Ann Coulter shies away from 'Building 7' - WeAreChangeLA

WeAreChangeLA's Paul Wittenberger asks Ann Coulter a simple question about Building 7 and she immediately 'hits the eject button' so to speak to get out of having to face the provocative and pertinent questions of 9-11 truth.

Sometimes you can tell more about a person's integrity by what they refuse to address. She sure does act like a coward for someone who tries to act like she is on the forefront of controversy.


Via Maria Gilardin's TUC Radio;

The disparity of income and wealth in this country was increased by the first round of bank bail-outs. On Jan. 27, 2009, in front of an audience of Republicans, Scott explained in great detail the necessity to construct future bail-outs to diminish that gap for the sake of democracy. This is a lucid analysis and a well researched guideline for all who want to influence future financial policies.

This is also the only recording of a very unusual event. The San Francisco Republican Round Table crossed party lines and invited Peter Dale Scott. Scott is a former Canadian diplomat and professor of Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. His latest books are: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America, published in 2007 by the University of California Press, and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War, published in 2008 by the Mary Ferrell Foundation Press. His website is

The Republic Round Table meets in a SF hotel. About 60 members, some with recognizable names, came to hear him. The only media in attendance were TUC Radio and, as guest, the former Ramparts editor Warren Hinkle accompanied by his basset hound.

For a broadcast quality 29 minute self contained mp3 version click HERE
For a transcript click HERE

Sen. Leahy's Discusses A Truth and Reconciliation Commission SIGN ONLINE PETITION

Sen. Leahy's Discusses A Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Senator Leahy Starts Bush Truth Commission Petition - Will You Sign On?

I have proposed the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate abuses during the Bush-Cheney Administration -- so they never happen again. These abuses may include the use of torture, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, and executive override of laws.

Please sign this online petition:
urging Congress to consider establishing a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the Bush-Cheney Administration's abuses.

GOAL REACHED - AE911Truth Fundraiser For NIST WTC7 Collapse Simulation Data


A member of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth filed a FOIA request with NIST for the data used to generate the WTC 7 collapse simulations. NIST found two terabytes of responsive data and assessed a fee of $824.98. Please see the FOIA Request for more details. Background information on how LS-DYNA was used by NIST is posted here.

The hard drives will be sent directly to AE and we will make the data available to everyone. has indicated they are happy to host it. We are also looking for others willing to donate the necessary webspace. It's unknown if the data is compressed. Due to the extreme size of the data set, we will also provide physical copies to interested individuals who provide the necessary hard drives.

As of 02/12/2009 the donation total is $570.00 • Balance needed: $254.98

Please make a donation here!


Richard Gage Speaks to Colorado on KRFC FM 88.9 Radio

This short 30-minute interview is a great introduction for newbies and skeptics. In just a few minutes, Gage lays out all of the basic information put forward by AE911Truth, how the official story defies physics, and why moving forward with the truth is so important.

Words of Freedom Welcomes Richard Gage

Direct download link:

See More Radio at Visibility 9-11 Media

Torture, Rendition, Terror & Oil: A Primer on "Deep Politics"

Torture, Rendition, Terror & Oil: A Primer on "Deep Politics"

by Nafeez Ahmed, February 9, 2008

Why is the Obama administration hell-bent on continuing rendition, and covering-up torture? Why are Western states complicit in these illegal activities? How can the systematic perpetuation of such criminal practices under the rubric of the 'War on Terror' be conducted by the very states who claim to be the guardians of 'international law' and 'human rights'?

The practice of rendition, linked inextricably to the facilitation of torture, is an integral part of the conduct of the western ‘War on Terror’, initiated after 9/11. It therefore needs to be understood in the context of western geopolitical, strategic and economic strategies, and their connection to national security policies. Only by grasping this wider context can rendition be understood in terms of its relationship to the logic of current western strategies, which are themselves rooted in longstanding social, political, ideological and economic processes tied to the protection of powerful vested interests. The movement against rendition will be ineffective if it fails to understand and confront precisely these underlying strategies, processes and interests in the context of which rendition is being practiced and facilitated by western states...


Obama: Reopen the 9/11 Investigation -- Parts 1 & 2

from The Huffington Post...

Obama: Reopen the 9/11 Investigation -- Part 1
by Melissa Rossi
February 10, 2009

Patrick Leahy has a point when he urges President Obama to open investigations about the Bush administration. However, he's not pointing at the issue that we need to start with. Namely, September 11th. What really happened? More than a few people know - and I am not alone in calling for those who know to start talking and fess up. Let's not let this go the way of the JFK assassination - and whether with subpoenas or on their own volition, I demand that Dick Cheney, George W. Bush - both of whom refused to testify under oath during the 9/11 Commission proceedings -- Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, Larry Wilkerson, George Tenet, Robert Mueller and the rest - as well as Bill Clinton and Al Gore (both of whom also refused to testify under oath) -- start talking, and in a public arena. And I'm calling on the Obama administration to open up a probe and unravel the web of deceit.

Obama's 'War on Terror' Stephen Lendman 02/11/09


Obama's 'War on Terror'

Stephen Lendman

The language is softened and deceptive. The strategy and tactics are not. The "war on terror" continues. Promised change is talk, not policy. Just look at Obama's "war cabinet," discussed in an earlier article. It assures:

-- the "strongest military on the planet" by outspending all other countries combined;

-- continued foreign wars;

-- possible new ones in prospect; on February 7, vice-president Joe Biden outlined continuity of the Bush administration's policy toward Iran, including "preventive" wars under the National Security Strategy; demands also that Iran abandon its legal nuclear program meaning nothing going forward will change;

FL: Daytona 500 Anti-War Protest & 911 Truth Rally February 15th, from 12:30 to 3:00 PM

FL: Daytona 500 Anti-War Protest & 911 Truth Rally
Submitted by Chip on Wed, 2009-02-11 20:20.

* Activism
* Military Industrial Complex
* Obama Administration

FL: Daytona 500 Anti-War Protest & 911 Truth Rally

Central Florida Veterans for Peace is doing a protest/public-awareness action out at Daytona Beach Speedway during the Daytona 500 this Sunday, February 15th, from 12:30 to 3:00 PM. Sadly, this is already the 4th year that we are doing such an action out at the Speedway to call for the troops being brought home and those in Washington responsible for sending them there to die for a lie in the first place to be fully investigated and prosecuted by the law which the soldiers take an oath to defend.

Here's video of one of our prior events.

Police State USA - The RNC 8 and the SOA 6

'Terrorizing Dissent' shows the results of the $50 million dollars the Department of Homeland Security gave to local authorities for security — a large chunk of which went to weaponize the police — and the $10 million insurance policy contract between the RNC Host Committee and the City of St. Paul, which shattered Minnesota's civil compact between protesters and police;

Organizers for the RNC protest were "pre-emptively" arrested;