How to Deal with Government Propaganda on the Web

How should we deal with the onslaught of American and Israeli government-sponsored bloggers defending those governments' actions (see this and this)?

Well, one way is to ask bloggers who appear to be parroting pro-goverment propaganda without any thought the following question:

Has the American, Israeli and/or any other government directly or indirectly instructed or requested that you write supporting any of their actions, policies or positions, or helped to organize or in any way supported you in making any writings?

This is a very helpful question.


Well, they will respond yes, assuming that they are an honest person writing in response to one of the governments' calls for pro-government blogging.

Indeed, Air Force regulations require that the blogger identify themselves as military.

The Old American Dream-hope Obama

The Old American Dream-hope Obama
By Jonathan Mark
Published by The New American Dream
19 January 2009

The smoking gun just happens to be in our minds; what we do about it is another matter. “How many coincidences make a fact?" Unprecedented free-fall building collapses, investigation cover-up, NORAD's failure to follow proper procedures, the list goes on, ad infinitum. It adds up to one horrendous nightmare; and in the protocol of mind-control, many choose denial over what is ugly and true.

But what is ugly to some can be beautiful to another, or an opportunity. Everyone has their awakening point; for some it was September 11, others began to connect the dots from the Downing Street Memo, WMD lies, torture, unnecessary invasion-occupation, for others it could be the treachery and lack of transparency in the criminal conduct of international finance schemes. Is there hope for truth under an Obama administration?

'Conspiracy Blogs' bigger threat than Stalin, Hitler

Antony Beevor on films that rewrite history

Open Minds: Films that rewrite history, says Antony Beevor, are fatally warping our sense of reality

Antony Beevor

In the West, we tend to assume that the greatest threats to democracy and liberty come from outside. We think of the totalitarian systems of the last century or fundamentalist terrorism today, but we fail to recognise the viral strain that has developed out of our own entertainment industries.

Over the past dozen or so years, television and movie-makers have managed to blur the border between fact and fiction to an unprecedented degree. They pretend increasingly that their film is based on a true story. Every device possible, from computer-generated imagery to place names and dates thrown onto the screen seek to suspend the disbelief of historically illiterate audiences. Alarmingly, the new technology has coincided with a dramatic growth in conspiracy theories.

Paul Krugman: Forgive and forget?

(This was in the NYT on Friday. Although Krugman doesn't mention 9/11, of course the same arguments apply, particularly inasmuch as the war in Iraq was a direct result. Orig. is at .)

Last Sunday President-elect Barack Obama was asked whether he would seek an investigation of possible crimes by the Bush administration.

"I don't believe that anybody is above the law," he responded, but "we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards."

I'm sorry, but if we don't have an inquest into what happened during the Bush years - and nearly everyone has taken Obama's remarks to mean that we won't - this means that those who hold power are indeed above the law because they don't face any consequences if they abuse their power.

Conspiracy? What is the truth about 9/11? By Gary Dickson -- Lake County Record Bee

Conspiracy? What is the truth about 9/11?

By Gary Dickson -- Record-Bee columnist
Lake County Record Bee Lakeport CA
Posted: 01/16/2009

Conspiracy? What is the truth about 9/11?

Almost before the smoke had cleared from the collapse of the World Trade Center towers and from within the cavity at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, conspiracy theories began to appear. There were so many and they emerged so quickly that President Bush addressed the matter on November 10, 2001, in a speech to the United Nations. The President condemned the introduction of "outrageous conspiracy theories ... that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty."

New 9/11 Brochure for Obama Inauguration brochure
For Immediate Release
January 17, 2009

DC 911Truth has produced an attractive new brochure to be distributed at the
Obama Inauguration and surrounding events. On the cover, President Obama is
asked to "help America learn the truth about 9/11," but the interior is
aimed at general audiences who may not be aware of problems with the
official account, or who may be quick to dismiss any questions as conspiracy

In a concise and straightforward way, the brochure presents the many facts
that challenge the 9/11 Commission Report (including doubts expressed by
Co-Chairs Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton themselves), as well as
contradictions in the accepted narrative about air defense, the alleged
hijackers, the destruction of the World Trade Center, and the anthrax
attacks. Only statements that could be verified in mainstream news sources
were included and carefully footnoted, so as to maximize the credibility of
the piece.

At the end, readers are asked to face a difficult reality: 9/11 could not

The Beast tries equating 911 "truthers" with dope smoking terrorists

New A&E show The Beast attempts to smear 9/11 truth seekers as crazy dope smoking terrorists with access to RPG launchers.

The "truther" is an undercover cop trying to find out if the other undercover cop is worthy of an even deeper undercover operation.

This is being indoctrinated into the new homeland security generation.....

FDNY - Explosions

I've been building an online portfolio of all my work, and this was among the things to be uploaded. I figured I'd post it on here as well.

Watch in HD if possible.

A graphic that was omitted from Loose Change Final Cut, detailing selections from the 9/11 Firefighters' Oral Histories that mention sounds or conditions consistent with controlled demolition.

William Rodriguez and Annie Machon ex MI5 whistle blower travel across Europe

In 2007 I traveled across Europe with William Rodriguez and Annie Machon while filming my Feature length documentary The Elephant In The Room. We traveled across the south west of England, France, Holland and Germany for Just over two weeks. Spreading the word about William's experience of the events of 9/11 which directly contradicts the Official story. Annie Machon the former MI5 officer turned whistle blower organised the tour and spoke before William about her experience working at the heart of the secret state.

this is a re post as the last version needed a slight technical amendment - enjoy!

Dean Puckett

NEADS Staff Joke about Second Hijack

I finally found something interesting on the NEADS tapes and made it into a YouTube clip. It is when they learn of the second hijack. They think it's funny and make jokes.

I don't know what this means, but it just stood out for me, so I put it up.