Remember Building 7
We did it! Thanks to you!
AUGUST 7, 2013 |
Dear Friends and Supporters of ReThink911, We did it! Yesterday, the ReThink911 campaign reached its fundraising goal of $225,000. Thanks to you, eleven cities and countless millions throughout the world will come to learn about the freefall destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 this September. Your commitment, generosity, and faith in our vision are what have brought us to this point. On behalf of everyone at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and all of the ReThink911 coalition members, I want you to know that we are eternally grateful for the very generous support that you have shown. Our fundraising this past week was so successful that in just five days we were able to raise the final $25,000 we needed—and then some! The additional $2,300 we raised up through yesterday will now be used as the seed money for the next all-important piece of our September efforts: a new Public Opinion Poll to be officially released in the week leading up to September 11th. |
9/11 Free Fall 7/25/13: Ted Walter-- ReThink911
Ted Walter is the founder of the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now, (NYC CAN)-- an organization he started in 2009 with a group of 9/11 family members to advance the New York City ballot initiative for an independent commission to reinvestigate the 9/11 attacks. He has since served as the manager of Remember Building 7-- a TV advertising campaign aimed at exposing New Yorkers to the collapse of World Trade Center Center Building 7-- and he is now co-campaign manager for ReThink911.
Political reporter says " Buy dinner, support our troops"
Graham Thomson of the Edmonton Journal wrote - I received a news release recently that really bothered me. It had nothing to do with Alberta politics or the two leadership races now underway for the Liberals and Conservatives. It had to do with a dinner this Saturday to honour the 157 Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan during our combat mission there. The ( $100.00 a plate) dinner will be attended by Alberta Lt.-Gov. Donald Ethell and hear a keynote address by Maj.-Gen. Jonathan Vance, who commanded coalition troops in Kandahar province for nine months.According to the news release, the event was "in jeopardy of cancellation." Simply put, not enough people had bought tickets. The dinner had room for 500 and would financially break even with 350 — but only 60 people had bought tickets when the news release crossed my desk. "We’re surprised that we’ve sold less than 60 tickets to an event dedicated to honouring the brave men and women who have died while serving in our Canadian Forces," wrote the event organizer, Mike McMurray. "We need to sell at least 300 more tickets to the gala dinner or we’re going to be left with little choice but to cancel the event.
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The Ads Will Reach 10 Million New Yorkers
Reason #1 to Donate to the 10th Anniversary Campaign:
The Ads Will Reach 10 Million New Yorkers
September 4, 2011
Raising $1 million between September 1 and September 11 will enable the Remember Building 7 campaign to reach 10 million people in the New York Metropolitan Area through a combination of TV and out-of-home advertising. A whopping 60% of the target market will see the ads on TV or on the subway an average of 10 times each.
What does this level of coverage mean? It means an instant media frenzy and overnight surge in public awareness about the collapse of Building 7. It means talking heads on every news channel awkwardly defending a story their eyes tell them is absurd. It means a handful of courageous journalists finally having the permission to ask the real questions. It means millions of minds opening to the possibility that there really is more to 9/11, as they always suspected deep down.
If this is something you’d like to see, please donate now.
Do not wait to make your donation. The sooner you make your donation, the more of a multiplier effect it will have because it will encourage thousands of others to donate. Consider it an investment that will yield even more donations in the next eight days. Do not wait until the last day.
Only with your support can this campaign be a success.
Imagine seeing this ad in every NYC subway car
Thank you for your generous support.
French Doc Featuring Remember Building 7 to Air September 4
M6, one of France’s largest TV channels, will air a documentary on September 4th that follows the stories of several 9/11 family and first responder groups, including the Remember Building 7 campaign.
This is only the first of at least a dozen stories that foreign news organizations will be doing on the Remember Building 7 campaign around the 10th Anniversary. With this unprecedented level of media coverage bringing our message to tens of millions of people, combined with the 10th Anniversary Campaign, the Toronto Hearings and the release of 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out, the 10th Anniversary promises to be a breakthrough moment in the pursuit of a new 9/11 investigation.
Please support all three efforts at once by going to and making your pledge to donate between September 1 and 11. So far we have reached almost 600 pledges – please help us reach 1,000 by next Thursday September 1 when we begin accepting donations.
10th Anniversary Campaign TV Ad
Watch the new TV ad campaign by Remember Builing 7
More info on the 10th anniversary campaign at
Remember Building 7: 10th Anniversary Ad Campaign Launches Today!
Remember Building 7:
10th Anniversary Ad Campaign Launches Today!
with our new Mini-Documentary:
“Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7”
Dear AE911Truth Supporters,
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is pleased to announce the launch of the Remember Building 7 10th Anniversary Campaign – the most aggressive ad campaign yet. This season we are accelerating our strategic partnership with in order to make this 10th Anniversary a vital turning point in the pursuit of a new 9/11 investigation.
Failure to Report : A Panel Discussion Among Journalists 3/26/11
Investigate Building 7 : A Call to Reexamine the Most Important Event of Our Time. March 26 2011, University of Hartford, Ct
Failure to Report : A Panel Discussion Among Journalists
Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at NYU
Leslie Griffith, Journalist
Craig Unger, Author
Dick Russell, Author
This panel will address the US media's tendency to look away from major stories of all kinds by dismissing them as mere "conspiracy theories." First will be a discussion the press's silence on the strange collapse of Building 7, and the panelists will move on from there to discuss other mysteries or scandals that, although they merit serious investigation, are either laughed off or ignored. Among these forbidden stories are the "OctoberSurprise"of1980, the fate of TWA Fligh t800,the CIA's reported drug dealing in America's innercities, theOklahoma City bombing and the epidemic of widespread election fraud since 2000.
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