
Transforming Health-care and Criminal Justice

Affordable universal health-care and more can be achieved by first recognizing the importance of a not-for-profit health-care system. This way we are all headed in the same direction, towards getting healthier. But granted, any new program at this critical juncture will require many dollars to work. However, the solution can get bigger than the problem when transforming multiple industries at once.

The U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations. In 2008 the International Herald Tribune documented that - "The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.

DJ Ball: Letter of response to Glenn Beck read by Jack Blood

Radio host Jack Blood read a letter by We Are Change Vancouver's DJ Ball to Glenn Beck. The letter is a response to Glenn Beck's unsubstantiated lies he spread on Fox News.

Something in the air? Video of Sydney Truth Action 11th of June.

Thanks to Maria Polydor for this excellent short film!

Get out on the 11th of every month!

Stay focused and on topic, we can win if we keep it together...

Regards John Bursill

David Corn and Mother Jones jump on the Von Brunn 9/11 bandwagon

Crime and Justice

Von Brunn's Anti-Semitic Conspiracies: from 9/11 to Google

By David Corn | Thu June 11, 2009 9:55 AM PST

James von Brunn, the white supremacist arrested for the murder of a security guard at the Holocaust Museum, held numerous extremist views, as has been widely reported.

He maintained that 9/11 was the product of a Jewish conspiracy. In one posting, he claimed that only one Jewish person was killed at the World Trade Center--even though the "WTC was the nexus for international Jew trade, located in the largest Jew city in the world." He added, "It is revealing that 3 Jews laughing with glee, pointing at the exploding WTC, were caught by a neighbor on video-tape."

Like many anti-Semitics, von Brunn believed Jews controlled the world financial system, and he used the traditional data points and rhetoric of such hate-mongers: "From this cess-pool of Jews and traitors came the FTAA which in 1994, with Congressional blessings, changed its name to WTO (World Trade Organization)."

Glenn Beck's not the only one - Prepare for an onslaught

The pathology that is the 9/11 "truth" movement

Following the terrorist murder of a security guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. this week by a white supremacist, anti-Semite and 9/11 "Truther" I was curious to hear how the most prominent of the 9/11 "Truthers," Alex Jones, would try to explain it away. It turns out I shouldn't have wasted my time. The explanation he gave to Coast-to-Coast AM host George Noory was absolutely predictable, defiant of reason and exasperating, in complete harmony with both Jones past pronouncements and the 9/11 "Truth" movement since its inception.

9/11 Truth comes home; Pols back new investigation

9/11 Truth comes home; Pols back new investigation

By Frank Morales

It’s spring 2009 in New York City and an unannounced U.S. government plane streaks across town. Recollecting the horrors of 9/11, the incident scares the heebie-jeebies out of the citizenry. Meanwhile, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, while attending an April 18 “Tour of the Battenkill” annual bicycle race in Cambridge, N.Y., responds to a question regarding efforts here to establish a new 9/11 investigation. Lending his qualified support to such an inquiry, he says that he’s positively disposed toward a new investigation into the events of 9/11, though his support for such a probe would depend on the form it would take. “I think it’s not a bad idea,” he said. “You know, you’ve got to do it in a good way, but, yes, I’d be for it.”

Barrie Zwicker interviews MI5 whistleblower Annie Machon at University of Waterloo

Presented by the University of Waterloo 9/11 Research Group
Hagey Hall Humanities Theatre
May 31st, 2009

Glen Beck and the Absurd

Robert Brunner |

Wasting no time exploiting tragedy and exercising the absurd, Glenn Beck claims “early reports” are that Holocaust Museum shooter James Von Brunn is a hero to the 9/11 truth movement.

Appearing with Beck is “former CIA Operative” Mike Baker. Baker is now CEO of Dilligence LLC, a company with contracts in Iraq, clients like the World Bank and ties to the now defunct Bush administration.

Baker also serves as a partner at Classified Trash, a film and television production company.

One might begin to wonder if Baker is along for more than just the ride and reinforcement of propaganda. One might wonder the outright influence Baker has on Becks show or even Fox News as a whole.

