pfgetty's blog

NewsBusters bashes Ventura’s conspiracy theories


NewsBusters bashes Ventura’s conspiracy theories -- when they’re not helping to spread them

October 15, 2010 5:27 pm ET by Terry Krepel

NYTimes: U.S. had warnings on plotter of Mumbai attack


October 16, 2010

U.S. Had Warnings on Plotter of Mumbai Attack

This article is by Jane Perlez, Eric Schmitt and Ginger Thompson.

W. Va. Sen candidate questions 9/11 account


October 13, 2010
W.Va. Sen candidate questions 9/11 account

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - A third party candidate in West Virginia's U.S. Senate race questions whether the Sept. 11 attacks were masterminded by Osama bin Laden and carried out by al-Qaida terrorists.

Mountain Party nominee Jesse Johnson told The Associated Press that he is also not convinced that hijacked airliners caused the collapse of buildings at the World Trade Center.

Calling 9/11 a crime of the century, Johnson said it has never been investigated. He discounts the work of the bipartisan commission that issued a 585-page report on the attacks in 2004.

Johnson at first declined to say what he thinks happened or who was behind it. He later said he did not know who the culprits were. But he also questioned why U.S. air defenses did not stop the hijacked airplanes.

9/11 Truth makes the NY Daily News: Ahmadinejad says panel investigating 9/11


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Lebanon: Panel investigating truth of 9/11 attacks

Originally Published:Thursday, October 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
Updated: Thursday, October 14th 2010, 1:06 PMIran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks during rally organized by Hezbollah on Wednesday.

Ghana News Website: Conspiracy behind 9/11 should be revealed now

This article appeared in an online news site,   link:

The site describes itself as "Ghana's comprehensive business, entertainment, sports, tourism, health, and news website".  Online since 1997.

It is interesting that Ahmadinejad's comments are appearing on so many regional websites all around the world.  He is getting the word out that nobody else has been able to get out.

Sceptics for 9-11 Truth - Response to William Blum

Sceptics for 9-11 Truth - Response to William Blum

Tuesday, 12 October 2010 13:07


In a previous article I have discussed why the 9-11 truth Movement has clearly won the fight (Why 9-11 Truth Has Won). For a time it looked as if it would all go the way of the Kennedy Assassination; the nation afraid to know the truth and a good many powerful people happy to see it kept from them. But the 9-11 issue has implications and public interest much wider than the United States and 9-11 Truth has persisted and grown its numbers. There is still a long way to go but the way is now clear and success is now inevitable, for one very good reason; unlike the Kennedy Assassination there are solid, indisputable facts that completely expose the falsehood of the official explanation. But despite controlled demolition of the official conspiracy theory there are many sceptics who remain doubtful.

The Scepticism of William Blum

One of the most reasoning and articulate of them is William Blum, author of Killing Hope and Rogue State who expressed his doubts in a set of specific points that he felt the 9-11 Truth Movement needed to explain.

The Unidentified Murder Weapons

link: is a website that describes itself as bringing to the world the truth about the Palestine-Israel conflict.

9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons – Anthony Lawson [VIDEO]


By Anthony Lawson

The four aircraft which crashed

Blessed Are The 9/11 Truthers

October 13, 2010 at 08:16:36     

Diary Entry by Mark Sashine (about the author)


Blessed be the 9/11 Truthers because they are the spirit of freedom preserved. I am honored to belong to them and be free.




Huliq: New Evidence Suggests Twin Towers Collapse Caused by Secondary Explosions

Huliq describes itself as an "independent news organization and is owned by Hareyan Publishing LLC".  It is based in Hickory, NC.  So many 9/11 stories are showing up in the most obscure places.  And that is great!



New evidence suggests Twin Towers Collapse caused by secondary explosions

Business Review Canada: 9/11 Huge Explosions Search Takes Internet by Storm

A seemingly unusual place to find 9/11 truth information.


9/11 Huge Explosions Search Takes Internet by Storm

Video purportedly showing two New York City firefighters discussing huge explosions a prime example of internet collectivism

Fox's Napolitano joins 9/11 Truther Alex Jones: anti-government conspiracy theories

Media Matters for America

Fox's Napolitano joins 9-11 Truther Alex Jones to push anti-government conspiracy theories

October 08, 2010 2:49 pm ET - by Eric Hananoki

Fresno Famous Web Site: 911 Was An Inside Job


This is an article in Fresno Famous, a regional website.  This is how the site describes itself:  "Fresno Famous is a web site dedicated to cataloging, exploring, and discovering life in Fresno."  Pretty gutsy of them to run this story.

How Iran Portrays the US: Accusing the US of Carrying Out the Attacks

This is an excerpt from an article in Middle East Media
Research Institute report.  It is all about how the US is portrayed in Iran, by Ahmadinejad and by the press.  I haven't posted the whole article, which can be found here:

This is the part of the article that concerns 9/11 and the problems with the official story given the world by the US government:

III. Accusing the U.S. of Carrying Out 9/11 Attacks

Cockburn's Left Leaning attack on Castro, and the 9/11 Truth Movement


Cockburn ridicules Castro regarding his doubts about the US government’s official version of 9/11. There are numerous US and international scientists, engineers, and writers who have raised very important questions about the validity of the government’s version. David Ray Griffin’s article, “Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?”, contains extensive factual information and analyses in this regard (Web link:

Here is the article.  The link is: