synergist's blog

Suppressed energy breakthroughs: see for yourself and evaluate

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From time-to-time, mainstream news reports on energy-creation breakthroughs. The video links below will remind you and evoke the follow-up thought, “Why haven’t we heard more about these?”

For example, last year leading electromagnet expert and MIT professor Markus Zahn verified that the magnetic motor of Thane Hines did indeed create acceleration without any input of energy (and here). That is, once started, the magnetic motor speeds up on its own. In fact, the motor needs to be slowed or its acceleration will continue until the speed is so great that it breaks the motor.

Why haven’t we all heard of this?

David Icke: stunning analysis of what's behind US political/economic manipulative control

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Among hundreds of writers, I’ve documented the US government lies in current wars, transfers trillions of our dollars to the financial elite, and maintains a monetary system by and for those elites that guarantees Americans and their posterity will live under increasing and unpayable national debt. Once the cognitive dissonance has been breached to verify these facts, the natural response is to ask why they would lie on such a massive scale. What are they trying to do?

David Icke has spent the last twenty years of his life researching and presenting his answer to that question. Below is a 5-part interview where he walks the audience through his analysis. I find his presentation absolutely consistent with the available evidence, and invite you to attempt to falsify his analysis. Following that is the first part to his broader presentation, a full-day seminar.

US lies about Iran's nuclear program and "threat" to Israel, escalates aggression for war

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US political “leaders” from both parties are lying to you about Iran’s “nuclear program” and what Iranian President Ahmadinejad said concerning Israel. Yes, the word "lie" is accurate; I will prove it beyond any reasonable doubt.

The good news is that both cases are paper-thin propaganda that anyone can see through and America is on the verge of ending criminal Wars of Aggression. Please learn these facts to communicate them powerfully.

US monetary system: Robber Baron-era design makes US debt peons forever. You knew that, right?

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"At first blush, a man is not capable of reporting truth; he must be drenched and saturated with it first." – Henry David Thoreau, I to Myself.

As I’ve previously written, the interest payment on the national debt is now ~$450 billion every year, there is no plan to ever repay the debt (we only pay the interest), and our monetary system only and always creates money as debt: condemning us to perpetually increasing debt for ourselves and our posterity.

Financial expert Gerald Celente: American public losing everything to fascist oligarchs

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Gerald Celente is one of the world’s best trend forecasters. In the following 4-part radio interview, Celente blasts current political and economic “leadership” as beholden to large corporate and financial interests. As I’ve documented, professionals who work with economics are using unprecedented harsh language in attempt to get Americans’ attention to the loss of trillions of our collective dollars. His comments include (paraphrased):

“Too big to fail” banks are anathema to real capitalism.
US economy is like a ruthless mafia ripping-off the American public. The US is being looted.
US economy is no longer capitalism, it’s oligarchies and fascism.
We are witnessing the greatest heist in American history, and the banks are doing it.
“I don’t like getting raped. I don’t like my money going to Goldman Sachs.”
“Do you have eyes to see and a mind to understand? These crimes are an affront to my intelligence.”

#2 House Republican: Propaganda for psychopathic mass murder against Iran

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Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) is the second most powerful member of the GOP in the House of Representatives. In the following 4-minute video from November 9, 2009, Mr. Cantor incites the 2009 General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America in Washington to the contrived view that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is "the man holding the gun with which he vows to kill Israel and the Jews." Cantor alleges that each day brings the world one step closer to Ahmadinejad's possession of a nuclear bomb.

Ask a veteran: If Afghan war is illegal, US troops and public must refuse deployment

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“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained.” - Mohandas Gandhi, Young India 1924-1926 (1927), p. 1285

CBS news reports that sources confirm the deployment of ~40,000 additional US troops in Afghanistan (two-minute video below). The most important context for troops, officers, and the US public to consider is that if the US war is illegal, we must all refuse deployment and any further engagement. All those with an oath to defend and protect the US Constitution are sworn to refuse such an illegal act (along with being viciously immoral).

Here is my best attempt to outline the legal argument that responsible US citizens must refuse this war and further deployment. Here is my archive of all articles concerning US invasion of Afghanistan.

Goldman Sachs CEO: "doing God's work." Enron CEO: "We are on the side of angels."

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Bank executives are cashing-in with bonuses from stock options at record rates (again), with the chair and CEO of Goldman Sachs literally claiming that they are doing God’s work (yes, really). Goldman Sachs makes money through “trading.” For analogy, I suggest reviewing the history of another record-setting company for profits that “traded”: Enron. In the two-minute trailer to the documentary, “The smartest guys in the room,” CEO Jeffrey Skilling also says, “We are the good guys. We are on the side of angels.”

