
What are you doing today?

I was wonderin' what y'all are gonna get up to today.

I'm gonna head out with a bullhorn, a boombox, a sign, some flyers and cards, a stack of deception dollars and a stack of dvds... and hopefully meet up with some friends and do outreach in two different cities. After all that, I'll probably head over to the Grand Lake in Oakland for the premiere of the new David Ray Griffin video.

What are you doing today?

9/11 Five Years Later: What Have We Accomplished?

Here is a great piece about the state of the 9/11 Truth movement. Thanks to JackRiddler for posting this at DU.

An Assessment of the 9/11 Truth Movement

By Emanuel Sferios
September 11, 2006

Five years ago--on my birthday--the shadow government of the United States
murdered over 3,000 of its own citizens (and hundreds of others) in a
"false flag" operation designed to galvanize public support behind a war
for control of the world's last remaining energy reserves. Many of us
quickly saw through the "big lie" of 9/11 and began a movement to expose
it, to reveal the truth, in the hopes that this would bring an end to the
War on Terror, a war destined--if it continues--to turn nuclear.

And now, five years later, what have we accomplished?

In short, everything and nothing. We began this movement to convince the
American public and the world that the official story of 9/11 was a lie,
and that ruling factions within our own government were the real
perpetrators. This we accomplished. Opinion polls conducted over the last
two years show that the majority of Americans believe the US government
was complicit. We bombarded every mainstream and alternative medium

Democracy Now! debate is starting, two on two

Amy Goodman introduced it as a "national exclusive." Yeah, Amy, you should be so proud. To no one's surprise I am sure, she leads with what hit the Pentagon and flight 93.

UPDATE: Video is here:

Video & audio streams and transcript are near the top of this page:

The debate starts somewhere around 10-15 minutes in.

RTP - Public Portuguese TV

Hi everyone, my first entry in this blog is just to say that here in Portugal there was ONLY one media to question the 911 story, it was the public television, RTP , they showed us the famous documentary, Loose Change.

Radio Indymedia doing 9/11 TRUTH all day tomorrow

In honor of the thousands who died on 9/11/01, and the many thousands more who died in the wars that have been conducted since, RadioActive sanDiego will play audio related to 9/11. Including lectures by David Ray Griffin, Michel Chossudovsky, John Judge, and Ralph Shoenman, interviews with Fred Burks, Nafeez Ahmed, and James Fetzer, as well as audio collected at the D.C. Truth Emergence, and the Chicago 9/11 Truth conference.

to listen, go to
in san diego our stream is rebroadcasted on 106.9 FM

Also, see my latest show, where I have on "San Diegans for 9/11 Truth"

A LOT of articles about 911 conspiracies ...

Is American Democracy Too Feeble To Deal With 9/11?

By Paul Craig Roberts, September 10, 2006

Under the title:
Debunking 9/11 -- It's time to finally put the conspiracy theories to rest.
by Sonny Bunch
the prestigious magazine
lets Philip Zelikow tells us about conspiracy theories:
"Our worry is when things become infectious, as happened with the [John F. Kennedy] assassination. Then this stuff can be deeply corrosive to public understanding."

... Loose Change is filled with utter horseshit.
LOOSE BRAINS 09.11.06 By Devin Faraci
... a movie that serves as a meticulous piece of propaganda for stupidity...

The EVER SO INFORMATIVE with a very readable
Five years since 9/11: A political balance sheet

What is known about the events of 9/11?

The so-called 9/11 Commission was nothing more than a cynical and mendacious exercise in politically-expedient cover-up, organized with the more or less explicit purpose of blocking a real criminal investigation and preventing the discovery of evidence that 1) linked the 9/11 terrorists to US intelligence agencies, and 2) exposed criminal complicity on the part of elements within the state in facilitating and abetting the success of the 9/11 conspiracy.

Details on Usage of Recent Donations

I just wanted to say a very very big thank you for all of the generous donations we have received over the last month. We received approximately $1700 in donations and from running blogads, so here are some details as to how it was spent for those interested.

3ft X 20ft banner shipped to NYC - ~$400
8 - 1 week long blogads - $1300

Here are the sites where the new ad will be showing:
Brad Blog - not yet running
This Modern World
The Smirking Chimp
Outside the Beltway
Political Wire
Drudge Retort (not Report)

And here is an example of what the new ad looks like:

This ad should be seen by about 1.7 million people over the next week, and all of this was done by people chipping in. Thank you so much!

What about Oklahoma truthers?

Are there any Oklahomans who are 9/11 truthers on here? I am living in norman going to OU. Just wondering what everyone is doing for 9/11/06?


Measure up your theories against this clever write-up.

Shooting down the best of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Updated Sun. Sep. 10 2006 1:49 PM ET

Michael Stittle, News

The first strike was a surprise, but when the second jetliner struck the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, dozens of cameras recorded the explosion. The world's major news organizations, alerted after the first plane hit, watched carefully. But in the chaos it was difficult to make sense of the attack, or even know that an attack had occurred.

Details emerged slowly. Structural engineers and other experts started investigating how the towers fell, until conjecture became fact: fuel heated the buildings' steel support columns, weakening the beams until the floors sagged and collapsed.

Yet five years after the terrible event, some believe there is more to the story -- that the official version of events is wrong. Just days before the anniversary, Steven Jones, a professor of physics at Brigham Young University in Utah, was suspended on paid leave because he argued explosives brought down the towers.

Conspiracy theories, many accusing the United States government of orchestrating the attacks, grew in popularity. A documentary called Loose Change, collecting these theories and stating them as the truth, became a underground hit on Google's online video website and


Once again, Hip Hop makes it's presence felt on the political front. Check this video entitled BUST BUSH.

BTW, where the hell is Chuck D and Public Enemy when you need them? Hey yo Chuck, put down the Air America mic Son, and speak truth to power like you used to!!!

Yeaahhhhhh boooyyyyyeeeeee!!!

A Quick Review of Some Online Polls


So much for Bush and his "political capital". The only mandate he can muster will have to be with Jeff Gannon!

NSA intercepts of hijackers' calls – update

I noticed this passage in the One Percent Doctrine by Ron Suskind (pp. 93-94). It is further evidence that the NSA intercepted some of the hijackers' calls to/from the US before 9/11:

“FBI investigators had been interviewing [FBI agent] Coleman and others throughout the winter, seeking context on several key NSA dispatches that had been discovered in the days after 9/11. Most notable among them were calls NSA had collected in 2000 from San Diego to a number in Yemen. The Yemen number was for the daughter of a man who, Coleman told investigators, “was the uncle of half the violent jihadists we knew of in the country.” This was the number—so familiar to Coleman from his work prosecuting al Qaeda that he knew it by heart—the 9/11 hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar had called while he hid out in San Diego. In fact, Coleman and other FBI al Qaeda specialists had even placed an order with the NSA back in 1998—that any calls between the Yemen line and the US be passed to the bureau—that the NSA didn't fill. “For us,” Coleman said, “anyone who called the Yemen number is white-hot, a top suspect.”

Hattip: PT

I have some comments:
(1) If you hadn't already heard, the NSA intercepted some of the hijackers' calls.

Are there any Utah truthers out there?

I live in Provo, UT--Brigham Young University's home town--and wonder how many of us there are out here who support Dr. Jones and the 9/11 truth movement in general.

Has anyone been actively meeting as a group? Would you like to? If so, contact me ( and let's get something started. Spencer Morgan (in Salt Lake City) can also be contacted at

Why The Media Embraced '911 Truth' By Henry Makow PhD

Makow writes this as an imaginary meeting of the international bankers with Edward Bernays, father of modern psyops.

"At the risk of sounding optimistic, the mainstream coverage of the 9-11 Truth Movement may be a sign that we will not have an Iran attack and another false-flag terrorist event soon. I think the bankers are scared that they are losing control of the American mind. Dubya has been very useful to them but it's time for him to take the rap and go.

The only danger is that he and Cheney will do something desperate to hold on to power. Without the cooperation of the media, they can't succeed. Their term ends in two years anyway. I think they'll take their money and exit gracefully." -- Makow

Why The Media
Embraced '911 Truth'
By Henry Makow PhD

Why The Media Embraced '911 Truth'
By Henry Makow PhD

Last week TIME Magazine and "The Washington Post" ran almost balanced and sympathetic stories about "the 9-11 Truth Movement."

These publications define reality for millions of unsuspecting Americans. Why would they legitimize a conspiracy view that implicates their owners, the Illuminati central bankers? Why would they publicize discrepancies that they have been covering up for five years?