Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is not self-defence – it’s a war crime

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is not self-defence – it’s a war crime

January 11, 2009

ISRAEL has sought to justify its military attacks on Gaza by stating that it amounts to an act of “self-defence” as recognised by Article 51, United Nations Charter. We categorically reject this contention.

The rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas deplorable as they are, do not, in terms of scale and effect amount to an armed attack entitling Israel to rely on self-defence. Under international law self-defence is an act of last resort and is subject to the customary rules of proportionality and necessity.

The killing of almost 800 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and more than 3,000 injuries, accompanied by the destruction of schools, mosques, houses, UN compounds and government buildings, which Israel has a responsibility to protect under the Fourth Geneva Convention, is not commensurate to the deaths caused by Hamas rocket fire.

For 18 months Israel had imposed an unlawful blockade on the coastal strip that brought Gazan society to the brink of collapse. In the three years after Israel’s redeployment from Gaza, 11 Israelis were killed by rocket fire. And yet in 2005-8, according to the UN, the Israeli army killed about 1,250 Palestinians in Gaza, including 222 children. Throughout this time the Gaza Strip remained occupied territory under international law because Israel maintained effective control over it.

9/11 Commission, ‘Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US’ PDB – Additions to the 9/11 Timeline as of January 11, 2009

Most of this week's additions to the 9/11 Timeline focus on the 9/11 Commission, in particular its treatment of the August 6 Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) item entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US." Philip Zelikow, the commission's executive director, allegedly pressured one of the CIA analysts who wrote the PDB to accept the White House's interpretation of what it said, but this conversation was overheard by a staffer, who reported it through a back-channel network used to monitor Zelikow's behaviour. Zelikow tried to prevent a formal interview of the CIA analysts who wrote the PDB item, but was unsuccessful and they told the commission the PDB was neither "historical" nor ordered by Bush. Banned at High School

Robert Wanek reports that students at his high school are blocked from visiting and several other activist websites."Students have been banned from going on It has been deemed inappropriate."


Sydney Truth Action

Sydney Truth Action on January 11 2009

Check out the incoming reports of the Actions of January 11 HERE

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Downward Acceleration of the North Tower

The roofline of WTC1 (The North Tower) begins dropping with sudden onset and accelerates uniformly downward at about 64% of the acceleration of gravity (g) until it disappears into the dust. This means it is meeting resistance equal to about 36% of its weight. The implication of this, however, is that the force it is exerting on the lower section of the building is also only 36% of the weight of the falling section. This is much less than the force it would exert if it were at rest. The acceleration data thus prove that the falling top section of the building cannot be responsible for the destruction of the lower section of the building.

9/11 Truth and the Anti-War Community: Moving Forward Together

On November 22nd and 23rd, 2008, I attended the World Can't Wait organization's national conference here in Chicago. I was very pleased to meet Janice Matthews who was also in attendance. There were several opportunities to discuss issues that World Can't Wait should be addressing as we move forward into the Obama Administration. WCW is one of the few anti-war groups (I wish they would call themselves PRO-PEACE groups) that haven't drunk the Obama kool-aid, and are moving forward by holding Obama's feet to the fire.

Annie Lennox and Brian Eno Stand Tall for Gaza in the UK -- In the U.S., the Congress rolls over for AIPAC

"Our voices will not be silenced until there is a complete and absolute end to the genocide."
- Annie Lennox, January 10, 2008

In a London rally estimated by organizers to be 100,000 strong, people in the UK spoke out loudly against Israel's incursion into Gaza, with the former lead singer of the Eurythmics, Annie Lennox standing tall and proud;

In his typical subdued but thoughtful fashion, the legendary Brian Eno also called for an end to the violence;

Remains Of 9/11 Killers Found


By Stuart Winter
Sunday January 11,2009

FORENSIC investigators have recovered the charred remains of most of the 9/11 hijackers - to honour a pledge that they would never be buried with the victims.

The £30million CSI-style probe has taken seven years.

Flesh or bone from 13 of the 19 Al Qaeda terrorists who flew passenger jets into the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington have now been identified.

In the most intense crime scene investigation in history, scientists sifted through a mountain of concrete dust, buckled iron and shattered glass to find what was left of the terrorists.

The final tally was 24lb of burnt flesh and shattered bone.

A combination of dedicated FBI detective work and the brilliant skills of forensic scientists eventually put names to the fragments by matching them with DNA traces discovered at the terrorists’ hideouts.

The high temperatures generated as the jet fuel exploded meant many of the 2,974 victims and some of their killers were all but atomised in the attacks.

Do you think about the past much, Frank?

Click to enlarge.

Poster design by Chris Ritchey.

If you're in the Bay Area, stop by for a free screening of a digitally re-mastered and Surround Sound re-mixed version of LCFC.  Remo Conscious told me he'd be swinging by, too.

Hope to see you there.

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed discusses 7/7 and 9/11

An interview I conducted with Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed where he discusses the need for an independent public enquiry into 7/7 bombings in London , the failings of the 9/11 commission, deep links between supposed terrorist masterminds and the inteligence services and the nature of the term Conspiracy theory.

an extra on the Elephant in the Room DVD
to get these clips first why not check out my YouTube Channel