
Last Minute Idea for Action on June 11th - TODAY!

Need a good idea for an action today?

Glenn Beck's Common Sense Comedy Tour's last night is TONIGHT JUNE 11th, just in time to incorporate the tour into your STREET ACTION! God really does have a terrific sense of humor.

I guess this is a rebroadcast of some taped comedy show that is playing out in movie theaters everywhere across the nation.

Quote from website:
Due to popular demand for Glenn Beck's theater events, an ENCORE screening will take place the following Thursday, June 11th. This show will be recorded live on June 4th and is being rebroadcast in select theaters on June 11th so you don't miss out on Glenn Beck's summer 2009 comedy tour.

Anyway, here is a list of cities, theaters and times.

Remember ... be polite :-)

Truth Action. Every 11th Until Justice!

What the Murders of Dr. Tiller and Holocaust Museum Guard Really Mean

I believe that anyone who promotes further murders like Dr. Tiller or the guard at the holocaust museum are guilty of terrorism. As a Muslim blogger wrote about the Tiller murder:

Two men commit murder with the goal of influencing government policy in the United States. The crimes occur one day apart. Both are religiously motivated. The Muslim is charged with terrorism. The Christian is not.

On the other hand, anyone who tries to label the maniacs who committed the murders as "right wingers" is painting with too wide a brush.

The murders - and the prevention of potential future attacks - are part of an important law enforcement issue. But just as it was insane to invade Iraq based upon a false linkage with 9/11, it would be insane to try to label millions of Americans as being dangerous just because they are republicans, or liberals or any other group.

Pentagon won’t name 60 percent of detainees it says returned to terrorism By John Byrne June 10, 2009 RAW STORY
Pentagon won’t name 60 percent of detainees it says returned to terrorism

By John Byrne

Published: June 10, 2009

According to an analysis by a New Jersey law professor, the Pentagon’s recent survey alleging that one in seven Guantanamo Bay prisoners return to terrorism is deeply flawed.

His analysis also reveals the Pentagon has refused to identify 60 percent of the men they claim have returned to terrorism, saying the information is classified.

The latest Pentagon recidivism analysis documents 74 recidivists, but lacks 45 names, adding that of the 29 names given, only half are labeled “confirmed” recidivists. Seton Hall University Professor Mark Denbeaux, who wrote the report, also alleges the analysis includes men who were never held at Guantanamo.

All told, 45 of 74 is 61 percent.

The Defense Department “has issued ‘recidivism’ numbers again, and again they are wrong and make no sense either independently or in comparison with the DoD’s previous numbers, definitions, names or reports,” Denbeaux said in a statement.

Cindy Sheehan - March to Bush's Home in Dallas

On Monday, June 8 2009, North Texans for 9/11 Truth joined Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, The Dallas Peace Center, and other concerned citizens in a march and protest to the home neighborhood of George W Bush in Dallas, Texas. While the sweat poured off the marchers in the late afternoon sun, things also heated up for Bush and his friends.

In this 6 minute video, Cindy Sheehan delivers a powerful speech in front of the street leading to Bush’s home. Some very profound statements are made – points which we all should make note of.

Glenn Beck And Others Are Lying About The 9/11 Truth Movement

Today, sadly, someone went into the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. and started firing. My condolences to everyone that was affected.

Glenn Beck and other individuals are making sure to point out the fact that he was an alleged member of the 9/11 Truth Movement, although I've never heard of the guy so Glenn is lying when he says that he was a hero.

DC Holocaust Museum Shooter and White Supremacist already linked to 9-11 Truth

Not even a few hours old, the media is already attempting to link the White Supremacist that shot up the DC Holocaust Museum to the 9-11 Truth movement.

It has been front paged on the Drudge Report and as a result the site is experiencing heavy traffic and the article is very slow to load, if at all.

It quotes: "James W. von Brunn, the suspect in today’s shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, believed “that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11” according to an online petition he signed.

Von Brunn was the 9,196th person to sign the “Petition of Solidarity” hosted on the website, which claims it is sponsored in part by the organization According to the website over 16,600 people have signed the petition."

see also another news article:

Richard Gage on Coast To Coast AM - 6/9/09

special thanks to YouTube user 'FREETHINKINGUK' for uploading (I just made the playlist). Enjoy...

5 Monkeys

Start with a cage containing 5 monkeys.... this story illustrates how human society keeps doing the same things over and over again because - "that's the way things have always been done around here".

Artwork and Music Produced by Peter Zaza

Special thanks to David Dees for the use of his poster in this video

Diet Soap Podcast with Peter Dale Scott

This week's Diet Soap podcast features an interview with author and scholar Peter Dale Scott about his book “The Road to 9/11″ this week. Peter is well known for investigating what he calls “deep politics.” His website is Also in this episode are the voices of KMO of the C-Realm podcast (reading from CS Lewis’ “Through the Looking Glass”), Michael Parenti, Noam Chomsky, and the members of the SWP.

