The 9/11 Truth Movement: An Incomplete History 3

This will be the final film in this series. I want to thank everyone who made the history needed in order to make these VERY incomplete films.


Panel blames White House, not soldiers, for abuse

Where was this committee when they were torturing prisoners at Abu Gharib... but it's about time somebody laid some some blame at Bush's feet.

From the AP:
By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – The physical and mental abuse of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was the direct result of Bush administration detention policies and should not be dismissed as the work of bad guards or interrogators, according to a bipartisan Senate report released Thursday.

The Senate Armed Services Committee report concludes that harsh interrogation techniques used by the CIA and the U.S. military were directly adapted from the training techniques used to prepare special forces personnel to resist interrogation by enemies that torture and abuse prisoners. The techniques included forced nudity, painful stress positions, sleep deprivation, and until 2003, waterboarding, a form of simulated drowning.

Air Force Directive In Effect On 9/11 For American Air Defense Included Monitoring American Air Space

Despite what The 9/11 Commission Report claims, NORAD at no point in its existence "define[d] its job as defending against external attacks" only. As the 1 April 2000 Air Force Instruction 13-1AD, Volumn 3 on Air Defense Command and Control Operations states in Chapter 3.1, under Mission, "The First Air Force Commander (1 AF/CC), in his role as the CONUS NORAD Region Commander, provides CINCNORAD/Commander US Element NORAD with TW/AA, surveillance and control of the airspace of the United States and appropriate response against air attack."

All three missions tasked NORAD in 1958 were fully operational on September 11, 2001 as affirmed in Chapter 3.2.4. of the 1 April 2000 Air Force instruction, "Operational control of the three SAOCs and all forces available for air sovereignty, air defense and atmospheric attack warning."

Amongst other instructions to be followed, the Air Force instruction outlines procedures to be followed by units/elements of the Air Combat Command (ACC) Air Defense System (ADS) of the United States, and was current on September 11, 2001. The instruction remains current to date.

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Operation Northwoods Exposed

Starring Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and James Bamford.

Note: The official "Operation Northwoods" document was originally obtained by George Washington University's National Security Archive through the Freedom of Information Act and can be viewed online here:

English subtitles. France2 reporting on 911 truth movement+Richard Gage's visit to Paris Nov 2008

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

great thanks to Jean-Paul ( ) who has put on the english subtitles in the France2 video mentioning the Richard Gage's visit to Paris last November. Jean-Paul warns me that he is not a professional translator and there are certainly some errors. But he has done his best so that the english community can understand what is being said. Thanks again Jean-Paul.



The 9/11 Truth Movement: An Incomplete History 2

As I mentioned in the comments of Part I, "I told someone today that if I were to make a 10 minute movie about everything that I've done, and a 10 minute movie about everything that person has done, there would still be 50-60% of everything we've done left out of both movies. Now imagine trying to make a 10 minute video of everything the entire movement has done." The reason I made these was to give the people some indication of just how much we've done, and how little attention we've gotten.


LM Native's Movie Thriller Conjures Up a 9-11 Conspiracy By Richard Ilgenfritz Main Line Times, Bryn Mawr, PA

(Note: Sander Hicks, author of "The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle Blowers, and the Cover-up" will be speaking after the 9:11pm Able Danger showing in Wayne on Thursday, December 18th upstairs at the Freehouse Restaurant & Pub, around the corner from the movie theater.)

Posted on Wed, Dec 3, 2008

LM native's movie thriller conjures up a 9-11 conspiracy
By Richard Ilgenfritz

BRYN MAWR – Growing up in Merion, Dave Herman says he sometimes thought about making films.Now, the 1986 Lower Merion High School grad is about to bring his first feature film back to the hometown crowd as his Able Danger debuts in Bryn Mawr and Wayne over the next couple of weeks.

"I'm looking forward to it," Herman says of returning to the Main Line for his film's release.

The movie's title comes from a real government data-mining program called Able Danger that began in the late 1990s. The program reportedly was designed to track the finances of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization. However, a large amount of the data was destroyed in the months leading up to the 9-11 attacks.

The Obama-Biden Transition wants to hear from you.

(The Obama transition team has taken a hint from the website, and now has an official page dedicated to gathering input from Americans: "Use our 'Open for Questions' tool to ask a question about a policy or issue that's important to you." Ok, then. Maybe this will be a better experience than the privately-run "". Only one way to find out... -rep.)

Via Talking Points Memo;

Obama Team Rolls Out New Web Site That Takes Questions From Public
By Greg Sargent and Eric Kleefeld - December 10, 2008, 1:38PM

This is pretty interesting: An Obama aide points out to us that the Obama transition team has just rolled out an innovative new feature on its Web site, hoping to carry through on the President-elect's campaign promises of greater government transparency.

It's a page entitled "Open For Questions," in which anyone can submit questions to the transition and, subsequently, to the administration.

The rub, though, is this: The public is able to vote on how much they'd like certain queries to be a priority, and the voting tally is visible -- which means it'll be tougher for the Obama team to not answer questions that participants clearly want answered.

Role of Alleged CIA Asset in Mumbai Attacks Being Downplayed

Role of Alleged CIA Asset in Mumbai Attacks Being Downplayed

by Jeremy R. Hammond / December 10th, 2008

Recent press reports on developments with regard to last month’s attacks in Mumbai, India indicate the role of Dawood Ibrahim, a wanted crime boss, terrorist, and drug trafficker, is being downplayed, possibly the result of a deal taking place behind the scenes between the governments of the US, Pakistan, and India, to have others involved in the Mumbai attacks turned over while quietly diverting attention from a man who some say could reveal embarrassing secrets about the CIA’s involvement in criminal enterprises.

The role in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last month of an underworld kingpin that heads an organization known as D-Company, has known ties to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and who is alleged to have ties with the CIA is apparently being whitewashed, suggesting that his capture and handover to India might prove inconvenient for either the ISI or the CIA, or both.

Keith Olbermann nails Bush on legacy including My Pet Goat, Air Quality & Rescue Workers, Anthrax, and 9/11.

Countdown: Comment on the Bush Legacy

Includes Commentary on:
- My Pet Goat
- Air Quality at Ground Zero
- Health of Rescue Workers
- Bin Laden Family Fleeing Country
- Opposed 9/11 Commission
- Anthrax Attacks Unresolved

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