Abby Martin of Media Roots on Citizen Journalism at SFSU

Abby Martin, Founder of Media Roots, speaks about citizen journalism at San Francisco State University on March 13, 2012 for the 'Media Literacy: Corporate Propaganda & Advocating Independent Journalism' Project Censored event.


Media Roots Radio - OWS: Police State Repression, Unification, Censorship, Citizen Journalism

Media Roots Radio - OWS: Police State Repression, Unification; Media Censorship, Citizen Journalism by Media Roots

MEDIA ROOTSAbby & Robbie Martin cover Occupy Wall Street: the police state repression against the First Amendment, the Democratic Party's attempt to co-opt the movement, the Obama administration's hypocrisy to praise revolution abroad and censor it at home, the fact that the Tea Party and OWS are fighting two heads of the same beast, the "Black Bloc" provocateurs and their attempt to discredit peaceful movements; media censorship and the fact that news anchors are repeaters, not reporters; the two-tiered justice system catered toward the elite; citizen journalism and its role in allowing participation and unification in the global revolution.

Corbett Report Radio: Occupy Building 7 with Ted Walter

Corbett Report Radio features Ted Walter of OccupyBuilding7.org, the latest idea from the Remember Building 7 campaign for raising awareness about WTC7, the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11/2001. ( Only covers Occupy Building 7 section. For full radio report: http://www.corbettreport.com/corbett-report-radio-011-occupy-building-7-with-... )

Related Info:

Post at 911debunkers.blogspot.com demonstrating that responses from a prominent "debunker" to the evidence pages at RememberBuilding7 are very misleading and false.

Stand with OWS Today, Occupy Building 7 This Weekend.

AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Monthly Newsletter | November 2011

Oakland PD Standoff & Brutal Assault on Occupy Oakland

Abby Martin of Media Roots captured the extremely tense moments of the Oakland PD's standoff with the Occupy Wall Street protestors before the brutal crackdown occurred.

Things came to a head around 7:45 pm when the Oakland PD started throwing smoke bombs and tear gas canisters into the crowd completely unprovoked. This is what a police state looks like!

Contact Oakland Mayor Jean Quan here: http://www.oaklandnet.com/contactmayor.asp

Occupy Oakland Police Following Brutal Raid: 'Just Following Orders'

Abby Martin of Media Roots went out to cover the immediate aftermath of the brutal police raid of Occupy Oakland at 6:20 am on October 25, 2011.

500+ Oakland PD used tear gas, rubber bullets and completely leveled two encampments of peaceful protestors practicing civil disobedience. 90+ protestors were then arrested.

Contact the Mayor Jean Quan here: http://www.oaklandnet.com/contactmayor.asp


Encourage Occupy Wall Street to Demand a Real 9/11 Investigation | Only Two Days Left – Vote Now!

Hot News/Information/Events     •     October 18, 2011

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Encourage Occupy Wall Street
to Demand a Real 9/11 Investigation
Only Two Days Left – Vote Now!

Please act now and join 9/11 Truth advocates around the world by voting before 10/21/11 to include a real 9/11 investigation as one of the demands of Occupy Wall Street:


The 9/11 Truth community is passionate, dedicated and persistent. The issues we bring to the table will greatly enhance the Occupy Wall Street movement. Please act now with your vote.

Regardless of the political opinions of Occupy Wall Street, the massive media attention that this diverse group has received over last few weeks can help propel the calls for an independent 9/11 investigation into the mainstream press.

To be listed as an official demand of Occupy Wall Street, a demand needs to have over 67% “Yes” votes at the time of the voting deadline. The demand for a new 9/11 investigation has been on the official choice list for several weeks, but approval has dropped from 80% down to 74%, with only 5,000 votes cast. In order to increase the margin of safety and guarantee approval, we need supporters of AE911Truth to let their voices be heard and vote “Yes” on this proposal before the October 21 deadline.

Please vote yes if you haven’t already, and forward to all 9/11 truth supporters and groups that you know:


Thank you!
Richard Gage, AIA
Founder, CEO AE911Truth