A fake hunt for Bin Laden...? (A test for Obama) - CannonFire.blogspot.com

(See also Juan Cole's report on the "no-hunt" story: http://www.juancole.com/2008/11/afghan-article-says-us-bin-ladin-hunt.html -rep.)

Cannonfire.blogspot.com is a popular "liberal" blogger who is now buying into a "conspiracy theory";

"I do feel certain, or at least persuaded, that the American people were never told the full truth about what happened at Tora Bora."

This is someone who, in a links list titled "The Real 9/11 Truth Movement", links to Debunking911.com to "debunk" demolition theories- and in the same links list, links (several times) to articles at http://www.911Review.com that debunk the "no 757 at the Pentagon" and other disinformation. Strange disconnect, as 911Review.com also debunks the disinformation that plane damage, jet-fueled office fires and building mass turned the WTC towers into rapidly inflating dust clouds and small piles of rubble.

Debate! Jon Gold Vs. Pat Curley - 11/24/2008 - 6PM EST

Click Here

1. Are there unanswered questions?
2. Was the 9/11 Commission a legitimate investigation?

Eric Jackman
Justin Martell

The show's name is "The Dynamic Duo", and it's a TV show. It will be taped on Monday, and put up shortly after.

Mark Cuban SEC Charges Related to 9/11 Movie?

Thanks to Jon Gold for sending me this ...


A strange twist in the Mark Cuban story tonight, one which pushes it a little bit further into our wheelhouse. New York Times blogger Floyd Norris has published an email allegedly sent on May 05, 2007 to Cuban by Fort Worth SEC lawyer Jeffrey Norris (”no known relation to me”, notes the blogging Norris). In the email, Jeffrey Norris essentially tells on Cuban to SEC Chairman Christopher Cox, who is CCed, regarding Cuban’s involvement with Loose Change, a 9/11 conspiracy theory film which appeared online in three different incarnations over three years, becoming an internet sensation.

Addressing Cox, Norris explains that Cuban “participated in distributing the vicious and absurd documentary” and declares that Cuban’s “support for this project is irresponsible and immoral.” Floyd Norris posits that the email may be evidence that Cuban is “the victim of a political hit job because he helped finance a movie that was scathingly critical of President Bush.”

Obama advisers: Bush era war criminals will walk

Stephen C. Webster
Monday November 17, 2008

Even as President-elect Obama vowed "to regain America's moral stature in the world" during Sunday's 60 Minutes appearance, two of his senior advisers confessed there is no intent to pursue those in the Bush administration who engaged in torture, a war crime.

Speaking on condition of anonymity to the Associated Press, the advisers said that the plan is to put a stop to current interrogation methods and to "look forward" as opposed to focusing on prior transgressions.

The Obama campaign did not offer a response before the report was published.

Human Rights Watch, a non-profit watchdog group, is lobbying the President-elect for fast action on the abuses of the Bush era.

Scientific impossibility: Did FBI get their man in Bruce Ivins?

Scientific impossibility: Did FBI get their man in Bruce Ivins?
By Deborah Rudacille
Examiner Correspondent 11/16/08

Bruce Ivins was a cold-blooded murderer, a deranged psycho-killer, who in the fall of 2001, cooked up a virulent batch of powdered anthrax, drove to Princeton, N.J., and mailed letters loaded with the lethal mix to five news organizations and two U.S. senators.

At least, that’s what the FBI says.

The letters infected 22 people, killing five, including two Maryland postal workers.

The sixth victim of the madness was Ivins himself, a 62-year-old biodefense researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, who committed suicide rather than face charges.

Case closed? Neatly wrapped up? Not so fast.

Help A Guy Out...

I need a list of all of the significant events/actions regarding the 9/11 Truth Movement. Here is what I've got from memory:

(An open letter to our new President outlining the real changes this country needs.) by Lt. Col. Robert M. Bowman

Dear President Obama:

Here is the Change We Need … and You can Make. YES, YOU CAN!

(An open letter to our new President outlining the real changes this country needs.)

by Lt. Col. Robert M. Bowman, Ph.D., National Commander, “The Patriots”

First, we would like to congratulate you on your historic victory. You face incredible challenges. At the same time, you have the unprecedented opportunity to bring about changes we have needed for a long time. We know there are those who will advise you to go slowly and govern “from the center.” On the other hand, most real change in any administration gets done in the first 100 days – the “honeymoon” period. Seldom has a new President had the mandate for change that you have been given. And never in our history have we needed real change like we need it now. So please act resolutely, boldly, and quickly to bring about the changes you know this country is yearning for.

Bill Maher: Conspiracy Theorist

A clip from the Nov. 14 episode of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher.
Related: http://www.shockdoctrine.com

Iraqing the American Economy


The American economy hasn't just been wrecked, its been Iraqed.

As Senator Inhofe said Saturday:

Report on Richard Gage's talk in Belgium (16th November 2008)

Richard Gage Speaks Out: 9/11 Blueprint for Truth - the Architecture of Destruction
Richard Gage, founding member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, explained to an audience of about 165 people in Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) that the official story is scientifically impossible.