9/11 Pentagon 'Plane' Footage 'Missiles' the Point

Answer: Because Cheney let the object into Pentagon airspace. See Norman Minetta's testimony here: http://www.911podcasts.com/display.php?vid=70


The Pentagon is the most heavily guarded building in the world. It has detectors that go off when an unauthorized airplane enters its airspace. It also has missiles poised to strike at these planes.

So, if the official theory is true, what was an unauthorized 757 Boeing plane doing in Pentagon space? No missiles were reputed to have gone off. That means the defensive mechanisms were defective on September 11th (what a coincidence!) or someone stood down the Pentagon. Al-Qaeda certainly could not do that. However you slice it, the official theory makes no sense.

Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime with Dutch Subtitles

Check it out, its only available so far from Google Video so you can't download or subscribe to it, but if you know someone who speaks Dutch, send them this:


Comments Comments Comments

Some of you noticed that the comments section has gone away, this is not an error on your end, this is an intentional change by myself earlier today.

The comments section on this site has grown to be quite a negative and hateful section as time has gone on, and I quite frankly don't want this site to be associated with the typical trash that has become a majority of our comments.

We have a number of great people who have been visiting this site for over a year now, who have become regulars, and whom we have gotten to know through the comments. It seems however that as this site gains in viewership we are also gaining in the number of commenters who cannot get along with one another, who need to constantly focus on their differences instead of their similarities, and who have no issue turning the comments here into garbage.

Letter to the Editor at 7days.ae

9/11 images prove the US was behind the attacks - 7days.ae

Releasing images of explosions at the Pentagon was a desparate measure: compared to US Army photographs of the incident site - without a trace of any "Boeing 757" - they are, obviously, an own goal - in spades.

More importantly, the images will not distract the intelligent observer from the fact that on 9/11 three multi-story buildings in New York city perfectly-vertically-imploded. Two had been hit by aircraft which could have only caused very localised damage and Building 7 was not hit by anything other than, possibly, a seagull.

Michael Wolsey Interviews Activist Who Sued Local Newspaper Over 9/11 Coverup

Visibility 9-11 - May 20th, 2006

This broadcast features an interview with Judith Pfeif of Durango Colorado. Judith recently filed a lawsuit against the local paper, The Durango Herald, for refusing to publish alternative's to the government's conspiracy theory despite repeated efforts for fair and balanced reporting by citizens of Durango. Judith's court date is June 1st, 2006 in Durango Colorado. You can contact Judith via email at caringforourcommunity@yahoo.com.


"9/11 Revisited" Boston area screening on May 24 at 7 PM

The Boston 9/11 Truth Group Presents:

Cost: Free admission--donations gratefully accepted
When: Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 7PM
Where: West Newton Cinema
1296 Washington Street, Rte 16
West Newton, MA
Contact: Chris Gruener at 617-965-6552



Okay, here's the final version. Whatever you think about the new version, make sure you read all of the quotes at the end -- they're worth the read.

It all comes down to courage . . .

If you have courage (from the French "with heart"), then you're willing to face that really stinky mess in the garage and clean it up.

Now Americans don't have much faith that we can throw out a bunch of murdering, psychotic tyrants (excuse my French). Why? Because we don't have experience succeeding against such people. Sure, the Founding Fathers threw out the British; but that was WAY back in the day, hundreds of years before we were born. French revolution? Ancient history, and different country. WWII? Still generations back for many of us, and that was different. The WWII generation was fighting "the good war", and never knew that our own government probably let Pearl Harbor be attacked in order to justify the U.S. entry into WWII to help out the British. So we have no experience of having really stood up to tyrants.

Durango woman sues Herald for 9/11 cover up

This is only a small claims case for $7,500, but it is an interesting approach to 9/11 truth

A Durango woman issued a court summons to The Durango Herald, its publisher and its chairman on Thursday, demanding the newspaper compensate her for her attempt to uncover what she believes is a conspiracy to suppress the truth about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


Pfeif wrote in her petition, 'The defendants are guilty of complicity in covering up

Slate Posts a Roundup of Coverage of New Pentagon Footage

The Pentagon Caper - Slate.com

Conspiracy theorists haven't exactly been placated by the Defense Department's release of footage from two cameras that showed Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon on Sept. 11. Also, Adam Nagourney's losing-is-the-new-winning strategy for the Dems is not widely seen as a muscular counterpoint to Karl Rove.

The Pentagon caper: Footage from two Pentagon security cameras, recording the terrorist attack on the facility on Sept. 11, was made public Tuesday by the Defense Department, which had withheld the material because of Zacarias Moussaoui's trial. Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, the legal activist group that sued for access to the video under the Freedom of Information Act, explained: "[W]e hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77." Keep hoping.

CoFounder of Air America Discusses 9/11 on Huffington Post

9/11 Redux -- Renegade U.S. Intelligence - huffingtonpost.com

Since 1947 when the National Security Act was passed, the U.S. intelligence agencies have been out of control and there is a strong likelihood that many rogue elements have done some awful things unknown to even our elected officials. I would include among them: John Kennedy's assassination; Martin Luther King's assassination; Robert Kennedy's assassination; 9/11.
The problem with all the official reports on these events including the likes of the Warren Commission and 9/11 Commission is that these investigations only embody information coming from known government agencies and documents. Very little forensic work is done to connect the dots. And the so-called bi-partisan members of these commissions are members of the establishment who would never think of using innovative investigative techniques. The official reports of those commissions seem to always blame everyone, essentially blaming nobody. And the most plausible explanation comes to incompetence of government agencies. Most people recognize that lone assassins did not assassinate John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. The 9/11 report fails to explain so many improbabilities that it boggles the mind.