, which leased the Twin Towers and two other World Trade Center buildings from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, is seeking billions of dollars in damages for alleged negligence by the airline, according to the lawsuit. It is also seeking compensation for the lost rental income; the developer had signed 99-year leases for the space just two months before the attack.