DOT officials trying to stop 9/11 graffiti on bridges, overpasses


Some graffiti popping up on highways has a lot of people talking, and the state isn't too happy about how a group of vandals are trying to get their message across.

Eyewitness News explains what it all means and the lengths one state agency is going to cut down on it.

When people drive around central Connecticut, it's hard to miss some of the graffiti popping up on bridges, overpasses and road signs that says "9-11 Truth," "W-T-C" and "Building 7."

All the phrases are scrawled across overpasses on some major highways. The Connecticut Department of Transportation is fed up with graffiti and doesn't have enough resources to keep up with it.



It's been a long while since I posted on 911Blogger, but I have tried to keep up with important developments on 911, courtesy of this website and others.

I recently released a new doc entitled "Counter-Intelligence" ('Shining a light on black operations'). Like my previous films it has been released online for free.

Counter-Intelligence (CI) is long. Six hours. It is divided up into five parts. Each entry can be viewed as its own entity without reference to what comes before or after. Obviously the film as a whole is best viewed in its entirety from 1-5.

The full film can be viewed here:

Due to the length I composed a trailer, which also functions as a sort of short film. It is 15 minutes long:

'Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis'

Gregory Szuladzinski, Anthony Szamboti and Richard Johns

"Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis"

International Journal of Protective Structures.

Mod note:
Original direct link to pdf was replaced with a link to the abstract, the publisher will release the paper for free use on Jan. 1, 2014. There is currently an 18 GBP ($27.00 USD) copy fee charged for those without a subscription to the journal. However, copies can be sent to individuals for personal use by the authors and anyone they send it to. If you would like a copy, please send a request via:

The Official Video: ReThink911 September 2013

Watch the Official ReThink911 Video and Make Your Own! As part of this massive global effort, we invite our supporters to create your very own short video showing your support for ReThink911. For inspiration, check out this fantastic early promotional video which features an actual video created by Niels Harrit and the Danish 9/11 Truth Action Committee

Please post your video to YouTube by the end of Sunday, July 14. In the video description, please include a link to Email your video link to, and we will post the five most inspiring videos to the AE911Truth and ReThink911 Facebook pages on Wednesday, July 17.

9/11 TRUTH graffiti - Building Seven?

This video is posted for educational purposes only, and is not meant to encourage this type of activity.

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: WTC Evacuation Orders, 9/11-Style Movies, and More

From the History Commons Groups blog:

Many new entries have been added to the Complete 9/11 Timeline at History Commons, covering a range of topics relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Contradictory Orders over Whether People Should Evacuate the WTC

Numerous entries examine the conflicting orders and announcements that were made, regarding whether people should evacuate or stay in the World Trade Center after the first plane hit the North Tower.

After the crash, George Tabeek, a WTC security manager, contacted the deputy fire safety directors in the Twin Towers with instructions to "evacuate the North Tower, but keep people inside the South Tower." But around the same time, some people in the North Tower heard an automated announcement advising them to stay in their offices.

NPR's Neal Conan, Talk of the Nation, censors talk on World Trade Center Building 7

WASHINGTON – June 28, 2013 – During Thursday’s final broadcast of NPR’s Talk of the Nation, outgoing host Neal Conan hung up on a caller from Florida who questioned the U.S. Government’s official explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001.

Conan retired yesterday after 36 years with NPR after dismissing a caller’s concerns as “scientific nonsense”. But was he really saying that we can’t discuss 9/11 any further?

The official NPR transcript of the program replaced the words “false flag attack” with “falsified attack”.

Read more:

Thanks goes to Bob from Gainesville, FL for making the final episode of Neal Conan's career at NPR and the 'Talk of the Nation' show a memorable one

ReThink911 Launches Global Ad Campaign with Fundraiser for Massive NY Times Square Bill Board logo JUNE 24, 2013

New York to Learn Once and For All a Third Tower Fell on 9/11

    Make This Billboard a Reality in September

New York Ad in Times SquareThe ReThink911 campaign is pleased to announce that this September’s global ad campaign will be spearheaded by a 50-foot billboard in the heart of Times Square. Towering over the surrounding blocks, this billboard will attract the attention of nearly one million pedestrians each day and set the stage for New York and the whole world to learn that a large 47-story skyscraper also fell on 9/11.

ReThink911 has put down half the money needed to purchase this billboard for the full month of September. Now we are counting on you to bring us the rest of the way. Donate now, and we will send you a free ReThink911 bumper sticker with your donation of at least $50.*

Or, if you wish to donate to one of the other cities where ReThink911 is placing ads, click here to find your preferred city and donate generously. Together we can make ReThink911 go viral this September.

"...Take Your Calls Somewhere Else" (Legislators,Pundits & 9/11 Controlled Demolition Questions PART 2)

Federal legislators and pundits are asked questions about 9/11 controlled demolition evidence on C-SPAN's program "Washington Journal", concluding with host Steve Scully telling a caller to take 9/11 questions to another network.

This is Part 2 in a series. To view Part 1 go to:

To call C-SPAN's Washington Journal program:

Democrats: 1-202 585-3880

Republicans: 1-202-585-3881

Independents: 1-202-585-3882

It is on live every day at 7AM -10AM EST

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion


The producers of an upcoming documentary on TWA Flight 800—which exploded and crashed into the waters off Long Island, N.Y., on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 people on board—claim to have proof that an explosion outside the Paris-bound flight caused the crash. And six former investigators who took part in the film say there was a cover-up and want the case reopened.

"There was a lack of coordination and willful denial of information," Hank Hughes, a senior accident investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said on Wednesday during a conference call with reporters. "There were 755 witnesses. At no time was information provided by the witnesses shared by the FBI."