The Current Battle against State Secrets Privilege: ‘Sanitization’ is not the answer By Sibel Edmonds

Posted in full for posterity; please visit the original and support Sibel Edmonds, and

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Current Battle against State Secrets Privilege: ‘Sanitization’ is not the answer By Sibel Edmonds

During the past few months I have been actively following the latest activity on the state secrets privilege (SSP). First, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this issue of extreme importance to our civil liberties and constitutional rights was finally getting long-over-due and deserved attention from the media. After all, the memories of fighting SSP in the federal courts all the way up to the Supreme Court, holding press conferences together with the ACLU to bring needed media attention to this draconian abuse, making the rounds in Congress to have them address this ‘privilege’ through legislation to restrict its misuse and abuse, are still fresh and vivid for me.

[Patrick] Fitzgerald threatens to sue publisher over book Profile: Patrick Fitzgerald

Jun 9, 6:06 AM EDT

Fitzgerald threatens to sue publisher over book

AP Legal Affairs Writer

CHICAGO (AP) -- The top federal prosecutor in Chicago is threatening to sue publisher HarperCollins, calling a book about the war on terrorism that focuses in part on cases he handled "a deliberate lie masquerading as the truth."

If HarperCollins publishes the new edition of "Triple Cross" by Peter Lance this month "and it defames me or casts me in a false light, HarperCollins will be sued," Patrick Fitzgerald said in a letter to the New York-based company.

The book focuses on, among other things, major terrorism cases that Fitzgerald prosecuted when he was an assistant U.S. attorney in New York in the 1990s.

Its content goes beyond normal criticism, which "goes with the territory" for public figures, Fitzgerald told The Associated Press on Monday.

Jeremy Scahill warns against the growing power of corporate private armies and the "disintegration of the nation stat
Bill Moyers: The Rise of Private Armies -- Mercenaries, Murder and Corruption in Iraq and Afghanistan

By Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal. Posted June 9, 2009.

Journalist Jeremy Scahill warns against the growing power of corporate private armies and the "disintegration of the nation state apparatus."

The following is a transcript from the Bill Moyers Journal on PBS, broadcast on June 5.

There was good news and bad news about Afghanistan this week. And it was the same news.

That's right. The Senate held confirmation hearings for Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal, slated to be the next commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Here's how two different news organizations reported his testimony:

Air France crash killed two prominent illegal arms foes

see also Mike Malloy's piece Collateral Damage?
By John Byrne
June 9, 2009

The puzzling crash of Air France’s Flight 447 killed two of the world’s “most prominent” illegal arms trade and international drug trafficking foes, according to a little-noticed report.

In a revelation sure to fuel conspiracy theories over the plane’s demise, the report reveals that two key figures in the neverending internecine battle against global arms and drug trafficking perished when the plane abruptly fell out of the sky. Both were particularly active in efforts to stem illegal arms trading in Latin America.

A 39-year Argentinian man, Pablo Dreyfus, was said to be a major player in an effort by Brazilian authorities to stop flow of arms to drug gangs in Rio. He was a consultant for Small Arms Survey, a Geneva-based thinktank.

Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance hosts white-separatist racist. Why?

[NOTE: Public access to the post below ( ) was
'disappeared' from Portland Indymedia without having any public viewing. Until June 9, 2009, the only
record of it there had been as a "duplicate" listing in Portland IndyMedia's "compost pile" page
(where undesirable posts end up as either inaccessible 'duplicate' or still-accessible 'compost'
listings, both with associated post numbers, which is how I managed to piece together the above link).
All 'duplicate' listings remain unlinked to their respective posts, even when the posts are
not displayed elsewhere on the site and so are impossible to have 'duplicates' of. Such posts are
rendered unreadable, and such was my poor post's fate. But as of today, even that tiny bit of evidence
was ‘disappeared,’ even though the above link to the post still functions (but for how much longer?).

Such 'disappearances' seem to happen regularly at Portland IndyMedia, as well as at other IndyMedias
around the country. So much for truly 'independent' media, especially regarding such vital subjects as the

9/11 World Trade Center Expert to Give 100th Talk in San Diego Area YAHOO News, PR NEWSWIRE June 9, 09

9/11 World Trade Center Expert to Give 100th Talk in San Diego Area
PR Newswire

Tue Jun 9, 12:57 pm ET


Contact: Dwain Deets of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, +1-760-445-3242,

SAN DIEGO, June 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Saturday, June 13 and Sunday, June 14, 2009, architect Richard Gage, AIA, will give his 100th talk on behalf of more than 640 architects and engineers who cite evidence of explosive demolition as the cause for collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. After careful examination of forensics data inconsistent with the official account, these professionals are calling for a new, independent investigation into the 9/11 atrocities.