July 2009

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

Guns and Butter Interview with Paul Zarembka - The Hidden History of 9/11 (7/22/09)


Guns and Butter - July 22, 2009 Paul Zarembka - The Hidden History of 9-11

The Hidden History of 9-11

By Paul Zarembka

How much insider trading occurred in the days leading up to 9/11? How compromised is the evidence against alleged hijackers because of serious authentication problems with a key Dulles Airport videotape? To what extent does the testimony of more than five hundred firefighters differ from official reports of what happened at the World Trade Center buildings that day? How inseparably connected are Western covert operations to al-Qaeda? How is Islamophobia used to sustain US imperialism?

Paul Zarembka is a professor of economics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Since 1977, he has been the general editor for Research in Political Economy. He has authored Toward a Theory of Economic Development, edited Frontiers in Econometrics, and co-edited Essays in Modern Capital Theory.

**Audio at link ~ http://informationclearinghouse.info/article23122.htm

On Scientific Expertise versus Psychological Denial and the "Big Lie"

And a good subtitle for this blog entry might be "And On Sincere Denial versus Paid Agents."

At the AIA convention in DC last week, the reaction from architects was, for the most part, overwhelmingly positive. But I thought it might be enlightening to share my experience of a couple exceptions.

It is staggering how much propaganda, fear of the sinister, and the psychological power of "the big lie" can trump over reason and intellect. I will give several examples of this phenomenon from the AIA Convention in DC last week.

On Thursday, the day after the booth was taken down, there were individual seminars and presentations in some of the smaller conference rooms at the DC Convention Center. AE911truth occupied one such room where the 30 minute version of Blueprint for Truth was played every hour, on the hour, followed by questions and answers.

During the last hour, which I attended, we heard a question which seems inexplicable for someone with the scientific expertise. This woman, and I don't think she was an agent, was, like Richard Gage, an architect and registered member of the AIA.

Her question:

Youtube of Richard Gage on Russia Today, Washington DC AIA Conference

I don't think we've been treated to a YouTube version of this interview and event, so here it is; let's make this as viral as the Good Morning Fresno appearance.

Strong Partners Against Terrorism by Eric Holder & Jane Napolitano

I'm posting this piece here for posterity and to keep note of some continuing reports that I have come across about the issue sharing of information between intelligence agencies or lack thereof. There's another similar report posted further down on my blog from CNN. This piece was originally entitled "What we learned from the 9/11 Report." It should be titled "What we HAVE NOT Learned from the 9/11 Report" if you are going to state in it that the problem still persists. Is this the report I'll be reading when the next 9/11 hits? After reading your article, it is painfully obvious to me what you haven't learned from the report. However, ignorance will not be bliss in this case.

original link here:
by Eric Holder & Jane Napolitano

Was Delta 1989 Part of a Live-Fly Hijacking Exercise on 9/11?

It has been widely reported that on September 11, 2001, four passenger aircraft were hijacked, and three of them subsequently hit their intended targets in New York and Washington. Less well known is that, during the two hours over which the 9/11 attacks occurred, air traffic controllers and military personnel had to devote significant time to a fifth plane that was incorrectly reported as hijacked. This aircraft was, in the words of one military official, "the first red herring of the day." [1]

The aircraft was Delta Air Lines Flight 1989, a Boeing 767 that had taken off from Boston. From around 9:30 a.m., it was repeatedly suspected of having been hijacked. Even though subsequent events had indicated the aircraft was fine, a police SWAT team and FBI agents were sent out to it after it made an emergency landing in Cleveland, Ohio, and it was not until about two hours after the plane landed that all its passengers had been allowed off.

Sept. 11 * CIA-Vaccine

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .”

- Robin Cook
Former British Foreign Secretary

Flyby News - www.FlybyNews.com
Editor - Jonathan Mark - July 21, 2009 -
Sept. 11 * CIA-Vaccine * Peltier * Moon

1) 9/11 Cover-up by three U.S. Presidents
- - Coalition for a new official probe of 9/11
- - Treason reported to Judge
- - Rob Balsamo, Pilots for 9/11 Truth a
- - The September Eleventh Advocates
- - 9/11 Mass Murder By 3 U.S. Presidents
2) CIA Assassinations & Depopulation
- - Immunity for swine flu vaccine makers
- - Flu Oddities CLG Breaking News
- - OxySilver – A New Way to Fight Disease
3) Leonard Peltier Parole for July 28, 2009
4) Moon landing tapes got erased

Dr. Peter Dale Scott Endorses NYCCAN

I am writing to endorse the www.nyccan.org initiative. It is shocking that one of the greatest mass murders in the history of the United States has not yet received an adequate investigation. The limitations and shortcomings of the 9/11 Commission have now been widely recognized, and even its two chairmen have acknowledged that the commission was "set up to fail." Meanwhile this country continues to live under major legal and even constitutional changes flowing from an event which we still do not not adequately understand. It is not too much to say that the future of America as an open society will depend in large part on whether it can find the political will to determine what happened on that fateful day.

Peter Dale Scott

The Boiling Frogs Presents James Bamford

James Bamford discusses the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program, the ties between NSA and the nation’s telecommunications companies including the Israeli companies involved in intercepting highly sensitive communications for the U.S. government, the agency’s failings pre-9/11 and the relevant information blackout by the 9/11 Commission, the US mainstream media, President Obama’s ‘no change’ so far, and more.

Here is our guest James Bamford unplugged!

Listen to the show.

For those who want to subscribe to the show in “itunes”, here is the subscription URL:


Time Magazine: 9/11 Truth lumped in with "The Reptilian Elite" and "Holocaust Revisionism".

Time magazine has lumped 9/11 Truth in with other enduring "enduring conspiracy theories" such as "The Reptilian Elite" and "Holocaust Revisionism".


9/14: Senator Joe Biden interviewed about meeting with head of Pakistani ISI

Senator Joe Biden interviewed on CBS, September 14th, 2001 at 7:09am, regarding his meeting with the Pakistani ISI chief the day before.