
Mockingbird agenda at Daily Kos

Markos Moulitsas, founder of the Net's leading liberal website in terms of traffic and political influence, Daily Kos, has a rather curious and odd background for a leader of the Left—one that might explain his official policy of banning any Diarist who posts information or opinion dissenting from the 9/11 Commission's unraveling myth about the attacks.

Markos served in the U.S. Army from 1989 to 1992, where he was a staunch Reagan Republican, campaigning for George H.W. Bush. It was the "near miss" of being sent to Gulf War I that sparked his political conversion, he says. He hails from a wealthy El Salvadorian family, one of whose members was Minister of Education with the notorious junta during the civil war.

In a speech to the Commonwealth Club in 2006, Kos admitted to interviewing with the CIA for a 6-month period after a time of "underemployment." His statements there betray either a stunning ignorance, or sneaking sympathy with the CIA's long history of democratic subversion and support of rightist dictatorships abroad, including the one that sponsored death squads in his former homeland:

Take Action June 11

Join us in action in your community on June 11 2009

International Actions of May 11 2009:

Full reports at HERE

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

25e Onze Bouge Herblay FRANCE 25th every 11th of the month action

Herblay FRANCE

bonsoir ,
I was a bit worrried about doing a "Onze Bouge" "11th of every month" action on election day because here in France you have to be careful not to distribute a political flyer that can influence the election result. However it went very well even though I was a bit alone.

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Contact Your Local PBS Stations, And Ask Them To Play 9/11: Press For Truth

As most of you know, Colorado 9-11 Visibility and KBDI 12 recently showed 9/11: Press For Truth, and it was HUGELY successful. KBDI received a tremendous amount of praise for showing this important documentary.

Let your local PBS stations know about this successful event, and recommend to them to also show 9/11: Press For Truth.

You can find your local PBS station here:

With any luck, other stations will mirror what KBDI has done. I have little doubt that it will receive the same amount of praise wherever it's shown.

KDBI 12 Fund-Raiser

Thank you to Jason Charles for making this video, and congratulations to everyone at Colorado 9-11 Visibility for this hugely successful event. Hopefully this will cause other PBS stations to pick this up. As someone who had something to do with 9/11: Press For Truth, this was a real treat. Thank you.

Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalties Without Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters Would Be the Ultimate Obstruction of Justice

The tin-pot dictator will not let the media talk to the American prisoner captured when his plane crashed.

The dictator says that the prisoner confessed to a horrible murder, and has pleaded guilty.

And so - the dictator announces - there will be no trial, just a death sentence. Indeed, the prisoner is Christian, and the dictator says that the prisoner has asked for martyrdom according to his religious beliefs.

Would the rest of the world believe this is fair?

Of course not. Moreover, world opinion would assume that the prisoner might very well be innocent of the murder charges, especially if it comes out that any confessions were made during extreme torture.

This is exactly the situation we have currently with the prisoners at Guantanamo.

As the New York Times reports:

ABLE DANGER film now at AMAZON Video on Demand $2.99

ABLE DANGER film now at AMAZON Video on Demand $2.99

I have not seen it yet.


AE911Truth on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory – 11pm to 1am Tues 6/9/09

Join us on the nationally syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM with George Noory! Millions of Americans listen to this show. We’ve been waiting for this call for a while now. George wants to spend the full 2 hours delving into AE911Truth and the physical evidence of the destruction of the 3 WTC high-rise towers. We hope you can all join us!

Be sure to check out the new ''AE911Truth Companion DVD''. It has the 10 minute, 30 minute, and 60 minute abridged versions.

Could the 4 hijacked planes have had an automated message system like flight AF447 which disappeared this week ?

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

with the disappearing of the aeroplane AF 447 this week I have just learned that there was an automated message system on the plane sending flight parameters information to the Air France headquarters.

Can any pilot reading this tell me if the four hijacked planes on the 11th of September 2001 send automated messages in the same way to the company headquarters. If it is the case what can we learn for 911 ?



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The Binary Fallacy and the End of Both Parties

The Binary Fallacy and

The End of Both Parties

Michael Collins

(Wash., DC) The results of eight years of Bush-Cheney at the helm make the demise of the Republican Party an easy call. Our financial system is on life support. The major banks are insolvent, according to banking and legal authority William K. Black. If they're not, they're in intensive care. No matter how many trillions of dollars worth of infusions they receive, they're not making loans. The economy is in a free fall with growth down 6% a quarter and job losses running at nearly 600,000 a month. We're stuck in two catastrophic wars. Despite President Obama's election, we're viewed with suspicion and disregard throughout the world.

Dick Uncut: "Daily Show" Calls Out Cheney For Blaming 9/11 On Richard Clarke (VIDEO)

Text posted in full for posterity- follow the links for video of DailyShow at HuffPo link, and link to ThinkProgress, which has one of their rare good articles, taking apart Cheney's comments- with video of Cheney- direct link to ThinkProgress below:

At a recent appearance at the National Press Club, Dick Cheney blamed Richard Clarke for leaving the nation vulnerable to attack ahead of 9/11 saying, "He obviously missed it." Cheney was referring to the threat from al Qaeda which Clarke had emphatically warned the administration about several times before the fall of 2001.

Jon Stewart was not pleased with Dick Cheney for these accusations, nor the members of the National Press Club who failed to challenge him about the assertion. In a segment called "Dick Uncut," Stewart used dark humor to take both the former Vice President and the media to task for the events leading up to 9/11 through the waterboarding of detainees. It simultaneously makes you laugh and want to punch a whole through the wall.

Direct to ThinkProgress:

Cheney Blames Richard Clarke For 9/11: ‘He Missed It’

Obama in Cairo: A New Face for Imperialism By Patrick Martin June 05, 2009

Obama in Cairo: A New Face for Imperialism

By Patrick Martin

June 05, 2009 "WSW" -- -The speech delivered by US President Barack Obama in Cairo yesterday was riddled with contradictions. He declared his opposition to the “killing of innocent men, women, and children,” but defended the ongoing US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the US proxy war in Pakistan, while remaining silent on the most recent Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. These wars have killed at least one million Iraqis and tens of thousands in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Palestinian territories.

Obama Weighs Plan Allowing 9/11 Suspects to Plead Guilty Brennan Linsley AP NYTimes

Obama Weighs Plan Allowing 9/11 Suspects to Plead Guilty
Brennan Linsley/Associated Press

American troops at the Guantánamo detention center, where detainees facing the death penalty could plead guilty without a full trial under a change the Obama administration is considering.

The provision could permit military prosecutors to avoid airing the details of brutal interrogation techniques. It could also allow the five detainees who have been charged with the Sept. 11 attacks to achieve their stated goal of pleading guilty to gain what they have called martyrdom.

The proposal, in a draft of legislation that would be submitted to Congress, has not been publicly disclosed. It was circulated to officials under restrictions requiring secrecy. People who have read or been briefed on it said it had been presented to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates by an administration task force on detention.

Paul Thompson Appears On The Randi Rhodes Show 9/12/2006 To Destroy ABC's "The Path To 9/11"

Click Here

In this thread, I made the comment, "When ABC's "Path to 9/11" came out, it was about the same time PFT (9/11: Press For Truth) came out. Guess which one the media decided to focus on (even though the families presented it at the National PRESS club on 9/11/2006). I also remember that around that time is when Ann Coulter started to speak out against the "Jersey Girls." Coincidence? Who knows?

I no longer have the clip, and I can't find it on the web, but there is a Randi Rhodes show with Paul Thompson where he completely destroys "Path to 9/11."

Well, I found the clip on my computer. I have edited it out the commercials. Enjoy.