October 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Christopher Garvey for Attorney General New York

Christopher Garvey runs for Attorney General New York. He is on the ballot and he wants to investigate 9/11!

"Nine-eleven when the towers fell,
Soon thereafter, went our rights - as well.
Stuff- not right- in the explanation.
That’s why Garvey wants investigation.

Go vote today, for Christopher Garvey.
Won’t rest until - - New Yorkers are free.
Make our freedom more than just ephemeral.
Vote Libertarian Attorney General."

Christopher Garvery Campaign Song Audio
Sung to the tune of "Ol' Dan Tucker"

Campaign Song: complete lyrics

If the 80% or so of the population, who do not trust the government's version of events, voted him in, we could get the truth out, start the process of bringing the real perpetrators to justice, throw a light on the false pretenses under which people are unnecessarily being slaughtered in Iraq (If the motives were good, why couldn't they be truthful about it) and perhaps even avoid World War 3 or 4 (depends on how you count them. Some count the "Cold War" as WW3) by forcing the plans to invade Iran to be scuttled.

In short if the information could be spread to New Yorkers soon enough, we could save the world. :)

This is because as AG Garvey would have jurisdiction in New York to investigate the ~3,000 murders. There is no statute of limitation on murder. And he has expressed his intention to do so, should he be elected.

Garvey has spoken twice now at the 9/11 Truth meeting at St Mark's on Sunday to promote his candidacy.

Garvey is a personal friend of mine and was also a friend to John Perry. We were all regular attendees, before Sept. 2001 of the Junto Society, which is a political meeting held once a month based on an idea by Benjamin Franklin

Phone Calls Analysis

Phone Call Analysis

I believe it is vital for 9/11 truth seekers to move beyond demonstrating that “the government lied,” or “the government’s story cannot be true.” The people want to know what actually happened, and it is up to provide them with a workable theory consistent with the known facts. With this idea in mind I embarked upon an exhaustive examination of the phone calls made from the planes on 9/11. For this investigation I have relied upon Paul Thompson’s Terror Timeline.

What I have found is that all the phone calls are real. They describe real events taking place on the planes as described by the persons making the calls to the best of their ability and knowledge. It would have been very difficult to fake a phone call to a loved one, or even to a stranger, and that was not done– although some of the information from the phone calls detrimental to the official story was deleted, distorted, or simply ignored by the government and a compliant media. Deletion is of course much easier than fabrication.

The phone calls were not only allowed by the conspirators. They were probably encouraged as they helped to maximize the horror and shock felt by the nation, which of course paved the way to fulfill the conspirators’ goals. They also performed the vital function of apparently identifying the hijackers as “Middle Eastern looking,” and having come from seats on the airplane supposedly occupied by Arabs.

Information Request: "Gag Orders" and "Whistleblowers" for 9/11 Truth -- Who, What, Where, Why, When?

Is anybody from the ranks of the frequent 911bloggers able to create a well-written (and sourced) essay that explains "gag orders" and "whistleblowers" and how they influence the search for 9/11 truth?

While writing, please bear in mind that overseas readers are not at all familiar with both terms (and that above Wikipedia links do not necessarily serve to enlighten newcomers about their relevance to the 9/11 truth struggle).

Please explain about whistleblowers and gag orders in a comprehensive way. Simplify as much as necessary, but not more.

So what exactly are gag orders? Who can order a gag? Under which circumstances? For how long? With which consequences in case of breach? Is there a possiblity to overcome such a gag order at all?

What are "whistleblowers"? How many of them are known in relation to 9/11 truth? What are their names? Are they all gag ordered?

I believe if you are able to write such a piece in a way that makes a few stupid Europeans such as myself understand these 2 terms, you'll have a piece that will also enlighten quite a number of U.S. citizens.

911Truth-Tucson Polls Congressional Candidates Regarding 9/11

Four U.S. Congressional Candidates from Arizona Support a Truly Independent Reinvestigation of All 9/11 Evidence and Events - Press Release (PDF attached to this post)

Tucson, AZ, Oct. 22, 2006 - Statewide results of the 2006 Congressional Candidate 9/11 Truth Poll are in. The survey was conducted by 911Truth-Tucson by mailing questionnaires to the winners of the recent Arizona primary races for US House and Senate in all Arizona congressional districts. The surveys were provided by 911Truth.org -- a leading national 9/11 Truth group. The survey asked candidates for their opinions regarding the attacks of September 11 and the official investigations that followed.

