July 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Let Us Mobilize

Here's a new message from Webster Tarpley . . .

Let us mobilize to organize the biggest audience ever by an incessant and sustained intervention in radio and television call-in talk shows, by blast emails, by direct personal contact alerts, by public signs, leaflets, and by every other means at our disposal.

Let us overwhelm Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Jerry Doyle, Glenn Beck, and the other fascist parrots of the airwaves with the announcement of the Tuesday broadcast. Let us
confront Ed Shultz and the other Air America gatekeepers with reality of the Tuesday show. Please do the same in the rest of the world.


(The following activism appeal was sent in by the owner of False Flag News.com [site currently being updated] and enthusiastically endorsed by Webster Tarpley. Tune in to KPFK this afternoon around 12:30pm Pacific time for a live demo.)

Nag the Neocons-Grab the Gatekeepers: Radio Mass Mobilization For The 9-11 Roundtable on C-SPAN TUE 6:10PM EDT

What if you could stop the next false-flag terror attack and the descent into World War III?

On Tuesday August 1, C-SPAN will re-air the 9-11 Roundtable discussion at 6:10 pm EDT. This is an opportunity we cannot squander, because it may be our best opportunity to expose millions of Americans to the truth about September 11 as a new world war approaches. Anyone who likes to be considered a real 9-11 truth activist must flood the radio stations over the next two days with one point in mind: alerting listeners to the 9-11 conference Tuesday at 6:10 PM on C-SPAN.

Urge UN Members to Watch C-Span Aug. 1st

In addition to the Talk Radio Mass Mobilization discussed above (an excellent campaign), Nila Sagadevan sent me the following invitation to contact the UN. (Sorry for the long post, but this has not been posted anywhere else on the web). Personally, I don't recommend stressing Chavez -- whatever you think of him, the U.S. has basically declared him an enemy.

BELOW YOU'LL FIND A MESSAGE AND THE EMAILS OF THE ENTIRE UNITED NATIONS PERMANENTE MISSIONS FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD. Please A) Send the below message to them, and B) forward this entire email action on to all your contacts, urging them

Fliers for the Tuesday's CSPAN broadcast

Matt from 9eleven.info was kind enough to send these in. If you want to promote Tuesday night's C-Span broadcast in your community, these are a great way to do so:

1 Page Flyer
2 Page Flyer

These flyers are also available here: 9eleven.info

Also, Cynthia McKinney is on C-Span tonight at 7:30 EDT:

Antidote to error is debate

A hit piece on Barrett, but look at the last paragraph where he suggests that debate, rather than Kevin's dismissal, is the best way of silencing him. Isn't that what Kevin, Charlie Sheen, and everyone else wants? To be debated on the facts?

The author of this article seems to be a big proponent of debate and the Truth, feel free to test him on this. His email address is: schapman@tribune.com:


Houston Radio show about 9/11 on Wednesday

ChrisB writes:

Wednesday I'm hosting a 9/11 show here in Houston on KPFT 90.1 from 12-1(CST). If your in the area Call in and give us your thoughts/opinions.

I'm going to have Richard Andrew Grove on talking about 9/11. One of our strategies is going to ask the listener what they think about, oh, wtc 7 and other smoking guns. This way we can see how many know about such things while at the same time informing those who don't know.

Call in Wednesday at 713-526-5738.

9/11 Revisited on TV

Can anyone in the Seattle area confirm this?

Monday, July 31st at 9 PM Pacific, on cable Channel 77/29 in Seattle, SCAN TV -- and world-wide on the web at the newly-revamped SCAN website http://scantv.org.

The 'All-Ways Pursuing Truth' show will be featuring the powerful evidentiary video "9/11 REVISITED".

We Want the Media to Investigate 9/11

A online demonstration to the sleeping media, add your name to the list.


Thanks to Henk for the submission.

Massive Weekend Grab Bag and Open Thread

With all that is going on I decided to throw all of these submissions into a grab bag. As you can see we need some translations, let us know if you can help. Don't forget that the CSPAN L.A. panel coverage is rerunning Tuesday at 6PM EST. Also, I added new links to submit articles to digg, del.icio.us, and other social networking sites, please test it out with this thread and see if they work properly. On a personal note, I need the hookup on a place to stay in NYC 9/8-9/12, if you can help out please let me know.

Morgan Reynolds video download

This no-frills Digital Video is a basic recording of Morgan Reynolds' July 22, 2006 appearance at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas, TX. Reynolds covers a host of anomalies, and sketches out what a legal pursuit of the 9/11 perps would look like. Remember, Carl Person wants to pursue this legal challenge as New York State's Attorney General. Help him out on the ground if you are in NY. (Video includes 15-20 minutes of Q&A at the end with some interesting dialogue.)