Kitchener 9/11 truth street action 11/11/08

We did not have much time to do a long street action but we did what we could. We were outside city hall from 3:30 PM to about 5:00 PM and handed out quite a few dvds and talked to a few people about 9/11 truth. Great response from the public, no adverse comments. Keep an eye out on this blog for more info on our next street action December 11, 2008.

Request For Discussion From the 9/11 Truth Community On Reaching Out To The Peace Movement

My fellow Truthers,

I went to United for Peace and Justice meeting this afternoon here in Chicago. There were about 25 people in attendance. It was an organizing meeting on the upcoming UFPJ National Assembly coming up on December 12-14 here in Chicago.

During the brainstorming discussion on what kinds of things people were wanting to see materialize at the upcoming Assembly, one gentlemen said that the numbers within peace groups across the country are generally diminishing. I spoke up, and invited UFPJ to broaden their platform and embrace the Movement for 9/11 Truth and Accountability. I emphasized the fact that our numbers continue to grow, not only with grassroots activists but with military officials, scholars, architects, engineers, etc.

My comments seemed to fall on deaf ears. One other person commented, and spoke about his bleak 9/11 Truth seminar that he conducted last year at the UFPJ National Assembly. A few others came up to me after the meeting and told me they supported 9/11 Truth. It was as though they 'had to remain closet Truthers' because UFPJ has ostracized the 9/11 Truth Movement. No one else commented on my invitation/proposal.

Howard Zinn's shocking reaction to a question about 911

(Posted at YouTube on October 23, 2008)

----------Buddy And Howard Zinn-------
Here Buddy Moore Independent Candidate for US Senate in Colorado asks world renowned peace activist Howard Zinn, who speaks out against "False Flag" Terrorism, about the events of September 11, 2001.

My Really, Really Bad Judy Wood Experience

(With the recent publication of Jeremy Baker's essay, "Three Amigos: Reynolds, Wood and Fetzer’s assault on 9/11 Truth", I think it is important for people to know that Baker is not the only person to have serious reservations about this particular trio. Especially since Judy Wood's ideas have cropped up again, and have been circulated in a Draft Bill that does not have the unanimous support of 9/11 Truthers, but has already been presented to a few members of Congress. Specifically, this blog entry is about an on-air attack on Steven Jones that occurred in 2006, that reveals planning, and forethought on behalf of the "Three Amigos". -rep.)

"(How is a tower like a tree?)
Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy would
(Where was the hidden energy?)
La la la la la la la la la la la la
(Can we solve this mystery?)
Judy Wood"

- lyrics from "Judy Would" by Ace Baker.

In the beginning...

In 2005, Dr. Judy Wood joined the (DU) message board where I had already been a member for a couple of years. She used the handle "janedoe" and would engage in back and forth posting battles with the resident 9/11 trolls and debunkers, with varying degrees of success. Wood seemed a natural ally, and I engaged in some friendly correspondence with janedoe, via the DU message board, which later moved to email communications...

"An offer they couldn't refuse" - (on the CIA and Hollywood) -

An offer they couldn't refuse

The CIA is often credited with 'advice' on Hollywood films, but no one is truly sure about the extent of its shadowy involvement. Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham investigate

Everyone who watches films knows about Hollywood's fascination with spies. From Hitchcock's postwar espionage thrillers, through cold war tales such as Torn Curtain, into the paranoid 1970s when the CIA came to be seen as an agency out of control in films such as Three Days of the Condor, and right to the present, with the Bourne trilogy and Ridley Scott's forthcoming Body of Lies, film-makers have always wanted to get in bed with spies. What's less widely known is how much the spies have wanted to get in bed with the film-makers. In fact, the story of the CIA's involvement in Hollywood is a tale of deception and subversion that would seem improbable if it were put on screen.

The model for this is the defence department's "open" but barely publicised relationship with Hollywood. The Pentagon, for decades, has offered film-makers advice, manpower and even hardware - including aircraft carriers and state-of-the-art helicopters. All it asks for in exchange is that the US armed forces are made to look good. So in a previous Scott film, Black Hawk Down, a character based on a real-life soldier who had also been a child rapist lost that part of his backstory when he came to the screen.

No matter how seemingly craven Hollywood's behaviour towards the US armed forces has seemed, it has at least happened within the public domain. That cannot be said for the CIA's dealings with the movie business. Not until 1996 did the CIA announce, with little fanfare, that it had established an Entertainment Liaison Office, which would collaborate in a strictly advisory capacity with film-makers. Heading up the office was Chase Brandon, who had served for 25 years in the agency's elite clandestine services division, as an undercover operations officer. A PR man he isn't, though he does have Hollywood connections: he's a cousin of Tommy Lee Jones.

Obama’s Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the “Change Administration” by Tom Burghardt / November 15th, 2008

Obama’s Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the “Change Administration”

by Tom Burghardt / November 15th, 2008

While expectations may be high that the incoming Obama administration will reverse many of the worst features of the Bush regime–from warrantless wiretapping, illegal detention, torture, “targeted assassinations” and preemptive war–now that the cheering has stopped, expect more of the same.

According to The Wall Street Journal, “President-elect Barack Obama is unlikely to radically overhaul controversial Bush administration intelligence policies, advisers say, an approach that is almost certain to create tension within the Democratic Party.”

With hyperbolic “change” rhetoric in the air, Obama is relying on a gaggle of former intelligence insiders, warmed-over Clinton administration officials and “moderate” Republicans, many of whom helped Bush craft his administration’s illegal policies.

A Ticket to The Hague for Dick Cheney?

mainstream mention of Cheney's

A Ticket to The Hague for Dick Cheney?

By Scott Horton

Gene Burns is one of the nation's most popular talk radio hosts. For years he has dismissed accounts of torture; America, he has said, does not torture. But last night, after watching Torturing Democracy and realizing that he had not understood how important and serious an issue torture had become, Burns abruptly changed his tune.

Here's a transcript of his remarks:

"I now believe that some international human rights organization ought to open an investigation of the Bush Administration, I think focused on Vice President Dick Cheney, and attempt to bring charges against Cheney in the international court of justice at The Hague, for war crimes. Based on the manner in which we have treated prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, and the manner in which we have engaged in illegal rendition–that is, surreptitiously kidnapping prisoners and flying them to foreign countries where they could be tortured by foreign agents who do not follow the same civilized standards to which we subscribe.

Conspiracies Happen

Don't let anyone silence you simply by calling you a name like "Conspiracy Theorist."

Report on Richard Gage's talk in Paris (Nov.13, 2008)

From Arno Mansouri in Paris, where Richard Gage, AIA spoke on Thursday night;

There were 242 people attending the presentation (which was slightly above the number of seats of the venue) on Thursday the 13th of November: a full house indeed !

We actually had to refuse some people even though we did put a notice on our site stating that it was fully booked, and asking people NOT to come if they had not made reservations already -- do note that we probably could have had about twice as many people if we have had the adequate hall (we had to settle for this movie house, a larger venue was way too much money for our finances, unfortunately) and therefore, we had to cease advertising the presentation a few days before it was held...

The Elephant in the Room - East Anglia Tour Details


East Anglia Truth is pleased to announce the dates of the "Elephant in the Room" East Anglia Tour.

Event programme is as follows: