
Facebook Group "9/11 Truth Movement" just cracked 28,000 members!

A few months ago, when I noticed this group for the first time, it had about 23,000 members. Now, I check in, and it has 28,004 members!

To participate on the discussion forums or write on the group wall, you have to be a member of the group.

While I'm sure that some people joined the group to oppose us on the forum (the JREF type), I would bet that of those 28,000 members, probably only a few dozen, maybe a hundred at most, joined for that purpose, whether amateur or paid.

Now granted, those that would try to deny the continuing growth of the movement would point out how puny 28K is with some other groups. Granted, the groups "Fans of Michael Jordan" and "American Idol" have hundreds of thousands of members, but such is the human condition as one which pours more passion into popular culture than trying to create a better world.

I think this FB group is a testament to the continued growth of the 9/11 truth movement.

I guess I could have waited til the number reached 30,000 but I've been itching to create this entry for some time. ;-)

Flight 11 Picked Up South of WTC By NEADS Controllers at 8:47

I was going back through the NEADS tapes we released in 2007 and discovered something a little strange ...

DRM1 DAT2 Channel 4 ID Op

08:46:15: New York told me to hold on, you heard that, right?

08:46:36: Come on New York. (Dooley again) You know what, you know what, let's
get a tail number off of for American 11. (Roundtree) Call Boston, American 11 tail
number. (Dooley) Tell them we need the tail number of the aircraft, (male voice)
American one one. (Roundtree to New York) Yes it is, (right now he's primary only.)
Do you have Mode 3 or anything? Or a location? (Fm not showing anything, no.) Lat
Ion? (Hold on, I'll get a lat lon.) Good.


08:47:05: (Dooley?) We're going to get an updated lat Ion now. (to background
question) We called Boston his filed one [Mode 3] was 1443, but he's not working that,
he's primary only, we're getting an updated lat Ion position. (I'm showing 40 39 North.)
40 39 North. (74 03 West) 74 03 West.

08:47:35: End of HUNTRESS call to NY AMIS


If you input that Lat/Long into Google Maps ...

Jesse Ventura Educates The Young Turks about 911

The whole video is pretty good. The 911 issue comes up at the 18:00 mark.

Richard Gage - Mainstream

Richard Gage is our biggest weapon....promoting any mainstream attention either past or future is nothing but good.

Here is more mainstream of Richard Gage in California

Here is the clip of the FOX host waking up to 9/11 truth live on air

Here is the radio ad promoting Richard's coast to coast appearance I'm running for the my store
Visit the store online or in person 685 McPhillips, Winnipeg, Canada is back up and running and it will be redesigned soon

Law Review: Critical Juncture For 9/11 Lawsuit Against Saudis

I refer you to Fact #35. - Jon


By Chris Mondics
Inquirer Staff Writer

At the moment the north tower of the World Trade Center collapsed at 10:28 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, Sharon Premoli was scrambling up an escalator from the below-ground concourse toward the street with dozens of other office workers in a desperate bid to escape.

She looked behind her and saw two things that are burned forever in her memory: A human chain of evacuees riding the escalator and a boiling cloud of dust and debris racing toward them.

The force of that swirling storm picked her up and threw her into nearby storefront. After she awoke, she said, she soon realized she was lying on the lifeless body of a man and that she was covered with his blood.

Mexico's Shock Doctrine

"About 1,500 suspicious fatalities were reported, mostly poor people with little access to the health system, but only 80 were confirmed swine flu deaths - 10,000 Mexicans die of various flu strains each year. During April and May, more Mexicans probably died of the AK-47 flu i.e. the victims of on going drug war violence, than they did from swine flu."


Upon returning to Mexico City after 100 days in Gringolandia dealing with a personal health crisis, I was met at the door of the downtown hotel where I have bedded down for the past quarter century by a uniformed security guard in jackboots and blue surgical mask who insisted upon smearing my palm with a goopy hand sanitizer as a precaution against the much-hyped swine flu.

Open Letter to Rachel Maddow on Obama, Brzezinski and 9/11 Conspiracy

Hyperlinks here:

Ms. Maddow,

I saw the bit on MSNBC with your guest Brzezinski:

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams "Conspiratorial View" Of History While Highlighting 50's Iran Overthrow

Perhaps you haven't examined the official myth about 9/11, i.e. that it was accomplished solely by Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Given that Obama made a claim and didn't back it up with any facts- while admitting that elements in the US and Britain conspired to overthrow Mossadegh a half century ago- it's kind of a misnomer to say he "debunked" "9/11 conspiracists". And given the many lies told by Bush Administration principals about 9/11, and given the 9/11 Commission's failure to conduct a full and honest investigation- who's to say what really happened on 9/11?

