June 2008

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

Someone posted some TV News footage of the Flight 93 crash and claims it is rare. I don't know if that is true, or not. Here is what they said and a link to Live Leak in case it is true.

Ultra-rare news footage from the crash site of United Flight 93 which has never been seen again since 9/11


Former Giant Walks Across the U.S.A. for 9/11 Rescue Workers June 22, 2008

Former Giant Walks Across the U.S.A. for 9/11 Rescue Workers


June 22, 2008
Former New York Giant George Martin walks across the U.S.A. for 9/11 rescue workers while Uncle Sam sits on his keister.

The 3,000 mile walk took Mr. Martin 10 months. He lost 40 pounds and went through 24 pairs of shoes and 80 pairs of socks.

Socking it to 'em at http://www.michaelmoore.com/

dnotice.org - The NORAD Papers

(Don't know much about this site, any vetting would be appreciated, the article looks very useful. -rep.)

The NORAD Papers

Testifying before the 9/11 Commission General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the commission in response to NORAD’s mission, "I can't answer the hypothetical. It's more - it's the way that we were directed to posture, looking outward."(1) This is utterly false. As we will see below NORAD, since its inception, was tasked to monitor and intercept aircraft flying over American and Canadian air space seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Members of the 9/11 Truth Movement found General Myers’ testimony on the capabilities of NORAD on 9/11 to be surprising, since it was long assumed that NORAD’s mission was more than "looking outward". However, except for the notable exception of David Ray Griffin(2), the 9/11 Truth Movement has been negligent in producing any documents that would confirm their suspicion that NORAD was tasked with watching over and intercepting errant aircraft in American skies before 9/11; that NORAD’s mission was more robust than "looking outwards". The following pre-9/11 citations conclusively documents the true capabilities of NORAD on the morning of 9/11.


In Their Own Words: Admissions from the people who wrote the 9/11 Commission Report that it was compromised

Quotations from Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 911 Commission, by Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton

"We were set up to fail" (14).

"The chief obstacle was the White House, which argued that the congressional inquiry was continuing, and that an independent investigation would distract the government from waging the ongoing war on terrorism" (17).

"The two sides decided to split the difference, allowing eighteen months for the inquiry—a period of time that proved insufficient" (20).

"The White House also suggested some candidates for executive director for our staff. The importance of this position cannot be overstated" (22).

"…we seriously only considered one candidate: Philip Zelikow…. Zelikow was a controversial choice. In the 1990s, as an academic, he had co-authored, with Condoleezza Rice, a book about German unification, and he later assisted Stephen Hadley in running the National Security Council transition for the incoming Bush administration in 2000-2001" (28).

"…our office space and employees had to be cleared by the FBI and CIA to handle top-secret information…" (34)

Delft University of Technology in Holland on fire and collapsing

Sprained my toe so I have had some extra time to wander internet message boards. Far as I can tell 9/11 truth is doing very well.

Here is another pro-OCT argument I saw today. It's building in Holland that collapses due to fire. Some people say it shows that our claims about no steel-frame building collapsing due to fire have been disproved.


The comments below the video pretty much answer the question, but I thought people should see it and comment if there is anything more to say.

June 21, 2008 FISA in the Land of 9-11 Changed Everything By Blaine Kinsey

"Please ask your non-representatives to turn out the lights as they exit the Halls of Congress to campaign for re-election." -- Blaine Kinsey

I couldn't agree more. -- Betsy

Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/FISA-IN-THE-LAND-OF-NINE-E-by-Blaine-Kinsey-080621-210.html
June 21, 2008

FISA in the Land of 9-11 Changed Everything

By Blaine Kinsey

Yesterday was a day that will live in infamy due to the vote in the House of non-Representatives for FISA legislation that cripples the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and also enables Congress to usurp the powers of the Judicial Branch by granting retroactive immunity to the telecommunication providers that assisted with the so-called Terrorist Surveillance Program. Quisling Democrats are calling this legislation a compromise, but that is only true in the sense that they have needlessly compromised the Constitution due to cowardice and shallow political considerations. An analysis of the vote quickly reveals that the minority Republicans still control the debate in Congress.


Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/9-11-QUESTIONS-STILL-SMOLD-by-Allen-L-Roland-080621-87.html
June 21, 2008


By Allen L Roland

When Pandora's Box is finally fully opened on the deceptions and abuses of power by the Cheney/Bush administration ~ the 9/11 coverup will stand alone as the most treasonous act in American history: Allen L Roland

Since the American mainstream media has completely dropped the ball on the 9/11 coverup by the Cheney/Bush administration ~ the Europeans are picking up the slack particularly in Japan.
In January 2008 Yukihisa Fujita, a member of the Democratic Party of Japan, asked the Japanese Parliament and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to explain gaping holes in the official 9/11 story that various groups claim to have exposed.

John Spiri, in a special to the Japan Times, writes of how Fujita, along with a growing number of individuals ~ including European and American politicians ~ are leading a charge to conduct a thorough, independent investigation of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001.


The Two Sides of Vincent Bugliosi

I post this now because I noticed that Bugliosi was recently featured on Democracy Now and also is going to be on a radio show with Kucinich soon. His 2007 book was 'Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy', and his 2008 book is 'The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder.'

This is another case where *anyone* who utters the phrase "prosecute Bush" is given a free pass. Being on Democracy Now then opens the door to every single left media and blogger to accept him unquestioningly. But as Michael Green states, "The purpose of Bugliosi’s 'Reclaiming History' is to defend the integrity of the USG National Security State by grossly distorting its nature and function."

Could such distortions, and the taking down of the JFK truths one year earlier, have been a necessary ingredient of becoming a central figure in the supposed prosecution of Bush? Only time will tell.

The essay is detailed but thorough and well done.


9-11 Research Guest Essay:

Besmirching History: Vincent Bugliosi Assassinates Kennedy Again

June 19, 2008 Impeach Bush now? By Ray McGovern

Sadly, I'm pretty much convinced that "the people" will not wake up until another 9/11 happens or an attack on Iran commences . . . How much more evidence do "the people" and Congress need?

I feel a calm before the storm right now, but on a positive note, maybe that storm will allow 9/11 truth to finally be exposed . . . --Betsy

Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/Impeach-Bush-now--by-Ray-McGovern-080619-333.html
June 19, 2008

Impeach Bush now?

By Ray McGovern

United States Rep. John Conyers, the Detroit Democrat who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, has a rendezvous with destiny. He is uniquely placed to thrust a rod through the wheels of a White House juggernaut to war with Iran by commencing impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush.

A move to impeach would bolster the resistance to Bush among our senior military leaders who know that attacking Iran at this time would be the strategic equivalent of the marches into Russia by Napoleon and Hitler.

HR 6304 - A Bill to Abolish the 4th Amendment


On June 20, 2008 - 293 Representatives voted in favor to invalidate the 4th Amendment
But before they voted, this is what our leaders in Washington had to say about HR6304
(Assembled by the team at http://www.washingtonyourefired.com/)

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.