Angled cut column explained.

The photo with the angled cut column has somehow taken on an almost mythical status amongst some people in the 9/11 movement. In this short video I explain that it's not evidence of thermite and how it could very well have been done by cleanup crews with a thermic lance.

So, let's look at some real evidence of explosives on the core columns. Gordon Ross' theory, in which concussion charges are placed against the welds of the thickest core columns, explains exactly what we see in the pile; column ends that are bent, broken and exploded. You can watch his presentation on YouTube (part 1, part 2, part 3).

WeAreChangeLA grills General Wesley Clark on Operation Gladio, KLA and 9/11 wargames
On 10/3/08, retired Four-Star General Wesley Kanne Clark took part in a discussion about International Justice at the UCLA Law School. Clark, who had been Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) of NATO during Operation Allied Force in the Kosovo War, insisted that international justice is important but in conflict with the long history in the United States of acting as seen fit in the moment.

Actions of September 11

My apologies for not posting this here sooner but there were so many actions around the world on the eleventh of September and the reports never stopped coming in. There were more actions for 9/11 truth in more locations on one day than ever before. There are 188 pics in the slideshow below and I'm still adding to it. Check out the blog at for the full report including a fairly massive collection of videos and a lot of great text reports.

And please - if you care about 9/11 truth and you are physically able - join us in action on October 11. It's a Saturday, it's international Freedom Not Fear 2008 day and if you haven't joined us before or it's a been awhile since you have - there's no time like the present and we need you now more than ever before! The next few months are crucial to the sustenance of our movement for truth. And don't forget to document your actions and send us a few snapshots, a video or even just a few words about your action... the more action that people see, the more they want to join us in action.


The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Press TV 9/11 Discussion

more airtime for truth :) Wendy Grossman and Nick Pope feebly attempt to hold up the OCT against Annie Machon and Ian Henshall

Fundraiser reminder (1 of 2)

This is the first of two reminders, the second reminder will be posted oct. 20th:

Original fundraiser post:

Philip Zelikow Had 9/11 Report Rewritten To Be More Favorable Of Condi

This is a new entry at Condoleezza Rice didn't deserve "more favorable" treatment. She belongs in prison.

May-June 2004: Zelikow Has Portions of 9/11 Commission Report Rewritten to Be More Favorable to National Security Adviser Rice

ABC: NSA agents admit spying on Americans' private calls

ABC: NSA agents admit spying on Americans' private calls
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Raw Story
Thursday October 9, 2008

The Bush administration has repeatedly defended its warrantless surveillance of Americans as being directed only against "people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations."

Now two intercept operators who worked for the National Security Agency at Fort Gordon in Georgia have come forward to tell ABC News that isn't true.

David Murfee Faulk described to ABC's Brian Ross how he had listened to "personal phone calls of American officers, mostly in the Green Zone [in Baghdad], calling home to the United States, talking to their spouses and sometimes their girlfriends."

"Co-workers of mine were ordered to transcribe these calls," Faulk stated. "When one of my co-workers went to a supervisor and said, 'But sir, these are personal calls,' the supervisor said, 'My orders were to transcribe everything.'"