
Why the resistance to 9-11 truth? By Carol Wolman OP Ed News

Lots of comments on this one. See Steve lesser get shellacked.


Original Content at

February 17, 2007

Why the resistance to 9-11 truth?

By Carol Wolman

Anyone who has studied 9-11 at all knows it was an inside job.

Bush was not surprised. His brother Marvin's security company closed down one tower the week before and brought in lots of cables and other equipment. The towers, including building 7, were dropped by controlled demolition. The planes provided a dramatic cover story- great pix.

Rumsfeld had control of scrambling planes transferred to himself, exclusively, a few months before, and then disappeared that morning, so no planes intercepted the four hijacked airliners. Instead, there was a "stand-down" of NORAD. By some strange coincidence, a military exercise was being run that am which simulated planes crashing into buildings, so that the air traffic controllers were confused about whether the "attack" was real or part of a drill.

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson: 9/11 conspiracy nuts persist

9-11 Conspiracy Nuts Persist

By Larry Johnson

(bumped up from last night)

I am sure I am opening a can of worms here, but what the hell. The U.S. Government did not plan or execute the attacks on 9-11. Here’s the simple truth–the Bush Administration entered office dismissing terrorism as a significant threat and devoted most of its energies to promoting a ballistic missile defense. They ignored warnings from Richard Clarke and the CIA, Condi Rice demoted Richard Clarke, who had been in charge of coordinating interagency counter terrorism policy, and President Bush waited until September to convene a meeting to sketch the outlines of his Administration’s counter terrorism policy.

Don't Tell Me Who My Heroes Are

Support the families' call for a real investigation by going to and help them with the NYC Ballot Initiative, and call your Reps and tell them to support H.R. 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health & Compensation Act which will help the 9/11 First Responders.

Two Days Before 9/11, Military Exercise Simulated Suicide Hijack Targeting New York

The US military conducted a training exercise in the five days before the September 11 attacks that included simulated aircraft hijackings by terrorists, according to a 9/11 Commission document recently found in the US National Archives. In one of the scenarios, implemented on September 9, terrorists hijacked a London to New York flight, planning to blow it up with explosives over New York.

The undated document, entitled "NORAD EXERCISES Hijack Summary," was part of a series of 9/11 Commission records moved to the National Archives at the start of the year. It was found there and posted to the History Commons site at Scribd by History Commons contributor paxvector in the files of the commission's Team 8, which focused on the failed emergency response on the day of the attacks. The summary appears to have been drafted by one of the commission's staffers, possibly Miles Kara, based on documents submitted by NORAD.

Is 9/11 Truth Growing? Check This Out! 1000's Want 9/11 Questions Meetup Groups Near Them

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,

There are now something like 113 Meetup 9/11 Questions Groups in 90 cities and 5 countries. But did you know there is a Meetup list with 1000 places where people are looking for a 9/11 Questions Meetup Group. They list the first 1000 but there are more according to Meetup because it is so popular. I think its safe to say that we're succeeding in getting the truth out about 9/11 all over the world. Keep up the 9/11 Truth Activism were making a difference and the powers that be know it.

Here's the beginning of the 1000 listed places I found on the Meetup Home Site:

All 9/11 Questions cities
These are overwhelmingly popular around the world, so we've only listed the 1,000 most popular locations.

New York, New York
Dallas, Texas
Austin, Texas
San Diego, California
Chicago, Illinois
Denver, Colorado
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Portland, Oregon
Fort Worth, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Cincinnati, Ohio
Indianapolis, Indiana
Los Angeles, California
San Francisco, California
Houston, Texas
Toronto, Ontario
Seattle, Washington
Atlanta, Georgia
Columbus, Ohio
Kansas City, Missouri

Law and Order SVU season finale features Nick Stahl as deranged artist who believes 9/11 "conspiracies"

I'm sure this episode has no connection to the recent Holocaust museum shootings and trail of yellow journalism that followed, but the season finale of Law and Order SVU featured actor Nick Stahl as Peter Harrison, a deranged artist whose life is transformed by 9/11. I don't have an exact transcript, but at one point in the episode it is noted that Harrison became obsessed with 9/11 conspiracy theories and anti-government ideas.

The relevant dialogue begins around 7:09 of this video.


The Northern Virginia Daily

The holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. stands as a shrine for humanity’s inhumanity to itself. It is a permanent monument of the world’s refusal to hear the pleas of atrocities. Had the world listened to those reporting the mass murder of Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others, there would be no holocaust museum. But it was more comfortable to brush away the unspeakable with denials, and continue a life of privileged consumption. While millions were perishing in concentration camps, and the perpetrators of this war machinery glutted more power, the world pretended it wasn’t happening.
The recent shootings at the museum have created much fodder for the Republican radio mouth pieces, and Israel licked its wounds in front of the world stage. Talk radio propagandists have even insinuated von Brunn was a member of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and a hero to that group.
So far, no word from Kingdom Hall or the gay community; both have a bit more dignity than that. Other holocaust victims have yet to chime in.

New Team Members at 911blogger

(Originally posted: 2009-05-02 13:07:08 +0000)

Please welcome aboard two site users that many of you are familiar with, if you are a regular user of this site;

jkeogh and Orangutan.

Orangutan and jkeogh will help edit the site, and for the time being, Orangutan will be taking the lead on comment moderation, assisted by jkeogh. I will be taking a back seat on comment moderation, to focus more on the review of content for the site.

So please bear with us as we try on different hats, and we'll try to make the rest of your flight comfortable.

Fake Paper tests peer-review process at Bentham Science Publishers

This posting is going to be some bad news. It is relevant due to the fact that the recent successes of the 9-11 truth movement in getting peer-reviewed studies published will be called into question after this sting conducted on Bentham publishing. We need to be prepared for this and have peremptory challenges to this accusation of credibility.This will be grabbed by opponents and used against the works of Dr Steven Jones, Ryan, Harritt, Legge, et al.

Fake paper tests peer review at open-access journal

An executive at the New England Journal of Medicine and a Cornell graduate student who submitted a nonsensical paper to an open-access journal to test its peer review policy say it was accepted without comment.

Kent Anderson, executive director of international business and product development at the New England Journal, and Philip Davis, a PhD student in scientific communications at Cornell, sent a computer-generated manuscript using pseudonyms and the phony affiliation the "Center for Research in Applied Phrenology" to The Open Information Science Journal.

How the spooks took over the news

In his controversial new book, Nick Davies argues that shadowy intelligence agencies are pumping out black propaganda to manipulate public opinion – and that the media simply swallow it wholesale

Onthe morning of 9 February 2004, The New York Times carried an exclusive and alarming story. The paper's Baghdad correspondent, Dexter Filkins, reported that US officials had obtained a 17-page letter, believed to have been written by the notorious terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi to the "inner circle" of al-Qa'ida's leadership, urging them to accept that the best way to beat US forces in Iraq was effectively to start a civil war.

The letter argued that al-Qa'ida, which is a Sunni network, should attack the Shia population of Iraq: "It is the only way to prolong the duration of the fight between the infidels and us. If we succeed in dragging them into a sectarian war, this will awaken the sleepy Sunnis."

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN on June 11, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 pre-order

Show #427
Original airdate: June 11, 2009
Guests: David Ray Griffin
Topic: Trial Update / Assassination Research

Play Part One Interview - David Ray Griffin
# David Ray Griffin's website:
# David talks about his books and the ultimate updating of The New Pearl Harbour
# The New Pearl Harbour: Revisited is a continuation of it's earlier namesake, not a replacement
# Even the chapters are mirrored and designed as an update
# Griffin: "The official story is not only absurd but it is physically impossible"
# The mainstream media has been all but totally blacked out on this book
# A crack in the media shell: Harpers Weekly gives the book a good review
# Fox does it again, using a tragic news story out of context to smear the 9/11 truth movement
# Griffin's new book, 'Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive' is self explanatory in it's title
# David presents evidence that Bin Laden has likely been dead for a very long time
# He presents the argument that most of the recent audios and videos of Bin Laden are fakes

Alternet: What Is Patrick Fitzgerald Trying to Hide from the Public?

What Is Patrick Fitzgerald Trying to Hide from the Public?

By Rory O'Connor, Posted June 12, 2009.

Powerful prosecutor and public figure Patrick Fitzgerald has been waging a chilling private jihad aimed at "killing" a book critical of him.

Okay, so he's one of the "sexiest men alive" -- but what does Patrick Fitzgerald, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago and Special Counsel in the CIA leak case, have against us poor, unsexy journalists? It's bad enough that Fitzie won't answer my questions: ("Rory. I just wanted to get back to you and let you know that I am going to decline to be interviewed. Thank you. Pat") It's worse that he was responsible for the jailing of New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who spent 85 days behind bars. Now comes word that Fitzgerald, who must have too much time on his hands now that Scooter Libby has been freed and Rod Blagojevich indicted, spent much of the last year and a half going after another journalist, Peter Lance, in an attempt to kill a new edition of Lance's investigative book Triple Cross by threatening to sue both the author and his publisher for libel.

Glenn Beck and Daily Kos Attempt to Tie Holocaust Shooting White Supremacist to Freedom Movement by Allison Bricker

Posted in full for posterity; visit the original for hyperlinks, pics and to support this fine writer, who supports the right of the People to free speech and accountable government:

Glenn Beck and Daily Kos Attempt to Tie Holocaust Shooting White Supremacist to Freedom Movement
June 12, 2009 at 1:08 pm
by: Allison Bricker

Editor’s Note:
In the interest of full disclosure, I am not now, nor previously have I been, a member, formally or otherwise of any “9/11 truth” organizations. However, it is difficult for me to understand the animosity towards those requesting a secondary investigation.

Author: Fitzgerald Libel Threat Aimed At Censoring Key 9/11 Tale

I don't agree with Rory's statement that we think "that Mohamed’s intimate relations with the FBI and CIA are proof of government involvement in a 9/11 plot." I see it more as a history lesson of the kind of practices the U.S. Government takes part in. As Peter Dale Scott says, "one of al-Qaeda’s top trainers in terrorism and how to hijack airplanes was an operative for FBI, CIA, and the Army." - Jon

Powerful prosecutor’s efforts to suppress book virtually guarantees elevated sales


Published: June 12, 2009

Peter Lance should be thanking Patrick Fitzgerald right now, even as the attorneys’ checks are being signed.

If it were not for the U.S. Attorney who famously prosecuted I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former Vice President’s Chief of Staff, the re-release of Lance’s stunning tale of mishandled espionage leading up to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, might be overlooked.

The REAL Holocaust Deniers Are Those Who Accept the Government's Version of 9/11

A reader named Patrick made a very insightful comment about the propaganda effort to link 9/11 truth activists with holocaust deniers (edited for readability):