ALERT: Setting Up a Nuclear 9/11 - The UAE Port Scandal Brainwash!

The 9/11 truth movement is closing in on the Bush administration and they, along with the mainstream media are getting desperate to fend off the public pressure! The information and evidence of 9/11 being, at least in part, an inside job is too abundant, too obvious and to powerful for even the Bush administration and their conspirators in the media to fend off forever! With every viewing of Loose Change 2, with every Sunday evening meeting at the St. Marks Church in NYC, with every public appearance by Jimmy Walter and with every tidbit of 9/11 information that broadcasts out of Mike Malloy’s studio, the noose tightens around the necks of the “new Pearl Harbor” administration! What we are watching now with the hoopla about the UAE port scandal is a desperate effort to reemphasize the 9/11 myth that has been told to us by the PNAC administration. This is an effort to counter the exploding 9/11 truth movement.

World Trade Center Building 7 demands tenacious public scrutiny

The number of Americans that do not believe the federal government’s official account of what happened in New York City on September 11, 2001 is rapidly increasing.
Let’s assume that there is at least a cover-up by the Bush Administration and agents within the intelligence, law enforcement, and military communities of the federal government. What tactic should we take to break the chain of deception the government has wrapped around our necks? When held captive by the chains of deception, the only way to break free is to find the weakest link and then, with all the might that can be mustered, shatter it. When looking at all the evidence, and lack there of, pertaining to 9/11, the weakest link in the government’s account is World Trade Center Building 7. If the American people really want to expose a felony fraud that would most definitely result in the public execution of government agents and officials for the crimes of treason and mass murder, then there needs to be a full force frontal offensive on WTC-7. For if the federal government’s account of WTC-7 fails, all of the 9/11 Commission Report and virtually every element of the Bush Administration’s policies since 9/11 becomes highly vulnerable to failure also. Therefore, what is needed right now, is a persistent, tenacious, singleness of purpose, public inquiry into how and why WTC-7 collapsed at 5:20pm EST on September 11, 2001.

9/11 Revisited

This was posted in the last grab bag, but appears to have been missed by many, so here it is again:

Evidence to Put 9/11 Conspiracy Theories to Rest (Or Is It?)

Not sure the purpose of this article, unless the goal was to put the "official" conspiracy theory to rest:

The 9/ll Truth Movement would have us believe that the administration either LI- or MIHOPped* 9/11 to provide a pretext for its own twin towers: international and domestic policy. That's intervention and surveillance, respectively.
Perhaps, but for those who think it takes a sick mind to believe an American administration is capable of sacrificing its people to its own diabolical ends, a note of caution.

POLL: 9/11 Conspiracy or Not?

By definition, a conspiracy occurs when two or more people get together to plan something illegal or immoral. Based on that, 9/11 was a conspiracy regardless of who was behind it.

However, to those still brainwashed and in denial due to the government propaganda technique known as "conspiracy theory", a conspiracy usually equates to anything that goes against the government party line and should be dismissed without a second thought.

So, based on this, was 9/11 a conspiracy? Vote here:

Weekend Grab Bag

Hi all, sorry if I haven't been posting your submissions, been really busy working on other projects and haven't been able to. Since DZ has chosen to take the weekend off (which was NOT authorized by me BTW), I will make a better effort to keep on top of things. Please keep the submissions coming. Here are a few goodies for you:

Article in Style Weekly: Getting the 411 on 9/11

Village Voice articles:

The birth and life of the '9-11 Truth movement'

Out of Town Open Thread

Yours truly will be getting out of the city for the weekend and stretching my legs. Somebigguy should be around hopefully, but if not be sure to send in emails or post comments and we'll get to it!

Have at it!

Griffin, Fetzer, and Reynolds on Coast to Coast AM - Open Thread

9-11 Theories - James Fetzer, David Ray Griffin, Morgan Reynolds - Coast to Coast AM

-9-11 Theories- James Fetzer David Ray Griffin Morgan Reynolds
Expert on conspiracy theories, James Fetzer, will review recent hypotheses of what really happened on 9-11, based on physical evidence. He'll be joined by David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor in the second hour, and Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist for the Labor Dept., in the third hour.

First Half-Hour: Jonathan Moseley, Exec. Dir. of the US Seaport Commission will comment on the port controversy.

Dr. David Ray Griffin on Air America - Open Thread

The Mike Malloy Show - 10PM EST to 1AM EST
listen here
Call in to the show live at 1-866-303-2270

If you could get through on the line what questions would you ask Griffin?

Update: You can find a brief note on the show on here, and you can download the MP3 of the Griffin segment here (56min 26MB MP3).

The full show should be available on sometime Thursday, the quality should be a good bit better.

The Moussaoui Spin on the UAE Port Security Scandal

The growing scandal surrounding the UAE port security deal has a pretty interesting twist tied to 9/11, specifically how it may relate to the upcoming Moussaoui trial.

The indictment of Moussaoui quoted below lists numerous references to the UAE. How exactly the Bush administration will handle trying to prosecute the only person to plead guilty to crimes related to 9/11, and the UAE port security deal at the same time may get a bit tricky.