Italian Supreme Court President Calls for New 9/11 Investigation at ICC


Ferdinando Imposimato Points to AE911truth Evidence

[Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt of a letter written by Italian Supreme Court President Ferdinando Imposimato for the Journal of 9/11 Studies. While AE911Truth does not speculate on who was involved in the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers, we applaud Imposimato for speaking out on this important issue, calling attention to the explosive 9/11 evidence, and, most importantly, pursuing justice.]

Mainstream 9/11 Truth Film Sabotaged, says Star. "September Morn" no longer in production.
Published on Nov 19, 2012 by Mark Dice

The 9/11 truth film "September Morn" starring Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson, Daniel Sunjata and others, has been derailed and sabotaged according to Sunjata.



Date: 19 November 2012 (Monday)

Time: 9am – 5pm

Venue: Dewan Tun Dr. Ismail, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur

Keynote Address by

YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia & President of Perdana Global Peace Foundation
Session 1 – What Really Happened on 9/11?

General Tan Sri Azumi Mohamed (Rtd.)
Trustee PGPF

Ms Cynthia Mckinney
Former US Congresswoman / Commissioner in the Citizens’ Commission on 9/11

Mr James Corbett
Journalist & Film Producer

Mr. Richard Gage
Founder of Architects & Engineer for 9/11 Truth
Session 2 – Fear Factor

Tan Sri Hasmy Agam
Chairman SUHAKAM

Prof. Michel Chossudovksy
Professor of Economic, University of Ottawa

Prof. Graeme Macqueen
Author & Organiser of the Toronto 9/11 Hearings

Prof. Niloufer Bhagwat

9/11 Free Fall -- Gatekeepers and 9/11 Censorship -- Interview with Dan Noel (11/15/12)

Dan Noel is an electromechanical engineer who is a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as part of its presenter team. He has closely studied what he calls "the 9/11 censorship issue". In light of a recent video in which journalist Amy Goodman is confronted with 9/11 evidence and avoids discussion of it, Dan talks about 9/11 gatekeepers, the challenges that activist face in overcoming the censorship wall, and specific tools available that can help activists reach out to more people.

Listen to Previous episodes at:

Links mentioned on show:

9/11 Truth Confronts Amy Goodman & Democracy Now! ~ Cal Poly San Luis Obispo


Congress expands whistleblower protections in bill

Tuesday - 11/13/2012
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate on Tuesday gave final congressional approval for a bill that would significantly expand protections for federal employees who expose fraud, waste and abuse and make it easier to punish supervisors who try to retaliate against the whistle-blowers.

The whistle-blower protection measure, approved by voice vote and sent to the president, was the product of 13 years of work by organizations pushing for greater protections for the federal workforce.

The legislation closes loopholes created by court rulings, which removed protections for whistle-blowers. One loophole specified that whistle-blowers were only protected when they were the first to report misconduct.

The new legislation, however, would go beyond restoring protections, to expand whistle-blower rights and clarify protections that were not explicitly clear. For instance, the bill would clarify that whistle-blowers could challenge the consequences of government policy decisions.

Specific protections would be given to certain employees, including government scientists who challenge censorship and workers at the Transportation Security Administration, who provide screening at airports.

Operation Betrayus: From Benghazi to Brennan

Operation Betrayus: From Benghazi to Brennan!

Published on Nov 13, 2012 by corbettreport


Corbett Report Radio #256

The shockwaves of the Petraeus affair are still being felt in Washington. Predictably, the media focus is on the prurient nation of the scandal, but this is no ordinary sex scandal. Join us tonight on the program as we look at some of the implications of the affair from "access" journalism to blackmail to Benghazi and CIA secret prisons and the question of who will step in to fill his shoes.

Luke Rudkowski interviews Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick on President Obama and 9/11 Truth

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Luke Rudkowski interviews Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick following the debut of their series, "The Untold History of the United States." Luke discusses with them about the lack of outrage shown towards the President Obama's continuation of Bush's policies. Luke also talks to them about what should be done in regards to a new investigation into 9/11.

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New Video: Inside 9/11 - Who diverted the fighter jets?

Though all this is history now, with more than 10 years having passed by, some crucial questions remain unresolved. In the recent study "Anomalies of the air defense on 9/11", published in October 2012 in the "Journal of 9/11 Studies", some of these questions are covered in great detail. You can read it here:

Now a video has been released, explaining these findings:

Core of the argument: The flight routes of the fighter jets scrambled on 9/11 show a pattern of deliberate diversion.

Declassifying 9/11: A Between the Lines and Behind the Scenes Look at the September 11 Attacks

Declassifying 9/11: A Between the Lines and Behind the Scenes Look at the September 11 Attacks

By reading between the lines, connecting dots hidden in plain view and seeking corroboration of the alleged version of September 11 events from regional and federal governments by way of Freedom of Information laws, September 11 researchers provide evidence of not only a seeming cover-up surrounding the events of September 11 but scientifically based and thoroughly researched explanations for the reported events that unfolded over the skies of America that day.

Available at Amazon

The Air Defense on 9/11: Anomalies and Questions Published on Nov 7, 2012 by GlobalResearchTV

The Air Defense on 9/11: Anomalies and Questions

Published on Nov 7, 2012 by GlobalResearchTV

The systematic failure of every level of the US air defense on the morning of September 11th provides one of the clearest "smoking guns" in the full complicity of key elements of the US government and defense department in those attacks. In his new peer-reviewed article published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies, author and researcher Paul Schreyer outlines many of these key anomalies and the way they have been carefully covered up by the so-called 9/11 investigations. This is the GRTV Feature Interview with your host James Corbett and our special guest, Paul Schreyer.