December 2006

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9/11 Accountability Strategies and Solutions Conference

Strategies and Solutions Conference | February 23-25, 2007
Crowne Plaza San Marcos | Chandler, Arizona

The information is overwhelming. Accountability must be demanded! Join us for the 9/11 Accountability Conference focusing on Strategies and Solutions to hold those responsible . . . Accountable!

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9/11 Accountability Strategies and Solutions Conference

Strategies and Solutions Conference | February 23-25, 2007
Crowne Plaza San Marcos | Chandler, Arizona

The information is overwhelming. Accountability must be demanded! Join us for the 9/11 Accountability Conference focusing on Strategies and Solutions to hold those responsible . . . Accountable!

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An idea

.......The guy who has offered one million to prove the collapse of WTC#1 & WTC2
How about flying the families of the victims to video a clip saying WE WANT ANSWERS,and put it on google.
Would love to see O'rielly & Hannity bash that one!

Juicy qoutes from nist man Dr. Sunder about building 7 in New York Magazine
From march 2006 New York Magazine

NIST did have "some preliminary hypotheses" on 7 WTC, Dr. Sunder said. "We are studying the horizontal movement east to west, internal to the structure, on the fifth to seventh floors." Then Dr. Sunder paused. "But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."

6 years later they dont even know. Look at this site its also got quotes from a swiss structural engineer that its a CD. This info belongs in Loose Change final cut.

Widening Our Scope...

I have been following the movement for quite a while now; I would hazard a guess at around three years of researching. Over this period of time I have seen the amount of support grow exponentially. This is down to both the anomalies present, so well pointed out by the movement, and also the techniques employed by the activists themselves in spreading the word.

Over time we have become more innovative and resourceful, and we have had to be, as we do not have sufficient funding available to get across the information through the normal means (i.e. T.V, Radio – commercial of course, but only due to the fact they have substantially more viewers/listeners) So we have made use of the web: The last place where true freedom of speech exists, unless you live in China and the rest of the renegade nations.

We have been prolific in making use of websites such as youtube, googlevideo, blogs and also in making personal websites addressing the inconsistencies of the official version. As I have said, I am proud of how far we have come; however, more does need to be done.

Clarification On CCU Protest

My name is Brother Raymond and I have been a 9/11 and anti-war activist for many years. In late November my University, Colorado Christian University, escorted me out of the classroom claiming I had broken an online policy. In reality, moments before Elliott Nesch and I had been standing outside on a public sidewalk protesting the Schools refusal to allow me access to the student body to hand out information surrounding our activism. I have been attending this school for many years and was eight classes from graduation. For the past two semesters the administration had attempted to silence my voice.
I had been working with my dean to allow a forum which we were calling “9/11 to Iraq a Christian response”. The level of interest toward what we were doing was growing and I feel being a supporter of the military industrial complex the administration could not allow us to counter the propaganda they had been indoctrinating these kids with. They had already threatened to expel or arrest me if I came on Campus with signs or handing out information. They refused to post any posters to raise support for our upcoming action, where we will be walking from Denver to Washington to raise 9/11 awareness and protest the Christian support of the war in Iraq, saying they were too political, yet they had posters recruiting for the military. I was reprimanded for stapling a pamphlet over a recruiting poster (Without asking permission, God forbid) which expressed the hypocrisy of the school.

Tampa Tribune Covers Tampa Bay 9/11 Truth Meetup Group

The 9/11 'Conspiracy' -

CLEARWATER - It is a Thursday evening, an ordinary night.

From the community room of Panera Bread, the westerly flow of commuters can be seen heading into the sunset on busy Ulmerton Road.

Gathered here are a dozen or so like-minded souls from the Tampa Bay 9/11 Truth Meetup Group.

They share a common belief: The official story of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, is absolutely false.

"We're the Minutemen!" says retired nurse Jeanne Lucsynski of Wesley Chapel, who is sitting at a corner table with her laptop.

A 9/11 Truth meeting can sound like a cross between "The X Files" and an American history lesson.

Members are convinced that the U.S. government, or global elitists, felled the World Trade Center and used Arab hijackers as decoys. They want to speak out, like patriots of the American Revolution.

Lucsynski calls it the Internet Tea Party. This time, King George is in the White House.

OK, say they're crazy.

But Americans love a good conspiracy theory, a Scripps Howard-Ohio University poll released in August confirms.

The poll showed that an astounding 36 percent - one in three - believe it is "very likely" or "somewhat likely" the U.S. government had something to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and allowed them to happen so the United States could go to war in the Middle East.

And 16 percent of the 1,010 adults surveyed in the national poll said "yes" when asked if they believed secret explosives - not jets - took down the Twin Towers.

The suspicions have gained enough popularity to rival conspiracy theories claiming the government was involved in John F. Kennedy's assassination or that it has hidden the existence of space aliens.

Click the link above for the full article.

Thanks Mia for the heads up!

Time Ignores Readers Choice of Hugo Chavez as Person of the Year!

It seems they'd rather give it to "you" instead of the person chosen by well over a third of Time readers.

Not a word as to why Time would ignore the clear winner of its readers poll. Hmmmm, I wonder if it could have anything to do with Hugo's stance on 9/11 truth?

Sirius Left To Discuss How 9/11 Skeptics Damage 'legitimate skepticism of the government'

Liberal Talk Radio -

Is 9/11 Paranoia Bad For The Country?
Tomorrow 5:00 pm ET
The Nation contributer Christopher Hayes will talk about 9/11 conspiracy theories-- and the trouble such paranoia causes to legitimate skepticism of the government and its behavior (especially this particular administration).

You can find 'Sirius Left' on channel 146 on Sirius radio. The exact date of the show isn't stated, so keep an eye out today and tomorrow.

Thanks Kleetus for the heads up!

Cheney "Resisted Testifying Before The 9/11 Commission Until The Bitter End"

He resisted, and then only agreed to testify with Bush at his side, and "not under oath and there was to be no recording made of the session nor a stenographer in the room." The "White House has said there will not be a transcript of the session" even though the family members believed they "were entitled to" it. Not to defend Clinton or Gore, but at least they agreed to appear "separately before the panel, and their sessions were recorded." - Jon

Cheney Should Testify Before Congress
The Nation: If VP Can Talk In Libby Trial, He Should Do So On Capitol The Hill As Well


John Nichols
Dec. 21, 2006

Vice President Dick Cheney should get used to testifying under oath.

It is expected that he will start talking soon, as part of a self-serving effort to defend a former aide. But once the vice president is done giving that testimony, how hard would it be for him to head over to Capitol Hill and respond to all the questions that members of Congress have been preparing to ask?

It was revealed Tuesday that Cheney will be called to testify on behalf of his former chief of staff, I. Scooter Libby.