Unlikely Place for a Hit Piece

I just found this via someone else's blog: I don't remember it being posted here. This column is from the "sex & relationships" section of a women's website. Was written a couple weeks ago but we could still potentially reach a few people with the comments section. I just added one. I don't think this was a coordinated hit piece at the movement, just a column written by someone who happened to trash 9/11 truth in what is a larger article on relationships.

On a side note, I might as well add: As a single 30-year-old guy who occasionally feels frustration over not being in a relationship right now, I'm actually happy to have come across this column, because it reminds me of one truism: "Better to be alone than in bad company!" I'll be happy to be single for a little while longer, knowing that when I do settle with someone it'll be someone of a much more open mind than the woman who wrote this piece of trash column.


Love Lessons: Desperately Seeking Approval

When my boyfriend suddenly decided that the U.S. government had planned 9/11 to justify a war in the Mideast, I was alarmed, but not enough to ditch him outright. After all, I told myself, his penchant for questioning everything in his path was one of the things I loved about him. Surely he'd regain his senses soon.

9/11 Truth and the "Big Tent" Approach - A short essay by John Bursill

9/11 Truth and the "Big Tent" Approach

A short essay by John Bursill

If you haven't heard of the "Big Tent" approach before then I will give you a quick explanation of why it is an ongoing problem for the 9/11 Truth Movement. The "Big Tent" approach is all inclusive approach, that believes all people professing to be "truth seekers" should be welcomed and supported by us and we should allow them a platform to push their ideas and theories regardless of their merits. By merits I mean; are those ideas and theories supported by evidence based rational arguments that are peer reviewed and accepted as credible? The great majority of the 9/11 Truth Community reject ideas or theories that are without merit as they believe this will marginalise, dilute, confuse and isolate us as a movement. They "the Big Tenter's" feel that we "the people" can figure out what is garbage and what is not and they should be able to present their ideas and theories on an equal footing to us in the name of free speech, regardless of their quality. On the other hand do I "hope" that these people publish our proven arguments, yes and am I thankful for this service, absolutely!

Nanotechnology: 9/11 and the Future

With the advent of the discoveries surrounding the 9/11/01 nano-thermite evidence, along with what is about to come down the pike, I decided to do a cursory layman study of “nanotechnology”.

One nanometer (nm) is one billionth, or 10-9, of a meter. It takes about 3-10 atoms to span the length of a nanometer. 1 nanometer = 1,000 microns (µm) (micrometers). A red blood cell is 7 microns in diameter. A bacterium might be 200 nanometers in length.

This 10 minute video gives an excellent overview of nanotechnology.

Nano-aluminum is burned in this 5 minute video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWvhthVsVDs taken from http://www.qsinano.com/index.php

Ottawa 9/11 Truth February Truth Action at Winterlude 2009

Members of Ottawa 9/11 Truth went to Winterlude 2009 for our February Truth to hand out DVDs to bring awareness regarding the other side of the story of 9/11. Winterlude is an yearly festival centered around the Rideau Canal which use to be the largest outdoor skating rink. This is a popular tourist attraction for the ice sculpture competition and other various other activities all over the city of Ottawa.

We encountered many Canadians who were largely unaware of this information due to the mainstream media cover up.

For a full report:


Best to view in HD.


Staged terrorism book featured in german mass media

Daniele Ganser, scientist at the University of Basel lectures in several issues around 9/11 and is an important and credible voice in spreading the truth, especially about World Trade Center 7. His talks are very well visited and famous.

Now, his latest book NATO's secret armies has been covered in german mass media as a "required reading". This is probably one of the best books about state-sponsored terrorism, even if it touches 9/11 only on the surface. The historical approach with several proven "flase flag" attacks during the cold war give even sceptics a good lecture in thinking about what governments are really capable of. Here is the television excerpt with subtitles:

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

News from AE911Truth.org: Anders Bjorkman, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer joins up.

AE911Truth Surpassed 602 Credentialed Members [2/5/2009].

News from AE911Truth:

Feb 5, 2009
Anders Björkman named New Petitioner of the Month
— Editor

WTC 1 - Introduction - Learning from Ship Collisions by Anders Björkman (M.Sc), updated 2 February 2009

Anders Bjorkman, with more than 40 years experience in steel structural design and structural damage analysis, joins petition effort.

AE911Truth is proud to add Anders Bjorkman to its list of petition signers. Bjorkman, M. Sc. Naval Architect and Marine Engineer, is the managing director of Heiwa Co. of Beausoleil, France, specializing in ship safety and ship management audits. Bjorkman has more than 40 years experience of steel structural design including structural damage analysis.

Barcelona Truth Action

An Eleventh Day of Every Month action report, courtesy of propan0:

Report in spanish here

First of all, much respect to all groups taking part - you are a true inspiration!

Ok, here's our report from Barcelona, Spain:

We were 4 dedicated soldiers, armed with about 500 flyers, DVDs, and what is turning out our best weapon: an information panel that you can see (overburned by the sun) below.

Our strategy is simple: find a very crowded walking-only area with enough space not to get harassed by police, and set up the panel. Immediately we see people congregating around it and studying the information in it with great interest.


Truth & Deception: An Interview with Kevin Ryan on 9/11

In this interview Kevin Ryan discusses the science and psychology of 9/11. He also mentions an upcoming paper that provides strong evidence of incendiary residues found in the World Trade Center dust. Ryan, who is one of the co-authors of the paper, says that it is "...much more conclusive than anything we've published before, and is supported by considerable physical testing."

American Buddhist Net News

ABN: Kevin, you have been a central figure in the 9/11 truth movement. What have you learned from that experience?

Beverly Eckert among Flight 3407 victims


"Eckert, Rooney's high school sweetheart, continued to live in their home in Stamford, Conn., after the terrorists' attacks of 2001. As co-chairwoman of Voices of Sept. 11, she pushed for a formal commission to investigate intelligence failures and for a proper memorial to the victims."


by Beverly Eckert

"I've chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with terrifying ease. I want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue options were so limited.

I am suing because unlike other investigative avenues, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers to compel evidence.