Kevin Ryan "Another Nineteen - Investigating Legitimate 9-11 Suspects" - Guns & Butter Radio

Kevin Ryan "Another Nineteen - Investigating Legitimate 9-11 Suspects" - Guns & Butter Radio

Published on Aug 14, 2013

"Another Nineteen" with Kevin Ryan. September 11, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld; Dick Cheney; Frank Carlucci; Carlyle Group; BDM Corporation; Stratesec; Richard Armitage; the deep state; SAIC; Richard Clarke; Continuity of Government; the War on Terror; United Arab Emirates; rendition; Rwandan genocide.

9/11 Free Fall 8/8/13: Tony Szamboti-- Mechanical Engineer

Tony Szamboti is a mechanical design engineer with 27 years of experience in the aerospace and communications industries. He's a member of AE911Truth, was involved with Remember Building 7, and was on national television with Bob Mcilvaine back in 2010 to talk about the controlled demolition evidence. He also appears in AE911Truth's most recent documentary "9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out". In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he discusses his newest paper refuting Dr. Bazant's explanation of why the towers fell on 9/11.

Abby Martin Calls Out Rachel Maddow For Painting 9/11 Truthers As Potential Terrorist

Abby Martin Calls Out Rachel Maddow For Painting 9/11 Truthers As Potential Terrorist

Published on Aug 9, 2013

August 09, 2013 Russia Today News

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We did it! Thanks to you! logo AUGUST 7, 2013

Dear Friends and Supporters of ReThink911,

We did it!

Yesterday, the ReThink911 campaign reached its fundraising goal of $225,000. Thanks to you, eleven cities and countless millions throughout the world will come to learn about the freefall destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 this September. Your commitment, generosity, and faith in our vision are what have brought us to this point. On behalf of everyone at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and all of the ReThink911 coalition members, I want you to know that we are eternally grateful for the very generous support that you have shown.

Our fundraising this past week was so successful that in just five days we were able to raise the final $25,000 we needed—and then some! The additional $2,300 we raised up through yesterday will now be used as the seed money for the next all-important piece of our September efforts: a new Public Opinion Poll to be officially released in the week leading up to September 11th.

9/11 in the Academic Community - Documentary Preview

Coming this fall, “9/11 in the Academic Community,” a Winner of the University of Toronto Film Festival, is a unique film that documents academia's treatment of critical perspectives on 9/11 by exploring the taboo that shields the American government's narrative from scholarly examination. Through a powerful reflection on intellectual courage and the purpose of academia, the film aims at changing intellectual discourse on 9/11 and the War on Terror.

All efforts are being made to make this film available by this October. Please widely distribute the following video preview: Youtube Video Preview:

9/11 Free Fall 8/1/13: Gerry B. and "MaladmiNISTration"

Gerry B. is a 9/11 activist and researcher from Scotland who, with the help of others, has made a series of short videos that take apart NIST's investigation of World Trade Center Building 7′s destruction. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he discusses his research. Plus news of more 9/11 Truth graffiti in Connecticut and a senior editor from Popular Mechanics gets 9/11 controlled demolition calls on Washington Journal.

Gerry's Videos:

Part One-- Shear Ignorance

Part Two-- The Expanding Lie

Part Three-- Tangled Webs

Part Four-- MaladmiNISTration

Also referenced:

Strategy for a Personal Effort

Campaigning for a new, independent investigation of 9/11 by writing personal letters/emails to people of influence, such as columnists and commentators has not received much comment in this space or others. However, it may offer a real—even if quiet to the point of invisibility—strategy for changing public opinion.

Columnists in particular, on both the left and the right, often write columns about the issue-of-the-moment. In recent months that would include the use of drones, invasive spying by the NSA, and whistle blowing. No matter what the political persuasion of the writer, nearly all journalists/columnists will write from an assumption that the events of 9/11 offer some justification for actions that, before 9/11, we would have judged to be illegal or—in the case of whistle blowing—a citizen's appropriate constitutional duty (regardless of legal prohibitions to the contrary).

Writing comments on Web pages is certainly one form of expressing a concern about weak assumptions adopted by writers and public speakers. However, an email or letter allows a great deal more freedom of expression because it is—unlike online comments—only intended for the writer's eyes. The obvious weakness of this personalized approach directly to columnists is that it can be a lot of effort for a target of one. However, that is also its greatest strength, since the email writer can bring in details that are personal to the columnist/journalist/public speaker that might not have been appropriate when writing for a larger audience (like column comment readers, for example).

Bill Moyers made a speech to the History Makers organization a while back. In it he made use of the "conspiracy theorists" term as a pejorative to describe people still seeking the truth about 9/11. Following are excerpts from a letter written to him about his speech. (The physical facts that make the official conspiracy theory impossible have been deleted as unnecessary for this audience.)

Senator Proposes National Whistleblower Day

The idea might not win approval with the rest of the Senate, but Republican lawmaker Chuck Grassley has put in a resolution for a new commemorative holiday for the United States – National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.

"Anything we can do to uphold whistleblowers and their protection is the right thing to keep government responsible," said Grassley, who is famous for personally aiding whistleblowers in their battles against rule-breaking officials. "If you know laws are being violated and money's being misspent, you have a patriotic duty to report it."

The choice of 30 July, the date suggested in the proposal, made jointly with Democratic Senator Carl Levin, is not accidental. It marks the 235th anniversary of what was one of the earliest whistleblowing regulations implemented anywhere – by the Founding Fathers in the Continental Congress in the midst of the Revolutionary War.

The Founding Fathers

9/11 Free Fall 7/25/13: Ted Walter-- ReThink911

Ted Walter is the founder of the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now, (NYC CAN)-- an organization he started in 2009 with a group of 9/11 family members to advance the New York City ballot initiative for an independent commission to reinvestigate the 9/11 attacks. He has since served as the manager of Remember Building 7-- a TV advertising campaign aimed at exposing New Yorkers to the collapse of World Trade Center Center Building 7-- and he is now co-campaign manager for ReThink911.

Fed Economist Fired for Investigating Suspicious 9-11 Cash Transfers;

Interesting story with charts and video posted over at zero hedge.

Submitted by EB on 07/25/2013

Would you be surprised to learn that tens of billions in cold, hard cash was shuffled around just prior to 9-11 by none other than the Fed itself?  Probably not.  Here's a graph, illustrating the change in USD currency production over a ten week period prior to 9-11 compared to the average over the five years prior (which, by the way, includes the Y2K money printing orgy in the year 2000 itself, which skews the average higher):

That's right.  The average increase was $8 billion over five years, but it exploded to $18 billion just prior to that fateful day.  None other than a Federal Reserve economist discovered this and was promptly fired for his efforts to reveal the cause.  The official story involves an Argentine currency crisis.  Clearly, this required his termination.  We interviewed him, and this is his story at 2:49 in: