'I've learned how to fight'

I didn't realize Clooney did anything remotely political, might be a good candidate for Loose Change or 911 Eyewitness.

George Clooney can't seem to leave the US government alone: his two new films both tackle high-level corruption. He tells Emma Brockes why his father's legacy of protest haunts him to this day
Clooney is sufficiently battle-hardened these days to shrug it off when people have a go at him. "I was at a party the other night and it was all these hardcore Republicans and these guys are like, 'Why do you hate your country?' I said, 'I love my country.' They said, 'Why, at a time of war, would you criticise it then?' And I said, 'My country right or wrong means women don't vote, black people sit in the back of buses and we're still in Vietnam. My country right or wrong means we don't have the New Deal.' I mean, what, are you crazy? My country, right or wrong? It's not your right, it's your duty.

Dr. Steven Jones Utah Seminar - Video Download

This recent presentation by Dr. Steven Jones (Department of Physics and Astronomy - Brigham Young University) is primarily focused on the collapses of World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 on 9/11.

Here are the related documents that go along with this presentation:

Robert Bowman Is Running for Congress

Dr. Robert Bowman is running for Florida's 15th Congressional District. You can find out more on his recently launched site:

If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Bowman you can do a quick search on the left panel and find a few video clips on this site.

Dr. Bowman needs to get 5,000 petition signatures in order to get on the ballot. Be sure to check out his site, and if you feel so inclined fill out and mail in the petit

Open Thread

There are a ton of people out there now seeding the 700mb DiVX of Jones's lecture thanks to the guys from http://www.911truthseekers.org/. You can find the link to grab the torrent file from their site, or you can grab it here.

We will be hosting a smaller WMV format of this video possibly as early as this evening. If you want the original 700mb DiVX grab the torrent and get to downloading.

Commentary on Scholars for 9/11 Truth

The Company We Keep

The email I received that regaled this news item began with the encomium, "Quite an impressive group now debunking Bush neocon claims about why WTC Towers fell in a few seconds." This praise for the new group, alas, is only partially justified, and the part of the group that is not so impressive serves to tarnish the group's flagship scientist, Steven E. Jones.

This appears to be a sort of critique on Jones's new group 'Scholars for 9/11 Truth' (st911.org). I figured that something like this would be on the way given all of the different people involved in the organization. What do you think?

BYU’s Dr. Steven Jones Blows the Roof off a Utah Auditorium

BYU’s Dr. Steven Jones Blows the Roof off a Utah Auditorium

On Wednesday, February 1, a quiet, “churchy-looking” gentleman in a white shirt and tie walked into a packed auditorium on the campus of Utah Valley State College and electrified the room like a rock star. The 150-seat auditorium was filled to capacity, with every seat occupied, and people sitting in the aisles from the stage floor to the back of the room. Video cameras on tripods lined the back row. Two documentary-film crews were in attendance, in addition to the school’s camera crew, and various independent journalists. Seven “spill-over” rooms, with seating for 40-50 each, were also filled to capacity. On this very conservative campus (in the most conservative county in the most conservative state in the union), where community leaders pulled out all the stops in 2004 to prevent Michael Moore from speaking as part of his anti-Bush, pro-Kerry “Slacker Uprising Tour,” Dr. Steven Jones, this pious professor from the Mormon Church-owned Brigham Young University, calmly, gently, gave a simple physics lesson on the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, the implications of which awed the audience with a sense of world-historical significance, and implied an indictment of the present administration so utterly devastating that it made Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 look like a Bush apologia.

Dr. Steven Jones Utah Seminar - Powerpoint Presentation

The powerpoint presentation from Dr. Steven Jones's recent February 1st seminar is now available for download via his BYU homepage:

The zip file weighs in at 29MB and includes a powerpoint viewer for those without it.

Note: You can find the audio download of his presentation here.

9/11 Truth on National Intel Report


Tue., February 7, 2006: Playlists: M3U| RAM (Individual MP3s: Hr1 Hr2)
2nd Hour Guest: Professor David Ray Griffin

Mon., February 6, 2006: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3s: Hr1 Hr2)

Upcoming Loose Change Screening in Winnipeg

Just got word that there will be a Loose Change screening in Winnipeg, Canada on February 19th. You can find the associated website here.

The 'Upcoming Events' section has been on fire lately, thanks to all the organizations and individuals making these events happen. If anyone is interested in helping with such an event in the Atlanta area please contact me directly.

How Did The WTC Towers Drop So Easily?


One of the most sought after answers for many since the attacks on 9/11 revolves around the question, "How is it that World Trade Center towers one and two both dropped so easily?"

Where's the Fire?

The official government explanation is that the towers were greatly ravaged and weakened by the intense fires, however, the fires in the WTC never swept through the lower floors of either tower, nor were they ever that intense, at least for no more than maybe 10 to 20 minutes, tops! Neither building was rampant with widespread fire, so how could the lower structural supports have been weakened so badly, as has been claimed?