AE911Truth Supporters Inform Occupy Movement | Outreach with WTC Evidence Yields Warm Reception with Positive Results

Written by AE911Truth Staff

David Long and this Ottawa AE911Truth Action Group occupy the Canadian Parliament Grounds

The 10th anniversary of 9/11 was an excellent occasion to educate the public with the explosive evidence exposed by AE911Truth. Now, the “Occupy Wall Street” protests nationwide have provided a new opportunity to educate the public about the WTC skyscraper demolitions, and AE911Truth supporters and volunteers have already made an impact.

9/11 Truth activists have courteously reached out to demonstrators at local “Occupy” events in a variety of ways, including displaying the AE911Truth banner, wearing 9/11 truth T-shirts, and handing out our street brochures.

At the “Occupy San Francisco” protest, AE911Truth was treated warmly by the local organizers, and generated a lot of positive attention from the 100 to 150 people in attendance.

Colorado911Visibility informs the public about the science behind 9/11 as they occupy NIST Laboratories in Boulder, CO . The National Institute of Standards and Technology authored the WTC 1,2, & 7 reports which most readers have determined to be a cover-up.

Even though the protesters had a variety of political and social beliefs, many came over to take literature and offer support.

“We were excited how many demonstrators were so passionate about the 9/11 truth literature” said AE911Truth volunteer Tabitha S. “There seems to be a common thread among the gatherers to find truth and to demand accountability across numerous issues – that turn out to be intricately related. Many indicated also that they would be visiting website and that they would indeed sign the petition.”

Russ Baker Discusses 9/11 Commission Report, Usama Bin Laden Death and more

Nor Cal Truth

Russ Baker visited the California coastal community of Point Reyes on 9/29/11.

Russ is the author of Family of Secrets – The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces That Put it in The White House, and What Their Influence Means for America.

After discussing some very interesting details and facts presented in his book, Russ was able to answer some questions from the audience.

Questions ranged from journalism in the 21st century and hackers, to Saudi connections to 9/11 and how Commissions, including the 9/11 Commission ”never, ever get to the bottom of anything“. Watch the video above for more.

Russ is creating a media platform at:


The Pacifica Radio ''Twin Towers Debate'' on 9/11/2011

by Ron Brookman, S.E.

Thank you to Mickey Huff and KPFA radio for hosting the Twin Towers debate on the tenth anniversary of September 11. Richard Gage and Niels Harrit described hard evidence for the controlled-demolition hypothesis; Dave Thomas and Richard Muller promoted the fire-induced collapse hypothesis. Listen to the entire debate at

Richard Gage, AIA is a San Francisco Bay Area architect and founder of AE911Truth—a nonprofit organization with over 1,600 professional architects and engineers plus over 13,000 others who are calling for a science-based investigation of the destruction of the three high-rise buildings.1

Dr. Niels Harrit, associate professor emeritus of chemistry from the University of Copenhagen, has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals including ''Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe."2

Occupy Phoenix Joined by AE911Truth Action Group

The Phoenix AE911Truth Action Group joins Occupy Phoenix campaign. This was sent to me by Pam Senzee of Phoenix, AZ. She leads an AE911Truth Action Group there and I'm posting this on her behalf. She has two AE911Truth banners and a slew of brochures and info cards that the group is distributing en masse. They are in it for the duration.

Chicago Tribune: Science in anthrax letter case comes under attack

Bruce E. Ivins, the chief suspect in the 2001 anthrax mailings, committed suicide before the FBI could present its case in court. Years later, some suspicions remain over results of the inquiry.

By David Willman, Washington Bureau
October 16, 2011

WASHINGTON — FBI Agent Edward Montooth began worrying the moment he got the call early on the morning of July 27, 2008: The chief suspect in the deadly anthrax letter attacks of 2001 had just been rushed to a hospital.

The leader of the FBI investigation knew that if Army microbiologist Bruce E. Ivins died, the opportunity to present the case against him in a courtroom would be lost. Conspiracy theories and speculation, he feared, could well overshadow the evidence.

"They better save [him]," Montooth snapped to a colleague as he hung up the phone.

In previous weeks, Ivins had been warned by his lawyer that he faced an indictment, and the possibility of the death penalty, in connection with the attacks, which killed five people, injured or hospitalized 17 others and helped spur significant changes in national security policies. Ivins died two days after he arrived at the hospital, minutes from his home, in Frederick, Md.

More than three years after Ivins' suicide, Montooth has retired from the FBI, but his earlier concern — that the lack of a trial could fuel suspicions about the government's case — remains valid. Over the last week alone, media reports have questioned anew the evidence against Ivins, while suggesting that the anthrax attacks may have been committed by unidentified wrongdoers.

One account came from three scientists — long critical of the FBI — whose questions were the subject of a story in the New York Times. Another came from the nonprofit group ProPublica, the PBS documentary unit Frontline and McClatchy Newspapers. The coverage highlighted the lingering antagonism toward the FBI among some of Ivins' colleagues at the Army's biowarfare research center at Ft. Detrick, Md.

Who Ya Gonna Believe: Would You Buy A Used Iran Terror Plot From The Man? By Russ Baker on Oct 14, 2011

Who Ya Gonna Believe: Would You Buy A Used Iran Terror Plot From The Man?
By Russ Baker on Oct 14, 2011

Leave it to the US military-industrial complex to create sympathy for Iran.

The recent allegation that Iran is behind a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States on US soil has been met with considerable skepticism—even by the usually docile US corporate media. Not only are folks skeptical, but they’re also feeling bad for Iran, given the real possibility that Iran is the victim of character assassination.

Quds Force II - The Storyline Repeats Itself

By Michael Collins

(Washington, DC) A faction of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard called the Quds Force (QF) is center stage in the War on Terror for the second time in five years. In 2007, President George W. Bush hauled out the group of middle and upper level Iranian government officials as a rationale for military action against Iran. The decisive shutdown of the Bush effort marks a critical turning point in recent history and will be discussed later in the article.

QF II began last Tuesday when FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder unified the terror storyline between the rabid neoconservatives of the Bush era and the low key loyalists to the national security state in the Obama administration.

Insiders voice doubts about CIA’s 9/11 story: Former FBI agents say the agency's bin Laden unit misled them about two hijackers

Source, w/ hyperlinks:

Friday, Oct 14, 2011 8:00 AM EST
Insiders voice doubts about CIA’s 9/11 story
Former FBI agents say the agency's bin Laden unit misled them about two hijackers
By Rory O'Connor and Ray Nowosielski

A growing number of former government insiders — all responsible officials who served in a number of federal posts — are now on record as doubting ex-CIA director George Tenet’s account of events leading up to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. Among them are several special agents of the FBI, the former counterterrorism head in the Clinton and Bush administrations, and the chairman of the 9/11 Commission, who told us the CIA chief had been “obviously not forthcoming” in his testimony and had misled the commissioners.

These doubts about the CIA first emerged among a group of 9/11 victims’ families whose struggle to force the government to investigate the causes of the attacks, we chronicled in our 2006 documentary film “Press for Truth.” At that time, we thought we were done with the subject. But tantalizing information unearthed by the 9/11 Commission’s final report and spotted by the families (Chapter 6, footnote 44) raised a question too important to be put aside: