ottawafro's blog

Canadian 9/11 Petition: History, Follow Up With Paul Dewar And Future (feat. WAC OTTAWA )

Members of WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa attempts to follow up with Paul Dewar regarding the 9/11 Petition we submitted to his office..

We need everyone to follow up and show Paul Dewar that this is an important issue to Canadians.

The future is up to you.

We would ask everyone to do is copy and paste this message below to Paul Dewar
( or print this as a paper copy and mail it to his office. ( NO POSTAGE REQUIRED WHEN SENDING TO A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT )

Twitter: @PaulDewar , #paulpresentthepetition

JOIN OUR EVENT for this campaign:!/events/366942366732539/

TAO & WAC Ottawa June 11th,2011 9/11 Truth Action

*Got a new computer over the holidays and now able to edit our old footage - better late than never *

Members of WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa and Truth Action Ottawa went out to Rideau Centre on June 11th,2011 as part of "The Eleventh of the Month" campaign to hand dvds and to get petition signatures for the Canadian 9/11 Investigation Petition.

Stay tuned for big news about the petition to the Canadian Parliament in the coming months ahead.


March on Ottawa for 9/11 Truth 2011 - Sept 17th, 2011

We have booked Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Sept 17th,2011. We will continue the momentum from the Toronto Hearings and converge on Parliament to demand a new investigation into the events of 9/11. We have collected over 1200 signatures from Canadians wanting a new investigation into the events of 9/11

Come out if you are within driving distance of Ottawa. The ten year anniversary is over and 9/11 truth still matters...

Facebook Event Page:

TAO & WAC Ottawa May 11th,2011 9/11 Truth Action

Members of WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa and Truth Action Ottawa went out to Rideau Centre on May 11th,2011 as part of "The Eleventh of the Month" campaign to hand dvds and to get petition signatures for the Canadian 9/11 Investigation Petition.

Mohamed Harkat, victim of Canadian Islamophobic witch-hunt, victim of the lies of 9/11

Since 9/11 , many Muslims have been persecuted, here's the story of Mohamed Harkat.

Sign the statement/petition against Secret Trials in Canada - Please share with your family and friends and help put a end to this unjust process in Canada. Ask your local, union, group, organization (religious, political, environmental and other) to endorse.

Please circulate far and wide, post on FB and twitter.

We can make a difference. Support is needed
International supported needed.

Stop Security Certificates ! - for more information.

WAC Ottawa June 11th 9/11 Truth Action - Outside RBC Firebombing location - False Flag ?

As part of the 11th of Every Month Campaign , we went to the Glebe this month to hand out information regarding 9/11.

We went going to Bank St. and First Ave across the street from the firebombing incident. We denounce such acts as displayed with the firebombing. We went to peacefully protest and interact with the fellow citizens of Ottawa regarding 9/11 truth which is the biggest false flag in recent history.


Interview with Jane Scharf regarding the RBC Firebombing.

Ottawa RBC Firebombing - A talk with Jane Scharf - Who is the 3rd suspect ? and more

9/11 Truth at G20 on CBC Coverage

I was out filming for Press for Truth at the G20 ( and had my 9/11 T-Shirt on. I was taking a breather and saw the CBC getting ready to go live for an interview. The little Alex Jones voice in my head said "Target of opportunity" and this is what happened.


WE ARE CHANGE OTTAWA May 2010 Truth Action - Wellington St - Downtown Ottawa


WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa went out on May 15th, 2009 to downtown Ottawa on Wellingston St. We handed out 300 DVDS and many pamphlets regarding 9/11 truth. It was a nice day for a truth action and for getting the word out.

Thanks Craig for donating the "INSIDE JOB" Banner !
See you there.

WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa April 11th,2010 9/11 Truth Action ( Rideau Center )

Members of WE ARE CHANGE OTTAWA went to Rideau Center for our 11th of Every Month campaign.

This is a place we frequent often due to the large amount of pedestrian traffic.

WAC Ottawa goes 9/11 Truth Freeway Blogging + RCMP Headquarters

Members of WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa / Ottawa 911 Truth went out for our March Truth Action.

Full Story:

Our plan was to go to the Vanier Parkway overlooking the 417 Highway from 2 4 pm and hold our 9/11 truth signs to forward the message of 9/11 truth.

We had lots of cars honk from the 417 Highway and the traffic on the Vanier Parkway definitely slowed as those passing by in the car slowed down to read our signs.

WAC OTTAWA GOES TO WINTERLUDE 2010 - February 9/11 Truth Action

Members of WE ARE CHANGE OTTAWA did our truthaction at the yearly festival in Ottawa Winterlude.

WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa goes to the Prorogation Rally - Jan 23rd,2010

WE ARE CHANGE Ottawa goes to the Prorogation Rally - Jan 23rd,2010 in hopes to wake up a few minds... This was a rally because Stephen Harper prrorogued the Government and this caused an uproar with the general public. We encountered some people who agreed with our points of views on the North American Union, 9/11 Truth and Climate Change and many more than did not agree. Hopefully we exposed many of them of messages not seen on the mainstream and they can begin to ween themselves off the controlled mainstream media.


Ottawa 9/11 Truth August 11th Truth Action - A-Channel & Sparks St - Rough Draft

Ottawa 9/11 Truth went down to A-Channel at 6 o'clock to hand out DVDs in front of the A-Channel building and to display our signs in the background of their morning show which runs from 6 am - 10 am. We handed out many dvds, held our signs up during a number of their on-air segment and managed to get signs on the air. Security confronted us at number of times, we just stood our ground , spoke truth to power. A passer by even was defending us to the security and had heard about WE ARE CHANGE / WAC Ottawa which was amazing. We later went to Sparks St. to hand out 300 DVDs to the business class of people of Ottawa just getting off work. All in all , a day for the truth.

Ottawa 9/11 Truth July 11th Truth Action - Hope Beach Volleyball Tournament

Ottawa 9/11 Truth participated in the Hope Beach Volleyball tournament on July 11th,2009 which coincided with our 11th of Every Month truth action. We handed out DVDs to bring awareness regarding the other side of the story of 9/11 and had fun doing it. It was a good way of bringing 9/11 truth to the citizens of Ottawa in a positive fashion. We encountered many Canadians who were largely unaware of this information due to the mainstream media cover up. Hopefully we prompted them to investigate further into the events of 9/11 and the direction their country is headed with our role in the War on Terror