Five candidates responded to the poll:

Richard Mack Senate Libertarian
Mark Yannone CD3 Libertarian
Don Karg CD4 Republican
Warren Severin CD5 Libertarian
David Nolan CD8 Libertarian

(more after the jump, be sure to download the original PDF attached)

Breitweiser: Getting Rid of the Problem By Getting Rid of Republicans

Comment: Although Kristin can be a little too LIHOP-py for some of us, she is still a hero because she speaks truth to power and is a valuable asset since she garners a decent amount of mainstream attention.

Kristen Breitweiser
Getting to the Root of the Problem by Getting Rid of the Republicans

Go ahead. Call me a Democrat. But, I am not; I'm anti-terrorist--which means that I cannot support the Republican agenda.

Go ahead. Call me crazy. But, I am not. I favor common-sense logic, sound judgment, and smart leadership proven by and rooted in truth and reality--which means that I cannot support the Republican agenda.

Truth and Reality: Five years since 9/11, the Republicans have done more to further the terrorist agenda than Osama Bin Laden could have ever hoped for on the morning of 9/11.

The Republican's pre-emptive war in Iraq gave Bin Laden exactly what he dreamt about on the morning of 9/11: it has strengthened terrorist organizations worldwide; made American Republican policy makers and leaders look weak, ignorant, and arrogant; drained U.S. military personnel ranks and morale; eaten up massive amounts of our national budget; destabilized the world; harmed the U.S.'s reputation in the world; weakened U.S. Constitutional principles and the ideals of free and democratic society; allowed North Korea and Iran to not only become emboldened but also real, credible threats to American security; and left our homeland defense alarmingly vulnerable to a dizzying array of future terrorist attacks (i.e. biological, chemical, nuclear, aerial, nautical, etc).

Dutch News Airs 15 Minute Piece on 9/11 Conspiracies

Dutch News Piece on 9/11 Inside Job - prisonplanet.com

This news clip focuses primarily around theories regarding the Pentagon, the WTC collapse (no note of WTC7), and Flight 93.

Saturday, Nov. 4th, Cherry Hill - Showing Of 9/11: Press For Truth

I will be attending for anyone interested. Along with Wendi Polinow, Fred Weber, DHS, and a few others.

They Would Never

By Jon Gold

The biggest obstacle the 9/11 Truth Movement faces, and has always faced, has been people's perception that people who serve as our elected officials would never do something as dastardly as 9/11.

One would think that all of the dastardly things this Administration has done would be enough to push anyone over that hurdle. However, maybe everyone needs a refresher of just exactly what this Administration is capable of.

If this Administration would never doing something like 9/11, then does that mean they would never do something like steal the 2000 and 2004 elections?

Does that mean they would never do something like torture?

Does that mean they would never abandon people in New Orleans, and never lie about the knowledge of perhaps the levees breaking?

Does that mean they would never cover up something as important as Global Warming?

Expanding Awareness

Oct 29, the Raleigh 9/11 Truth group aired 9/11 Mysteries at the public library. I counted at least 25 people in attendance..
No descent from anyone. I think we might have gotten 3 or 4
new members maybe more.

There was a medical doctor. She described
a new disease similar to lymes disease. That has not be identified. And cases are found here in NC.

I understand lymes disease was a biological military invention.

We had a marvelous discussion after the movie. Media complicity
was discussed. Along with the pipelines being built. And its looks like they were the central purpose for going to war.

There was discussion about wealth consolidation. Bringing about a one world government.

Most new people had their doubts about the official story before
coming to the airing. A couple people said they believed the jets
bought down the buildings before the screening. They did not stick around to voice their opinion afterwards.

Colorado Events Draw Local Media Attention

The weekend events sponsored by Colorado 9-11 Visibility and 911truth.org, featuring 3 members of Scholars for 9-11 Truth Dr. Steven E. Jones, Kevin Ryan, and Kevin Barret were are great success on many levels. One was the more than usual media coverage. The front page headline of the Denver post, Monday, October 30, reads, Backers hail 9/11 theorist's speech - Physicist believes explosives were in Trade Center - A growing conspiracy has embraced Steven E. Jones, who spoke at DU on Saturday. Addtionally, the Boulder Daily Camera from the same day reads, Panelists raise doubts over 9/11 Speakers at CU say government deceiving citizens. More to come on this event including photos.