"Grandparents for 9/11 Truth", "Working Parents for 9/11 Truth" and "Soccer Moms for 9/11 Truth"

Given the false claim being made that people who question 9/11 are terrorists (and see this), I encourage people to form groups that show how mainstream questioning the government's version of 9/11 really is.

For example, I encourage people to form groups such as:

Air America brings in Richard Ben-Veniste to push back against 9/11 Truth

Some time ago I signed up for Air America (I can't remember why now) and I receive their email spam called THE WIRE which I generally glance at briefly before putting in my hacks/shills folder.

This is what was at the top of the email for today, Thursday, June 11th:

Richard Ben-Veniste Addresses The 9-11 Truth Movement (VIDEO)

He was part of the commission charged with finding out the truth about 9-11. So what does Richard Ben-Veniste think about accusations that 9-11 was an inside job? Also, what's his take on Dick Cheney's latest media blitz?

(I hope I get the embed right!)

CIA: Bin Laden still believed to be in Pakistan

WASHINGTON — CIA Director Leon Panetta says he believes Osama bin Laden is still in Pakistan. The spy agency hopes to close in on the al-Qaida leader as Pakistan's military cracks down on the tribal area where he is thought to be hiding.

Panetta told reporters after a speech on Capitol Hill that finding bin Laden remains one of the CIA's top priorities. He said he hopes that the combination of increased CIA activity and the Pakistani military offensive will give the United States a better chance of nabbing him.

Panetta said in his speech that the CIA has increased the number of officers and agents in Pakistan who are providing targeting and other information to attack the al-Qaida network there.

France Declares Three Strikes Unconstitutional

Source: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), June 10th, 2009
Commentary by Danny O'Brien

Before legislation becomes law in France, it must pass the muster of the Conseil Constitutionnel: a group of jurists who determine whether each new law is consistent with the principles and rules of France's constitution.

For the passage of Sarkozy's unpopular "three strikes" HADOPI legislation, the approval of the Conseil was the final hurdle to cross. If the council had approved the law, rightsholders in France would have been able to cast French citizens off the Internet with no judicial oversight, simply by alleging to the new HADOPI administrative body that they were repeat copyright infringers. These citizens would then have their names added to a national Internet blacklist for up to a year, and ISPs would be subject to financial penalties if they gave these exiles access to the Internet.

Aide to Czech President: "There exists a real possibility that September 11 was really organised by U.S. secret services"

Klaus aide: 9/11 attacks likely not by Islamists
11 June 2009

Prague, June 10 (CTK) - Petr Hajek, a close aide to Czech President Vaclav Klaus and Klaus's former spokesman, views as realistic the possibility that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the USA were organised by U.S. secret services, not Islamist radicals, daily Mlada fronta Dnes (MfD) writes Wednesday.

"There exists a real possibility that September 11 was really organised by U.S. secret services," MfD quotes Hajek as saying in his new book of essays.

Hajek does not give any evidence to support his assertion.

On September 11, 2001, Islamist radicals hijacked four planes with passengers. They crashed with two into the WTO center towers in New York and with one into the Pentagon building in Washington.

The fourth plane crashed before reaching the target, after several passengers put up resistance to the hijackers.

The attacks claimed several thousands of lives.

Citing Hajek's book, MfD writes that he believes that Al-Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden is nothing but a media fiction.

Holocaust Museum attack, post-Tiller: Does DU think we need another Patriot Act to Protect Us?

(This is not a call for another Patriot Act by DU user, Land Shark. He makes his view clear here. He makes some good points, and this is thoughtful reading along with GW's blog entry below. -rep.)

"If we call Tiller's murder and these other acts domestic terrorism, aren't we inviting the anti-terrorism gun to be pointed at the heads of all Americans, with officials "connecting the dots" and pre-emptively arresting, harassing or spying on people because they FEAR someone might possibly do something because their political rhetoric is passionate or heated?"

Holocaust Museum attack, post-Tiller: Does DU think we need another Patriot Act to Protect Us?

The murder of Dr. Tiller.

The attack on the military recruiters.

White supremacist apparently the one who opened fire at the Holocaust Museum today.

(Post more recent news if you like...)