For your consideration: trading that does not produce goods and services is a euphemism for gambling (look it up).

The American public is transferring record amounts of our money to subsidize the gambling losses of banksters. Please study the information in the above links. I doubt you can make a persuasive argument of being a competent citizen if you are under-informed on current policy involving multiple trillions of our taxes.

Bailout overseer Elizabeth Warren: banks recklessly gamble knowing US taxpayers will pay losses

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Elizabeth Warren is a Harvard law professor specializing in contract, bankruptcy, and commercial law. She is also chair of the Congressional oversight committee for the so-called "bailout." In the following 6-minute interview, Warren sharply criticizes the political “leadership” of both parties for allowing the big banks to gamble and profit, then be bailed-out when their gambling crashes. She states that the banks were given our money while we were left on our own. She sites the most recent economic data of unemployment officially reported at over 10%, with the more realistic closer to twice that amount (and here).

David Swanson: End US Wars of Aggression by defunding them

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Our US Congressional committees’ disclosure of evidence to justify invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan show all of the evidence was known to be false at the time it was spun to the American public. Even a cursory reading of the evidence reveals this fact beyond any reasonable doubt. Our duopoly Democratic and Republican political “leaders” lied to the world to engage in illegal Wars of Aggression. Again, this is fact undisputed from our own government’s documentation.

If you haven’t mastered this lesson on responsible citizenry, to tell the difference between fact and spin leading to war, millions of deaths and conservatively ten times the dead in such suffering they wish for death, and trillions of our dollars for long-term costs, please, again, read my best explanation here.

Understanding 9/11 requires following the money. The heart of money is its creation by the banksters

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Below is a concise and lucid explanation of how nations create money by economist John Hotson. This topic is at the heart of our economic problems, and required understanding for competent citizenry.

I’m among many writers who document that Americans are transferring unprecedented amounts of their hard-earned money to the oligarchy controlling our banks and casino-capitalism “investment” institutions. The solution is structurally simple for the public benefit of conservatively $1 trillion every year, and has been advocated by many of America’s sharpest historical minds. States can take control of their financial problems through state-owned banks; ending interest payments on their debt and earning profit by providing 2% mortgages for the good of the public.

An open letter to the American public: declare obvious torture, demand Truth and Reconciliation

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"I will never apologize for the United States of America - I don't care what the facts are."-George H.W. Bush, repeatedly in 1988 in his campaign for US President. Mr. Bush was responding to the U.S. Navy warship Vincennes, illegally in Iranian waters, shooting down an Iranian commercial airliner on routine flight in a commercial corridor in Iranian airspace. All 290 civilian people in the aircraft were killed. This was at the end of the US-backed War of Aggression of Iraq upon Iran. When a military targets and fires upon another country’s peaceful aircraft, that is a blatant act of war. The US, to this day, denies responsibility for the attack.

Florida political leaders consider state bank: telling Wall Street to kiss their assets goodbye?

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Even though this idea is obviously cost-effective with just a few moments’ consideration of the facts, even though the idea of creating money and credit for the public good rather than for bank profit has a rich history of support from many of America’s brightest minds, and even though this is the “secret” to the state with the lowest unemployment in the nation along with a record budget surplus (it’s North Dakota, one of only two solvent states today), the idea of a state-owned bank creating its own credit is a new idea for many Americans.

Do you love humanity enough to stop illegal US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran?

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"One thing we have endeavoured to observe most scrupulously, namely, never to depart from the strictest facts and, in dealing with the difficult questions that have arisen during the year, we hope that we have used the utmost moderation possible under the circumstances. Our duty is very simple and plain. We want to serve the community, and in our own humble way to serve the Empire. We believe in the righteousness of the cause, which it is our privilege to espouse. We have an abiding faith in the mercy of the Almighty God, and we have firm faith in the British Constitution. That being so, we should fail in our duty if we wrote anything with a view to hurt. Facts we would always place before our readers, whether they are palatable or not, and it is by placing them constantly before the public in their nakedness that the misunderstanding between the two communities in South Africa can be removed." Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian Opinion (1 October 1903)

Review: “Fall of the Republic,” an Alex Jones’ political & economic documentary

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By the end of high school, all young adults are instructed to understand and apply the scientific method to match data with hypotheses to explain the data. Most adults report they are able to do this under realistic conditions; that is, they have rational explanations for reality on a day-to-day basis, and especially for important issues. Daily, more adults are focusing their competent intellects upon our largest political and economic issues. Daily, more adults are constructing hypotheses of intentional destruction of our American rights, values, and economy as the only rational explanation of such gross malfeasance with US government and economic policies.