The 9/11 Commission ignored 70% of the 9/11 families' questions

And your employer, MSNBC, published a report that says 25% of the 9/11 Commission Report, including the sections most relevant to linking 9/11 to al Qaeda and Bin Laden, was based on testimony obtained by torture:

WeAreChangeParis has interviewed media persons on the Bilderberg group please do transcript.

Herblay FRANCE
bonsoir ,
just up to now I have never seen on 911blogger a blog entry on WeAreChangeParis
For you who understand French, you will appreciate the good work of WeAreChangeParis. The following video is very important as it is the first real video in France which asks popular media persons on the Bilderberg group etc.

Is there any one on this who can write up a transcript in english of the interviews. Later, if asked I will try to write up who are the people being interviewed with their title, political party, importance etc.

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

Declares American people “skewed” for questioning government

Steve Watson
Monday, June 8, 2009

During a discussion with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow last Friday, Trilateral Commission co-founder and top Obama advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke of those who question the official version of events on 9/11 in the same context as those who deny the holocaust.

WeAreChangeLA confronts 9/11 criminal 'General' Richard Myers

On May 20, 2009, General Richard Myers was at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California to give a talk and a book signing. Bruno Bruhwiler and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA were there to call into question the 'General's' credibility when it came to talking about 9/11 and threats to the nation. Watch the following 3 videos, created by Paul Wittenberger, to see what happened. All I'll tell you for now is that towards the end of his speech, Myers said, "I'm sorry about the disturbance. If I had anything to do with causing that, I apologize." Well, I guess you could consider that the small step of a criminal towards owning up to and doing penance for his participation in treason, mass murder and war crimes.

Part 1

WeAreChangeLA questions CFR President and Bush/Obama man Richard Haas on "Wars of Agenda," Building 7 and the CFR's 'big ideas'

On May 18, 2009, Richard Haas was at the war criminal Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California to expound upon the 'big ideas' of foreign policy. Although Haas insists, wherever he goes, that US foreign policy is driven by "big ideas" and not by the small-minded, destructive agendas of conspiratorial cartels and international crime syndicates posing as think tanks, intelligence agencies and transnational corporations, it remains difficult to actually find any ideas among the mountains of Haas' ahistorical, incoherent and amoral pablum. WeAreChangeLA showed up to clarify matters with Haas. Stewart Howe broke down Haas' Grandest Concept, that there are very crucial differences between the mass murder known as "War of Choice" and the mass murder known as "War of Necessity," by pointing out that the term "Wars of Agenda" cleared this deceptive dichotomy up once and for all. Bob Sherman asked Haas how he could praise the 9/11 Commission Report when it failed to deal with World Trade Center Building 7. Haas claimed to not know about WTC 7 and said he would research it. Other folks got involved with very precise questions that Haas decided to answer by avoiding altogether or answer ahistorically and deceptively. Later on, outside, Howe continued the questioning till Haas had to scurry away. To think that the current occupant 'running' the White House uses this man's language to describe matters of war and peace is quite disturbing. And when this thought is combined with the President's recently-aired rejection of history, morality and the laws of the physical universe under the guise of the 'facts' that 'Al-Qaeda claimed to do 9/11,' the intellectual honesty and/or moral fortitude of the current front running out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. appears to be almost on par with the previous sock puppet crew. Luckily, the questioners showed that the American peoples' intelligence and moral acuity is not well represented by one Richard Haas, his 'boss' and their 'big ideas.'

Part 1

Mos Def on 9/11: "I'm a New Yorker and it just doesn't feel right."

A frequent firecracker on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher, Mos Def doesn't duck soapboxes. He carps with wit and invective about pet issues from post-Katrina New Orleans ("It's unconscionable for that reality to persist") to conspiracy theories labeling 9/11 an inside job ("I'm a New Yorker and it just doesn't feel right").

Read the whole article here.

Project Censored- Nominate a Story

Nominate a Story

such as this one:
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
pp.7-31 (25) Authors: Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen
doi: 10.2174/1874412500902010007

Some of the most important stories Project Censored evaluates are sent to us as nominations from a worldwide community of concerned citizens. These stories are forwarded from websites, or clipped from small circulation periodicals or back pages of regional newspapers. If you see a story and wonder why it hasn’t been covered by mainstream media, we encourage you to send it to us as a Project Censored nomination.