January 2010

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

AE911Truth Debates Explosive Expert: Richard Gage, AIA vs. Ron Craig -


Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth, and Ron Craig, explosives and Hollywood special effects expert locked horns in their second live radio debate in two years. The exchange was hosted by Richard Syrett of The Conspiracy Show. LISTEN TO THE DEBATE NOW.

While no data is available yet for listenership numbers, we do know that the show could be heard from Thunderbay Ontario to the Carolinas....from Maine to Minnesota, NYC, Chicago, Washington and all points in between. Also, the program is offered as a podcast, so it will be available on iTunes as a download. It's the most downloaded show on the radio station – Zoomer Radio from Ontario. The show will also be broadcast on TV - www.theconspiracyshow.com

President Obama, the CIA and the Master of the Cover-Up Melvin A. Goodman, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed 11 January 2010


President Obama, the CIA and the Master of the Cover-Up

Monday 11 January 2010

by: Melvin A. Goodman, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

Former Deputy CIA Director John Edward McLaughlin. (Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: CIA)

The Obama administration quietly announced Friday the appointment of John McLaughlin, former deputy CIA director, to head the internal investigation of the intelligence failures that led to the Christmas Day attempted bombing of a Delta airliner headed for Detroit as well as the events leading to the shootings at Fort Hood in November.

With this appointment, President Barack Obama has assured that the culture of intelligence cover-up will continue. McLaughlin has participated in and sought to cover-up many of the CIA's most egregious failures and misdeeds of the past decade. When he left the CIA, he then served as the agency's chief apologist.

Christopher Hitchens goes after Gore Vidal over 9/11 in latest issue of Vanity Fair

Vidal Loco - by Christopher Hitchens (February edition of Vanity Fair)

"What has happened to Gore Vidal, the witty, tough-minded subversive of American letters, the 20th century’s only possible answer to Oscar Wilde? After 9/11, the author laments, Vidal’s writings took a graceless lurch toward the crackpot, surpassing even the wilder-eyed efforts of Michael Moore and Oliver Stone, and providing a miserable coda to his brilliant run."

Full verbose and rubbish filled article here:

9/11 and Twitter: Do not underestimate!

I don't know for certain if it's appropriate to use 911Blogger for adding my own advertisement for 9/11 on Twitter. In that case I just wait the response. But I do know that Twitter is an ideal vehicle to bring proportionate messages to a broad audience. W911 brings daily 9/11 news, aiming at a critical non-biased audience.


My request to 911Blogger, which messages are widely spread by W911 on Twitter, to add an extra section to the 911Blogger website with some choices for good valid Twitterfeeds on 9/11. This will stimulate visitors to follow these messages and provide the particular accounts with more followers.

The very hard part about Twitter is the circumstance that we have to deal with a network that's visible for every participant. That's both the strong and the weak part of Twitter, concerning our efforts to spread consciousness about 9/11. Because of the dubious suspicion of unpatriotic behavior, brought by mainstream media when criticizing the official account of 9/11, many users of Twitter do not feel comfortable to follow a 9/11 news feed, even if the information is basically fulfilling their interests.

Your Government Appointees at Work

From http://www.opednews.com/articles/YOUR-GOVERNMENT-APPOINTEES-by-Marc-Estrin-100110-292.html :

Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/YOUR-GOVERNMENT-APPOINTEES-by-Marc-Estrin-100110-292.html

January 10, 2010

Your Government Appointees at Work

By Marc Estrin

Cass Sunstein is President Obama's Harvard Law School friend, and recently appointed Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

In a recent scholarly article, he and coauthor Adrian Vermeule take up the question of "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures". (J. Political Philosophy, 7 (2009), 202-227). This is a man with the president's ear. This is a man who would process information and regulate things. What does he here propose?

Sarah Palin believed Saddam was behind 9/11, says new book

Book 'Game Change' portrays Sarah Palin as unstable ignoramus who believed Saddam was behind 9/11
BY Helen Kennedy
Monday, January 11th 2010, 4:33 AM

The gossipy new campaign book that has the political world buzzing portrays Sarah Palin not just as an ignoramus who believed Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 but also as possibly mentally unstable.

"Game Change," the 2008 deconstruction, says the stress of vaulting onto the national stage caused Palin to have wild mood swings.

"One minute, Palin would be her perky self; the next she would fall into a strange blue funk," the authors write.

The morning of her ill-fated CBS interview with Katie Couric, Palin - "her eyes glassy and dead" - was unresponsive to attempts to prep her as she was being made up.

"As they were about to set off to meet Couric, Palin announced 'I hate this makeup' - smearing it off her face, messing up her hair, complaining she looked fat," the book relates.

Family of Secrets


Bonnie Faulkner hits broadcasting pay dirt (the dirt part is truly dirty) with this highly
disturbing series of Bush dynastic revelations from author Russ Baker, speaking about his new book,
Family of Secrets.


From the program notes, you wouldn't perceive just how disturbing the information is.

"Guns and Butter - "Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty"

"Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty" with investigative reporter and author, Russ Baker. The Bush family's extensive ties to intelligence; the Kennedy assassination; Nixon and Watergate; W's rise to power. Russ Baker is the author of Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces That Put It In the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America."

Flight 253 passenger says there is more to this story.

Everyone should read this account of Kurt Haskell. Haskell not only says that he saw Abdulmutallab get help in Amsterdam, but that another man was arrested at Detroit Metro airport, after which all of the Flight 253 passengers were hustled away from the area since the man posed some imminent danger.


"Today is the second worst day of my life after 12-25-09. Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans. Let me explain.

Jesse Ventura Episode 6: Manchurian Candidates

Once again, an episode which is worth posting here because the subject of Manchurian Candidates is extremely interconnected to black ops, psyops, assassinations, and the secret world of terror that our clandestine agencies orchestrate.

As with all the other Ventura episodes, this one seems to be 95% good, credible info mixed in with the 5% which appears to discredit. The show proves beyond a shadow of doubt that military-based mind control is a very real thing, and interviews people who have been involved with the so-called "MK Ultra" black ops in addition to showing us screenshots of the declassified CIA MK Ultra documents.

So what's the 5% disinfo? Our good ol' friend General Albert Stubblebine, talking about how it's possible to stare at a goat and explode its heart. Jesse asks what is the evidence for this; Stubblebine says "I've been shown a few examples" but then refuses to comment further. (Roll eyes)

Other than that, a very enlightening episode indeed!

Another Western Intelligence Sponsored Massacre

The United States is now after the oil in Cabinda, Anglola.

The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) takes credit for killing three Togo soccer team members. Only a Western Intelligence proxy "freedom fighter" group would attack a convoy of soccer players!


Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief DNotice.org
Washington, DC